Apricot Jam

Makes about 6 cups. It takes about 30 minutes to prepare and cooks about 20 minutes.

3 pounds ripe apricots. Half the apricots, pit them, and coarsely chop them

3 cups of sugar

¼ cup water

juice of 1 lemon

Combine the apricots, sugar and water in a non aluminum saucepan. Let stand over night. (or at least 1 hour)

Cook apricots over medium heat until mixture begins to boil, skim any foam from the surface. Reduce heat to low and simmer stirring occasionally, until thickened. (about 20 minutes) Remove from heat.

Spoon into sterilized jars and seal. Refrigerate up to 2 months.

You boil your jars 15 minutes to sterilize them.



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