cabin Recipes circa 1890

The American colonists ate many of our favorite foods of today. Preparation and ingredients are very different now. In Martha Washington's kitchen egg whites were beaten with a bundle of twigs. Foods were ground in a mortar with a pestle. Cooking pots were hung over open fires, in front of which meats were slowly roasted on spits. Temperatures were adjusted by distance from the flame. Baking and stewing took place in brick ovens that took all day to heat. The Colonial diet was that of Olde Englande, enriched and supplemented with the native foods of North America.

These are my oldest recipes in my collection. If you have older recipes I sure would be tickled to see them.


Buckwheat Griddle Cakes Martha Washington's Plum Pudding
Molasses Cookies Cake Sponge Cake (1886)
Sabyllon (1884) Sage Chicken Pot Pie
Pan Hoss Making Jerky (1900)
English Chutney (1911) Mincemeat (1907)
Stuffed Tomatoes (1894) Olde Vegetable Recipes

December 1998 ®


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