Genealogy of the Imperial and Royal Family of Austria-Hungary1

HI & RH Archduchess Marie Louise Duchess of Parma and her descendants

HIM Empress Marie Louise of the French née Archduchess of Austria with her son HM King Napoléon of RomeHI & RH Marie Louise Leopoldine Franziska Theresia Josepha Lucia Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duchess of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla
(Born as: HI & RH Marie Louise Leopoldine Franziska Theresia Josepha Lucia Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia)
* Vienna, December 7th, 1791
† Parma, December 17th, 1847
Duchess of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, June 9th, 1815

HIM Emperor Napoléon I of the FrenchMarried:

  1. (by proxy) Hofpfarrkirche des Heiligen Augustinus, Vienna, March 11th and (in person) (civil) Château de St. Cloud, April 1st and (religious) Salon-carré, Château Louvre, Paris, April 2nd and Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, April 11th, 1810:
    HIM Napoléon I Emperor of the French
    (Born as: Napoléon Bonaparte)
    * Ajaccio, August 15th, 1769
    † Longwood, St. Helena, May 5th, 1821
    First Consul of France, 1799; Consul for life of France, 1802; Emperor of the French, May 18th, 1804 (abdicated: April 11th, 1814; returned to the throne: March 12th, 1815; abdicated again in favour of his son: June 22nd, 1815); King of Italy, 1805-1814; Protector of the Rhinish Confederation, 1806-1814; Sovereign Prince of the Island of Elba, 1814-1815
    Division General, 1795
  2. Parma, September 7th, 1821:
    Adam Adalbert Count and Lord von Neipperg
    * Vienna, April 8th, 1775
    † Parma, February 22nd, 1829
  3. Parma, February 17th, 1834:
    Charles-René Count de Bombelles
    * Versailles, November 6th, 1785
    † 7 Rue de la Bibliothéque, Versailles, May 30th, 1856

Child from the first marriage:

  1. HIM Napoléon II François Joseph Charles Emperor of the French
    (Born as: HM Napoléon François Joseph Charles Prince Imperial of France and King of Rome
    (Since July 22nd, 1818:) HSH Napoléon François Joseph Charles Duke von Reichstadt
    * Palais des Tuileries, Paris, March 20th, 1811
    † Schloß Schönbrunn, Vienna, July 22nd, 1832
    King of Rome, March 20th, 1811 - April 11th, 1814; Emperor of the French, June 22nd, 1815 (deposed: July 3rd, 1815); created HSH Duke von Reichstadt, July 22nd, 1818

Children from the second marriage:

  1. Albertine Countess von Montenuovo
    * Parma, May 1st, 1817
    † Castel di Fontanellato, December 26th, 1867
    (Born out of wedlock)


    Piacenza, October 26th, 1833:
    Luigi Sanvitale Count di Fontanellato
    * Parma, November 7th, 1799
    † Parma, January 3rd, 1876

    Children from this marriage:

    1. Albert Count di Fontanellato
      * 1834
      † ?
    2. Marie Countess di Fontanellato
      * 1836
      † ?
    3. Stephan Count di Fontanellato
      * 1838
      † ?
    4. Luise Countess di Fontanellato
      * ?
      † at a young age
  2. Wilhelm Albrecht Count von Montenuovo
  3. Mathilde Countess von Montenuovo
    * 1822
    † 1822

Wilhelm Albrecht Count von Montenuovo
(Since July 20th, 1864:) Wilhelm Albrecht Fürst von Montenuovo
* Salagrande Castle, Parma, August 8th, 1819
† Heilanstalt Dr. Leidersdorf, Ober-Döbling, April 6th, 1895
Created Fürst von Montenuovo, July 20th, 1864
(Born out of wedlock)


Vienna, May 18th, 1850:
Juliana Franziska Johanna Maria Stephanie Countess Batthyány von Némét-Ujvár
* Vienna, June 10th, 1827
† Hietzing, November 19th, 1871

