Some Old Home Formula's

Not sure about them today

Hand Lotion

1/2 kilo rubbing alcohol (17.64 ounces) 250 grams peroxide (8.82 ounces) 1/2 kilo rose water (17.63 ounces) 50 grams glycerine (1.75 ounces) 10 grams benzoin (0.35 ounces)


The yellow dent corn is good for hominy. It's the old standard field corn. When dried it has the dent in the top. Also good are the flint corn, indian and the other hard corns. These were all usually grown for stock feed, silage and ground meal. You need dried corn to start with. It has to be really dry. before you can comfortably shell it. Leave it on the plant longer than you would other corn. Usually in October, just husk and shell the corn. Use your thumb and push the kernals until they pop off the cob.

You are ready for the hominy recipe when you have your corn dried and shelled. You can choose a soda or a lye method. Lye cuts the outside husk well but you have to do a lot of rinsing.

Boiled Soda Method Hominy

Use 3 rounded tablespoons full of baking soda per one gallon water. Make enough of it to cover your corn kernals at least two inches over. Remember each grain will puff up to 3 or 4 times the dried size so allow for expansion. About 2 quarts of corn will be all right. Use a five gallon granite canner. Don't use aluminum. Boil it heavily about 2 hours, add more water if needed. (Soaking the grain overnight aids the boiling process)

Here is the ticklish part. The hulls are too coarse to eat and have to come off, but when the hulls slip there is nothing to protect the corn and it needs fresh water so get the soda water off before the hulls come off or the soda will leach out off the good stuff in the corn. Put on fresh water. Now it increases in volumn. Change the water at least one more time, more if you like. When the corn has doubled in bulk wash it very hard in a continous flow of water rubbing it with your hands to get the fine stuff out. Don't worry about the black spot at the bottom of the kernal, it shows the end of the germ.

Put on fresh water and cook again. You could add salt and sweetening but most folks add this at serving time. If you do add salt to taste, use 2 heaping tablespoons of sugar or honey for sweetening. Cook until you can chew the kernals. It will take about 4 hours of boiling. Cool, Drain, and package it.

When the time comes to serve the hominey for a meal, soak it in water, drain the water off, add milk, bring to a boil. If there is soda left in the hominy the milk will curdle, add 2 tablespoons of butter.

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