Genealogy of the Ducal Family of Nassau1, 2

House Nassau

HSH Fürst Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau
(Born as: HSH Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau-Weilburg)
(Since April 16th, 1770:) HSH Hereditary Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau-Weilburg
(Since November 28th, 1788:) HSH Fürst Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau-Weilburg
* The Hague, October 25th, 1768
† (fall from the stairs) Schloß Weilburg, Weilburg, January 9th, 1816
Hereditary Prince of Nassau-Weilburg, April 16th, 1770.
Fürst of Nassau-Weilburg, November 28th, 1788. In July 1806 Fürst Friedrich Wilhelm and his distant cousin Fürst Friedrich August of Nassau-Usingen merged their principalities into the Duchy Nassau which they jointly ruled, Friedrich August with the title Duke of Nassau, and Friedrich Wilhelm with the title Fürst of Nassau. In the same year the Duchy Nassau joined the Confederation of the Rhine and was enlarged with the counties Holzappel, Wied-Runkel and Diez, as well as several baronies and lordships.
Colonel of the Regiment "Overijssel" of the Cavalry and Captain of the Grenadiers of the Republic of the United Netherlands, 1770 (resigned his commissions: 1784).
Knight of the Order of the Elephant.


Hachenburg, July 31st, 1788:
Luise Isabella Alexandrina Augusta Gräfin zu Sayn-Hachenburg, Burggräfin zu Kirchberg
* Hachenburg, April 19th, 1772
† Vienna, January 6th, 1827
Heiress to Hachenburg and Kirchberg.

Children from this marriage:

  1. HDSH Duke Wilhelm Georg August Heinrich Belgicus of Nassau
  2. HSH Princess Auguste Luise Wilhelmine of Nassau-Weilburg
    * Weilburg, January 5th, 1794
    † Weilburg, April 11th, 1796
  3. HI &RH Archduchess Henriette of Austria née 
        Princess of NassauHSH Princess Henriette Alexandrine Friederike Wilhelmine of Nassau-Weilburg
    (Since March 24th, 1816:) HDSH Princess Henriette Alexandrine Friederike Wilhelmine of Nassau
    * Schloß Eremitage near Bayreuth, October 30th, 1797
    † (scarlet fever) Vienna, December 29th, 1829

    HI & RH Archduke Karl of AustriaMarried:

    (protestant) Schloßkirche, Schloß Weilburg and (catholic) Weilburg an der Lahn, September 17th, 1815:
    HI & RH Prince Imperial and Archduke
    Karl Ludwig Johann Joseph Lorenz of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Prince of Tuscany
    (Since February 10th, 1822:) HI & RH Prince Imperial and Archduke Karl Ludwig Johann Josef Lorenz of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Teschen
    * Villa Poggio Imperiale, Poggio a Caiano near Florence, September 5th, 1771
    † Vienna, April 30th, 1847
    Governor-General of the Austrian Netherlands, 1793-1794. President of the Imperial Council of War, 1801-1806. Minister of War and the Navy, 1806-1809. Commander of Mainz, 1815. Duke of Teschen, February 10th, 1822.
    Major-General, 1793. General-Fieldmarshal, 1796. Commander-in-Chief of the Austrian Army at the River Rhine, 1796-1797 and 1799-1801. Fieldmarshal, 1801. Commander-in-Chief of the Austrian Army in Italy, 1805-1809.

  4. HSH Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau-Weilburg
    (Since March 24th, 1816:) HDSH Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau
    (Since August 22nd, 1844:) HH Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau
    * Bayreuth, December 15th, 1799
    † Vienna, January 6th, 1845
    Major-General of the Austrian Army.


    (morganatic) in Switzerland, June 7th or July 7th, 1840:
    Anna Ritter Edle von Vallyemare
    * Vienna, June 21st, 1802
    † Paris (XVIth Arrondissement), July 19th, 1864
    Created Gräfin von Tiefenbach by HSH Fürst Heinrich XX Reuß: Karlsbad, July 7th, 1840 (acknowledged by HIM Emperor Ferdinand of Austria: Vienna, March 31st, 1845).

    Child from this marriage:

    1. Wilhelmine Josephine Rudolfine Brunold ("Mina")
      (Since May 25th, 1844:) Wilhelmine Josephine Rudolfine Gräfin von Tiefenbach
      * Atzersdorf, Lower Austria, July 5th or 15th, 1834
      † Geneva, November 24th, 1891
      (Born out of wedlock)


      Paris (Ist Arrondissement), October 30th, 1856:
      Emile de Girardin
      * Paris, June 22nd, 1806
      † Paris (XVIth Arrondissement), April 27th, 1881
      (Separated: April 26th or October 26th, 1872)

HDSH Duke Wilhelm of NassauHDSH Duke Wilhelm Georg August Heinrich Belgicus of Nassau
(Born as: HSH Hereditary Prince Wilhelm Georg August Heinrich Belgicus of Nassau-Weilburg)
(Since January 9th, 1816:) HSH Fürst Wilhelm Georg August Heinrich Belgicus of Nassau
* Kirchheimbolanden, June 14th, 1792
† Kissingen, August 20th, 1839
Hereditary Prince of Nassau-Weilburg, June 14th, 1792.
Fürst of Nassau, January 9th, 1816. Duke of Nassau, March 24th, 1816.