Children from this marriage:

  1. Albertine Princess von Montenuovo
    * Vienna, June 30th, 1853
    † Schloß Chroberz, November 13th, 1895


    Schwaigern, August 5th, 1873:
    Zygmunt Count Wielkopolski
    * Cracow, January 30th, 1833
    † Berlin, February 27th, 1902

  2. Alfred Adam Wilhelm Johann Maria Fürst von Montenuovo
  3. Maria Sophia Princess von Montenuovo
    * Vienna, September 10th, 1859
    † Vienna, March 2nd, 1911


    Vienna, May 23rd, 1878:
    Anton Count Apponyi von Nagy-Appony
    * Vienna, December 29th, 1852
    † Bad Ischl, February 4th, 1920

Alfred Adam Wilhelm Johann Maria Fürst von Montenuovo
(Born as: Alfred Adam Wilhelm Johann Maria Prince von Montenuovo)
* Vienna, September 16th, 1854
† Vienna, September 6th, 1927
Fürst von Montenuovo, April 6th, 1895


Vienna, October 30th, 1879:
Franziska Countess Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau
* Vienna, December 26th, 1861
† Margarethen am Moos, July 11th, 1935

Children from this marriage:

  1. Juliana Rosa Franziska Leopoldine Maria Princess von Montenuovo ("Julia")
    * Margarethen am Moos, November 15th, 1880
    † Schloß Berg am Starnberger See, June 27th, 1961


    1. Vienna, May 20th, 1903:
      Dionys Count Draskovich von Trakostjan
      * Szent-Kiraly, June 28th, 1875
      † Vienna, March 8th, 1909
    2. Brück an der Leitha, February 3rd, 1914:
      HSH Karl Friedrich Wolfgang Kraft Notger Petrus Prince zu Oettingen-Oettingen und Oettingen-Wallerstein, Count zu Oettingen-Baldern, Lord von Soetern
      * Königsaal, April 27th, 1877
      † Munich, May 24th, 1930
  2. Marie Princess von Montenuovo
    * Margarethen am Moos, October 20th, 1881
    † Tegernsee, August 10th, 1954


    Vienna, August 5th, 1909:
    Franz Count von Ledebur-Wicheln
    * Petersburg, September 6th, 1877
    † Wallerstein, May 24th, 1954

  3. Ferdinand Bonaventura Franz Alfred Wilhelm Erwin Maximilian Fürst von Montenuovo
  4. Franziska de Paula Maria Ludowika Juliane Wilhelmine Margarete Princess von Montenuovo ("Fanny")

Ferdinand Bonaventura Franz Alfred Wilhelm Erwin Maximilian Fürst von Montenuovo
(Born as: Ferdinand Bonaventura Franz Alfred Wilhelm Erwin Maximilian Prince von Montenuovo)
* Margarethen am Moos, May 29th, 1888
† Szob, May 2nd, 1951
Fürst von Montenuovo, September 6th, 1927


Budapest, November 10th, 1927:
Ilona Baroness Solymossy de Loós et Egervár
* Nagyteremi, April 18th, 1895
† Vienna, July 13th, 1988

Children from this marriage:

  1. Julia Franziska Ilona Maria Princess von Montenuovo
    * Budapest, September 27th, 1930


    Budapest, May 11th, 1950:
    Gyula Mathe
    * Torok-Kanizsa, 1904
    † Vienna, July 8th, 1976

  2. Marie-Julie Johanna Gabrielle Princess von Montenuovo
    * Budapest, September 29th, 1931
    † Vienna, December 2nd, 1987


    Budapest, December 24th, 1955:
    Robert Reithauser
    * Budapest, December 1st, 1919
    † Eisenstadt, December 7th, 1989

  3. Franziska Marie Johanna Gabrielle Princess von Montenuovo

Franziska de Paula Maria Ludowika Juliane Wilhelmine Margarete Princess von Montenuovo ("Fanny")
* Margarethen am Moos, August 22nd, 1893
† Wels, November 3rd, 1972


