<bgsound src="didnshecare_files/4love.mid" >

"For Love"

Didn't She Care?


All the little angels were gathered around the throne.
They were all welcoming the newest angel to his heavenly home.
When Jesus said, come here to me,
So I can touch and comfort you,
A brand new baby you will be.

Here you are loved and never will you cry,
And all the angels will sing your lullaby
And the little angel replied, but I don't understand
Why have I died?
I never sinned, I knew no hate,
Why was I conceived for such a fate?

I remember being in a nice warm place.
I had tiny hands, feet, and a face.
I know I had soft brown hair,
Because I touched it, while I was there.

I know I could hear,
Because I heard this soothing, sound,
From the start,
I know was my mother's beating heart.

I heard her voice, I heard her say,
Oh no! not another baby on the way,
She began to cry, and her body shook.
Please doctor, get me off the hook.

He said,"If you're sure it's what you want,
In two days the abortion will be done.
I wanted to ask her what that was,
And why she was making such a fuss,

Didn't she want me, didn't she care,
That I was a beautiful baby,
Growing inside her there?

The last thing I remember,
I was torn apart.
The force of the abortion,
Stilled my beating heart.


If you enjoyed this poem, visit Ann's pages.
Let her know how it touched your heart.


Heartbeat Heaven
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Gift From God
Gift From God
A Mother's Prayer
Diary Unborn Child
A Mother's Heart
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The Child I Never Knew
The Child I Never Knew
And God Said
And God Said
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My Favorite Scriptures
Child's Angel
A Child's Angel
Hi Mommy
Hi Mommy
Prayer For Forgiveness
Prayer For Forgiveness
Little Angels
Little Angels
Little Shadows
Her Little Shadows
Never Had A Chance
Withered Fruits


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