Summer '98
Happy Summer! Mews Meowsketeers!

Summer is here and we're all trying to beat the heat! Here are some tips on how to live life more comfortably. If you would haf a tip you would like to share, a pikshur of yourself enjoying the summer, whether or not you like this season, or whatevfurr you want that follows the summer theme, pleeze send it to me!


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Bosse: This is me at the balcony smelling flowers. I'm like Ferdinand the Bull, you know. I like to sit there and smell the flowers. I haven't experienced any problems with heat yet. This is my first summer, but my sisfur Elsa told me that last summer she had to stay in the shadow because of heat. Otherwise she likes to lay in the sun.

Bosse and flowers
Bosse taking the time out to smell the flowers.

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Henry Von Tudor: I like to lie on the tile part of the floor, on the dresser, and right under the ceiling fans. I really like cooler weather better.

josie: During the summer when it is rilly hot, I like to drink ice cold water. I make mommie put a small ice cube in my water bowl and my water stays nice and cold fur a long time. Plus it makes fur a fun toy. I like to stick my paw inside the dish and move it around. I usually end up splashing water all ovfurr the kitchen floor. This of course drives mommie nuts, which is part of the fun!

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Elizabeth QE2
Elizabeth QE2 in her brand new bathing suit!

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Capitan KittyHawke, Queen Daphine, and Jarod: Our mommy freezes water in milk gallon jugs and leaves it on the floor where we like to nap. If it is super hot, we can lay next to it and chill down. She also turns the waterbed heater off, and it is cool too. If it is Super Hot, she wipes our heads down with a cold wet washcloth (Pffffftttt!) which we don't appreciate much, but our ears cool our blood. We would just as ssssoon ssssleep under the covers, smack up against our purrrsons, no matter how hot it gets!

Ned and Alex: We like to keep cool by laying on mommie's window sills. It keeps us cool when the breeze blows through. But when it's really hot, we get our mommie to turn on the cool air that comes out of the floor. (We think she calls it central air) All we haf to do is lay right beside that to stay real cool!

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Charlie: It just started to feel like summer here! It was still cold even at the beginning of June! Anymew, I really like the summer. I go outside and play in the sun, hunt around (Most of those critters are out in the summer!) But if it gets really hot, I come inside and in the air conditioned house! Or take a long of drink of water. Then, I usually go downstairs, where it's the coolest, and lay under the shade of a bed or chair or something like that.

Charlie & furriends

Charlie and Flame, along wif Dingo and Dakota (the d*gs) all enjoying the summer out on the patio!

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Eric and Ernie: We keep cool when it is very hot by sleeping under the shadiest bush in the garden. Also if our Meowmie has some ice cream, we usually get a little bit as a treat and that is really cool!

Riley and Smokey: Our summer tip is to lay in the bathtub, without the water of course. It stays nice and cool and the round end is just perfect for us kitties to lay in. As soon as our meowmie gets her scanner we will attempt to send a picture of us!

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Pergamond: During summer when the sun comes up early I like to have my morning drink here. I sometimes hope that the birds will be stoopid enuf to come close but they never do! Anyway - that is my summer tip: Get a birdbath!

Pergamond in the bird bath
Pergamond hoping to catch some birdies!

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Yaks: I have a tip to all kitties. If you are white or if you have white or light color on your ears, get your master to put sunscreen on your ears because sunburn can really hurt our little ears.

Timna and Woosel: It's furry hot in Texas - yesterday it was 100 degrees plus wiff da heat factor! Weez stay in da air conditioned house an rest under da ceiling fans. Mommie puts ice cubies in ours water too. But da bestest is when daddy gets home and turns da A.C. on more! Mommie is outside most of da day workin' in her garden, so she twies ta conserve 'lectwicity. Dat means weez are not allowed ta move da thermostat below 80 degrees. But when daddy gets home, an mommie has showered all da yuk off hers, weez come alive! Da house goes down ta 76 degrees an weez go bonkers! Mew - feels great, dat A.C.!

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Priscilla: Hi kitties! I know a way to beat the heat! When yur inside, lay under the ceiling fans or next to the fridge. You can also mew on top of the freezer, if you have a small one! If yur outside, lay under the trees and don't furget to have cool water by ya. You can also go by the ac!


Priscilla all stretched out while taking a nap in the comfort of an air conditioned home.

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Boris: After my meowmie takes a cool shower I like to sit on her and it keeps me cool along with the air conditioned house!

Putter: Meow kitties! My summer tips are: If you are an outside kitty, try to get inside where the air is. If you can't, go to a shady place where the wind blows. If you are an inside kitty, lay on tile floors, or on the fridge. It is always cool there!

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Monday: I'm an indoor cat so my Dad built me a screened in sunporch so I can lay in the sun, feel the breeze, and watch the birds. It's attached to a high window so of course he also had to build me a way to get up there. Here's a picture of me sitting in front of it. To get up to the top platform I jump into the bottom hole then jump up through another hole to get to the second level, then jump up to the top!

Monday way up high on her purrsonal perch.

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