Basic Beef Broth

The base of many fine soups

Beef and Broth


2 pounds beef shank cross-cuts or ox tail bones

6 cups cold water

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. dried thyme leaves

1 medium carrot, cut up

1 medium stalk celery with leaves, cut up

1 small onion, cut up

3 sprigs parsley, diced fine

1 bay leaf, the most important ingredient, in my opinion

Remove the marrow from the center of the bones. Heat the marrow in a Dutch oven over low heat until melted, or heat 2 Tablespoonsful of corn oil until hot. Cook beef shanks over medium heat until brown on both sides. Add water, heat to boiling. Skim foam from broth. Stir in remaining ingredients, again heat to boiling. Skim any foam from broth. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 3 hours. Remove beef from broth, and cut beef from bones. Cut beef into 1/2 inch pieces. Strain broth through cheesecloth, or fine sieve, discard vegetables and seasonings. Use immediately, or cover and refrigerate broth separate from beef. This also can be frozen for future use.

Vegetable Beef Soup

1 ear corn, corn cut from ear

2 medium potatoes cubed (about 2 cups)

2 medium tomatoes, chopped (about 1 -1/2 cups)

1 medium carrot, sliced thin, (about 1/2 cup)

1 medium stalk celery, sliced, (about 1/2 cup)

1 medium onion, diced finely, (about 1/2 cup)

1 cup green beans, 1 inch pieces

1 cup shelled green peas

1/4 tsp pepper

Add enough water to prepared beef broth to measure 5 cups. Stir corn and rest of the ingredients into the broth. Heat to boiling, and reduce heat to low, simmering for 30 minutes or until vegetables are tender.

You cannot imagine how wonderful this home made vegetable soup tastes. Don't be afraid to add a bit of barley. If you like frozen vegetables, and find you have left overs, save them frozen in small baggies, for this wonderful soup.


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