Vienna, April 11th, 1918:
HSH Maria Leopold Willibald Bernhard Balthasar Prince von Lobkowicz
* Unterberkovic, July 7th, 1888
† Prague, May 15th, 1933

Children from this marriage:

  1. HSH Maria Julia Franziska Ida Kaspara Walpurga Princess von Lobkowicz
  2. HSH Amalie Franziska Ida Melchiora Pauline Leonhardine Princess von Lobkowicz
  3. HSH Leopoldine Bertha Marie Franziska Ida Balthasar Leonhardine Princess von Lobkowicz
    * Unterberkovic, November 14th, 1926


    Unterberkovic, August 22nd, 1945:
    Johann Count Dobrzensky von Dobrzenicz
    * Chotebor, June 19th, 1911
    † Havlickuv Brod, February 7th, 1996

  4. HSH Rosa Maria Franziska Ida Kaspara Leonhardine Anselma Princess von Lobkowicz
    * Prague, April 21st, 1929

Franziska Marie Johanna Gabrielle Princess von Montenuovo
* Budapest, May 24th, 1934
† Vienna, April 25th, 1984


Budapest, March 19th, 1955:
Egon Nezsényí
* Mezö-Hegyes, July 6th, 1914

Children from this marriage:

  1. Franziska Nezsényí
    * Vienna, September 23rd, 1957


    October 1st, 1979:
    Louis Freiherr Kübeck von Kübau
    * July 24th, 1954

  2. Marie Julie Nezsényí
    * Vienna, June 20th, 1959


    Margarethen am Moos, June 1st, 1985:
    Heinrich Count von Mensdorff-Pouilly
    * Makassar, February 6th, 1958

    Child from this marriage:

    1. Franziska Countess von Mensdorff-Pouilly
      * Vienna, October 20th, 1986

HSH Maria Julia Franziska Ida Kaspara Walpurga Princess von Lobkowicz
* Prague, February 25th, 1919


Prague, January 26th, 1939:
HSH Johann von Nepomuk Emmerich Lamoral Leo Udalrich Emmo Maria Josef Erich Gabriel Ignatius Prince von Thurn und Taxis ("Hans")
* Schloß Mzell, June 28th, 1908
† Freiburg im Breisgau, April 3rd, 1959

Children from this marriage:

  1. HSH Maria Alexandra Franziska Gabrielle Leonhardine Kaspara Ursula Princess von Thurn und Taxis ("Almerie")
  2. HSH Leopold Erich Maria Lamoral Leonhard Karl Anselm Kaspar Petrus Prince von Thurn und Taxis
    * Komotau, April 29th, 1943
    † Graz, December 8th, 1957
  3. HSH Friedrich Leonhard Ignatius Josef Maria Lamoral Balthasar Prince von Thurn und Taxis ("Fritz")
    * Linz, June 22nd, 1950


    (morganatic) Munich, June 4th, 1977:
    Beata Béry
    * Munich, February 21st, 1947

  4. HSH Karl Ferdinand Maria Lamoral Leonhard Ignatius Anselm Prince von Thurn und Taxis
    * Linz, April 13th, 1952


    (morganatic) (civil) Seevetal-Ramelsloh, May 16th and (religious) Hamburg, June 10th, 1982:
    Viola Christine Pauen
    * Hamburg, June 10th, 1960

    Children from this marriage:

    1. Alice Marie Stephanie Prinzessin von Thurn und Taxis
      * Flensburg, August 16th, 1985
    2. Stanislaus Johann Franz Prinz von Thurn und Taxis
      * Flensburg, April 29th, 1987
    3. Raphael Ferdinand Egon Prinz von Thurn und Taxis
      * Flensburg, March 10th, 1992
    4. Benedikt Nikolaus Anselm Prinz von Thurn und Taxis
      * Bonn, October 16th, 1996
  5. HSH Maximilian Anselm Andreas Paulinus Leonhard Lamoral Maria Prince von Thurn und Taxis
    * Linz, June 22nd, 1955

