Genealogy of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein1

HSH Prince Karl Alfred and his descendants

HSH Prince Karl Alfred of LiechtensteinHSH Prince Karl Alfred Maria Johannes Baptista Heinrich Alois Georg Hartmann Ignatius Benediktus Franz Joseph Rochus of Liechtenstein
* Schloß Frauenthal, August 16th, 1910
† Hainburg, November 17th, 1985
Heir Pressumptive to the Throne of Liechtenstein, July 25th, 1938 - February 14th, 1945


Schloß Persenbeug near Ybbs an der Donau, Lower Austria, February 17th, 1949:
HI & RH Princess Imperial and Archduchess Agnes Christina Franziska Karoline Theresia Raphaela Johanna Magdalena Huberta Josepha Ignatia of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia
* Schloß Persenbeug near Ybbs an der Donau, Lower Austria, December 14th, 1928
† Vienna, August 31st, 2007

Children from this marriage:

  1. HSH Prince Dominik Volkmar Hubert Alois Maria Josef Thaddäus Thomas Paulus Karl Ignatius Silverius of Liechtenstein
    * Vienna, June 20th, 1950


    Spitz an der Donau, October 9th, 1980:
    Eva Maria Lösch
    * Vienna, July 4th, 1943
    † Vienna, February 24th, 1998

  2. HSH Prince Andreas Duarte Emanuel Ulrich Benedikt Josef Maria Karl Rafael Ignatius Mathias Paulus of Liechtenstein
    * Vienna, February 25th, 1952


    Madrid, September 29th, 1978:
    Silvia Prieto Figueroa
    * Madrid, May 2nd, 1952

  3. HSH Prince Gregor Heinrich Augustinus Judas Thaddäus Josef Maria Pius Paulus Antonius Stephan Salvator of Liechtenstein
    * Vienna, April 18th, 1954
  4. HSH Princess Alexandra Maria Christina Aloisia Ulrike Henriette Agnes Ignatia Pia Gabriela Anastasia of Liechtenstein
    * Vienna, December 25th, 1955
    † Vienna, February 27th, 1993


    Vienna, September 20th, 1980:
    Hans Lovrek
    * Vienna, January 11th, 1955
    (Divorced: Vienna, February 25th, 1988)

  5. HSH Princess Maria Pia Ludovika Ulrika Elisabeth Paschaline Katharina Ignazia Lucia Johanna Josefa of Liechtenstein
    * Vienna, August 6th, 1960
    Ambassador of Liechtenstein to Austria

    Max KothbauerMarried:

    Vienna, August 4th, 1995:
    Max Alexander Kothbauer
    * May 19th, 1950

    Child from this marriage:

    1. Hieronymus Kothbauer
      * Vienna, January 26th, 1997
  6. HSH Princess Katharina Maria Christina Henriette Valeria Agnes of Liechtenstein
    * Vienna, January 27th, 1964


    1. (civil) London, November 16th and (religious) Vienna, November 30th, 1991:
      Jeremy Kelton
      * London, October 21st, 1960
      (Divorced: 2002)
    2. London, December 3rd, 2005:
      Andrew Duncan Gammon
      * June 15th, 1958

    Child from the first marriage:

    1. Maximilian Anthony Kelton
      * London, July 15th, 1994
  7. HSH Princess Birgitta Ulrike Rosa Marie Elisabeth Aloisia Hermenegilde of Liechtenstein
    * Vienna, April 13th, 1967


    (civil) Vaduz, December 18th and (religious) Schloß Persenbeug near Ybbs an der Donau, Lower Austria, December 30th, 2000:
    Otto Mária József László Károly Hyginus Graf Jankovich-Bésán de Pribér, Vuchin et Duna-Szekcsö
    * Bad Homburg, January 11th, 1967

    Children from the first marriage:

    1. Arthur Graf Jankovich-Bésán de Pribér, Vuchin et Duna-Szekcsö
      * Vienna, October 17th, 2001
    2. Johanna Gräfin Jankovich-Bésán de Pribér, Vuchin et Duna-Szekcsö
      * Vienna, May 27th, 2003


  1. With special thanks to Netty Leistra and Paul Theroff.

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Last updated: November 24th, 2007.