HDSH Duchess Luise of Nassau née Princess of Saxe-HildburghausenMarried:

  1. Hildburghausen, June 24th, 1813:
    HSH Princess Charlotte Luise Friederike Amalie Alexandrine of Saxe-Hildburghausen, Duchess of Saxony
    * Hildburghausen, January 28th, 1794
    † Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, April 6th, 1825
  2. HRH Duchess Pauline of Nassau 
        née Princess of WürttembergStuttgart, April 23rd, 1829:
    HRH Princess
    Pauline Friederike Marie of Württemberg
    * Stuttgart, February 25th, 1810
    † Wiesbaden, July 7th, 1856

Children from the first marriage:

  1. HSH Princess Augusta Luise Friederike Maximiliane Wilhelmine of Nassau-Weilburg
    * Weilburg, April 13th, 1814
    † Weilburg, October 3rd, 1814
  2. HSH Princess Therese Wilhelmine Friederike Isabella Charlotte of Nassau-Weilburg
  3. HRH Grand Duke Adolphe I Guillaume Charles Auguste Fréderic of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau
  4. HDSH Prince Wilhelm Carl Heinrich Friedrich of Nassau
    * Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, September 8th, 1819
    † Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, April 22nd, 1823
  5. HH Prince Moritz 
        of NassauHDSH Prince Moritz Wilhelm August Carl Heinrich of Nassau
    (Since August 22nd, 1844:) HH Prince Moritz Wilhelm August Carl Heinrich of Nassau
    * Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, November 21st, 1820
    † Vienna, March 23rd, 1850
    Lieutenant-Colonel of the Husars of the Austrian Army.
  6. HDSH Princess Marie Wilhelmine Louise Friederike Henriette of Nassau
    * Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, April 5th, 1822
    † Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, April 3rd, 1824
  7. HDSH Prince Wilhelm Carl August Friedrich of Nassau
    * Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, August 12th, 1823
    † Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, December 28th, 1828
  8. HDSH Princess Marie Wilhelmine Friederike Elisabeth of Nassau

Children from the second marriage:

  1. Daughter
    * Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, April 27th, 1830
    † Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, April 28th, 1830
  2. HH Fürstin 
        Helene of Waldeck and Pyrmont née Princess of NassauHDSH Princess Helene Wilhelmine Henriette Pauline Marianne of Nassau
    (Since August 22nd, 1844:) HH Princess Helene Wilhelmine Henriette Pauline Marianne of Nassau
    * Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, August 12th, 1831
    † Bad Pyrmont, October 27th, 1888

        Fürst Georg III Viktor of Waldeck and PyrmontMarried:

    Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, September 26th, 1853:
    HSH Fürst Georg III Viktor of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Graf zu Rappolstein, Herr zu Hoheneck und Geroldseck
    * Arolsen, January 14th, 1831
    † Marienbad, May 12th, 1893
    Fürst of Waldeck and Pyrmont, May 15th, 1845.
    Lieutenant-General of the Army of Prussia.

  3. HDSH Prince Nicolas Wilhelm of Nassau
  4. HM Queen Sofia of Sweden née Princess Sophie 
        of NassauHDSH Princess Sophie Wilhelmina Marianne Henriette of Nassau
    (Since August 22nd, 1844:) HH Princess Sophie Wilhelmina Marianne Henriette of Nassau
    (In Sweden styled as Queen Sofia)
    * Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, July 9th, 1836
    † Royal Palace, Stockholm, December 30th, 1913

    HM King Oscar II of SwedenMarried:

    Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, June 6th, 1857:
    HM King
    Oscar II Fredrik of Sweden and Norway
    (Since June 7th, 1905:) HM King Oscar II Fredrik of Sweden
    (Born as: HRH Prince Oscar Fredrik of Sweden, Duke of Östergötland)
    * Royal Palace, Stockholm, January 21st, 1829
    † Royal Palace, Stockholm, December 8th, 1907
    Heir Pressumptive to the Throne of Sweden and Norway, July 8th, 1859.
    King of Sweden and Norway, September 18th, 1872 (crowned: Slotkyrkan, Stockholm, May 12th, 1873 and Nidaros Domkirke, Trondheim, July 18th, 1873; deposed as King of Norway by Act of Parliament: June 7th, 1905; abdicated as King of Norway: October 26th, 1905).


  1. Sources: l'Allemagne Dynastique Tome III by Michel Huberty, Alain Giraud and F. & B. Magdelaine and Genealogie van het Vorstenhuis Nassau by A.W.E. Dek. With special thanks to Will Campbell, Brigitte Gastel Lloyd, Netty Leistra, Dimitri Macedonsky and Paul Theroff.
  2. The official titles of the sovereigns of Nassau were (in German): Herzog von Nassau, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Graf zu Sayn, Königstein, Katzenelnbogen und Diez, Burggraf zu Hammerstein, Herr zu Mahlberg, Wiesbaden, Idstein, Merenberg, Limburg und Eppstein.
    The official title of the heir to throne was: Erbprinz von Nassau.
    The other descendants in male lineage of the sovereign bore the title Prinz/Prinzessin von Nassau. The wife of a prince who contracted a marriage without consent of the sovereign did not bear his style and title.
    All members of the family bore the style Herzogliche Durchlaut (Ducal Serene Highness) and since August 22nd, 1844 the style Hoheit (Highness).

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Last updated: December 2nd, 2007.