HSH Amalie Franziska Ida Melchiora Pauline Leonhardine Princess von Lobkowicz
* Unterberkovic, January 25th, 1921


Unterberkovic, May 23rd, 1944:
HSH Franz Friedrich Maria Prince zu Schwarzenberg
* Prague, March 24th, 1913
† Unzmarkt, March 9th, 1992

Children from this marriage:

  1. HSH Ludmila Maria de Victoria Franziska de Paula Eleonore Thadäa Leonharda Agnes de Bohemia Princess zu Schwarzenberg
    * Prague, July 25th, 1945


    (civil) New Hope, February 14th and (religious) Salebury, Pennsylvania, February 14th, 1998:
    Carl Barton Hess
    * Chicago, Illinois, ...

  2. HSH Isabella Eleonora Maria Franziska Romana Leonharda Thaddäa Sidonia Princess zu Schwarzenberg
    * Rome, June 22nd, 1946


    (civil) Gräfelfing, July 15th and (religious) Vienna, July 25th, 1970:
    Louis von Harnier Freiherr von Regendorf
    * Munich, July 3rd, 1938

    Children from this marriage:

    1. Colienne von Harnier Freiin von Regendorf
      * Munich, August 29th, 1974
    2. America von Harnier Freiin von Regendorf
      * Munich, August 20th, 1976
    3. Elisabeth von Harnier Freiin von Regendorf
      * Munich, March 3rd, 1978
  3. HSH Johann von Nepomuk Maria Heinrich Franz Leonhard Thaddäus Thomas von Aquin Prince zu Schwarzenberg
    * Chicago, Illinois, February 19th, 1957


    Unzmarkt, September 19th, 1982:
    Regina Hogan
    * Milford, New York, October 22nd, 1949

    Child from this marriage:

    1. HSH Alexander Prince zu Schwarzenberg
      * Newport, Rhode Island, April 5th, 1984

Adopted child:

  1. Elisabeth Regina Maria Gabriela Prinzessin zu Schwarzenberg
    * Vienna, October 1st, 1947
    (Adopted: Gusterheim, January 24th, 1993; confirmed by court: January 25th, 1993)


    (civil) Pöls, May 16th and (religious) Pöls, May 31st, 1970:
    Rüdiger von Pezold
    * Würzburg, July 11th, 1940

HSH Maria Alexandra Franziska Gabrielle Leonhardine Kaspara Ursula Princess von Thurn und Taxis ("Almerie")
* Prague, October 21st, 1939


Munich, September 20th, 1962:
Franz Rudolf Maria Count von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
* Paris, August 10th, 1938

Children from this marriage:

  1. Antony Georg Ferdinand Maria Count von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
    * Vienna, April 25th, 1964


    Vienna, September 3rd, 1988:
    Claudia Dorothea Pless
    * Vienna, September 5th, 1965

    Children from this marriage:

    1. Jakob Ernst Rudolf Maria Count von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
      * Vienna, February 23rd, 1995
    2. Laura Dorothea Maria Countess von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
      * Tulln, August 22nd, 1997
  2. Theresita Countess von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
    * Vienna, December 27th, 1965


    (civil) Salzburg, July 22nd, 1996 and (religious) Sierndorf, June 28th, 1997:
    Christoph Oliver Herbert Lieben-Seutter
    * Vienna, June 3rd, 1964

    Child from this marriage:

    1. Pauline Lieben-Seutter
      * Vienna, January 19th, 1997
  3. Nikodemus Ferdinand Christian Bruno Count von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
    * Vienna, November 19th, 1969
  4. Mabel Marie Friederike Johanna Countess von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
    * Sierndorf, October 8th, 1978


  1. With special thanks to Hein Bruins, Brigitte Gastel Lloyd, Netty Leistra, Paul Theroff and Ton Veth.

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Last updated: August 12th, 2002.