Genealogy of the House of Savoy1

The Ancestors of the Royal Family of Italy

Carlo Emanuele I Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont ("The Great")
* Rivoli, January 12th, 1562
† Savigliano, July 26th, 1630
Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, August 30th, 1580


Saragossa, March 11th, 1585:
HRH Catarina Infanta of Spain
* Madrid, October 10th, 1567
† Turin, November 6th, 1597

Children from this marriage:

  1. Filippo Emanuele Prince of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
    * April 3rd, 1589
    † Madrid, February 9th, 1605
  2. Vittorio Amedeo I Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
  3. Emanuele Filiberto Prince of Savoy
    * April 17th, 1588
    † Palermo, August 3rd, 1624
    Spanish Viceroy of Sicily
  4. Margareta Princess of Savoy
    * Turin, April 28th, 1589
    † Miranda, June 26th, 1655
    Viceroy of Portugal 1630-1640


    Turin, February 20th, 1608:
    Francesco Gonzaga Duke of Mantua
    * 1586
    † Turin, December 22nd, 1612
    Duke of Mantua

  5. Isabelle Princess of Savoy
    * Turin, March 11th, 1591
    † Modena, August 22nd, 1626


    Turin, February 22nd, 1608:
    Alfonso d'Este Duke of Modena
    * Ferrara, 1591
    † Castelnovo di Garfagnana, May 24th, 1644
    Duke of Modena

  6. Maurizio Prince of Savoy, Prince d'Oneglia
    * January 10th, 1593
    † Turin, October 4th, 1657
    Cardinal, 1607


    Turin, August 18th, 1642:
    Louise Christine Princess of Savoy
    * July 27th, 1629
    † May 14th, 1662

  7. Maria Princess of Savoy
    * Turin, February 8th, 1594
    † Rome, July 13th, 1656
  8. Francisca Catherine Princess of Savoy
    * Turin, October 6th, 1595
    † Biella, September 26th, 1640
  9. Tommaso Francesco Prince of Savoy, Prince di Carignano
  10. Joanna Princess of Savoy
    * October 6th, 1597
    † October 6th, 1597

Vittorio Amedeo I Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
* Turin, May 8th, 1587
† Vercelli, October 7th, 1637
Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, July 26th, 1630


Paris, February 10th, 1619:
HRH Christine Princess of France
* Paris, April 10th, 1606
† Turin, December 27th, 1663

Children from this marriage:

  1. Luigi Amedeo Prince of Savoy
    * 1622
    † 1628
  2. Louise Christine Princess of Savoy
    * July 27th, 1629
    † May 14th, 1662


    Turin, August 18th, 1642:
    Maurizio Prince of Savoy, Prince d'Oneglia
    * January 10th, 1593
    † Turin, October 4th, 1657
    Cardinal, 1607

  3. Francesco Hyacinth Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
    * Turin, September 14th, 1632
    † Castello del Valentino, Turin, October 4th, 1638
    Duke of Savoy, October 7th, 1637
  4. Carlo Emanuele II Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
  5. Violanta Margareta Princess of Savoy
    * November 15th, 1635
    † April 29th, 1663


    April 29th, 1660:
    Ranuzzio II Farnese Duke of Parma
    * ?
    † December 11th, 1694
    Duke of Parma

  6. Adelaide Henriette Princess of Savoy
    * Turin, November 6th, 1636
    † Munich, May 18th, 1676


    Munich, June 25th, 1652:
    HSH Ferdinand Maria Elector of Bavaria
    * Munich, October 31st, 1636
    † Schleissheim, May 26th, 1679
    Elector of Bavaria

  7. Catherine Beatrice Princess of Savoy
    * November 6th, 1636
    † August 26th, 1637

Carlo Emanuele II Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
* Turin, June 20th, 1634
† Turin, June 12th, 1675
Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, October 4th, 1638


  1. March 5th, 1663:
    HRH Françoise Princess d'Orleans
    * October 13th, 1648
    † January 14th, 1664
  2. Turin, May 10th, 1665:
    Maria Giovanna Baptista Princess of Savoy-Nemours
    * Paris, April 11th, 1644
    † Turin, March 15th, 1724

Child from the second marriage:

  1. Vittorio Amedeo II Francesco Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont

Vittorio Amedeo II Francesco Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
(Since September 22nd, 1713:) HM Vittorio Amedeo II Francesco King of Sicily, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
(Since August 2nd, 1718:) HM Vittorio Amedeo II Francesco King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
* Turin, May 14th, 1666
† Moncalieri Castle near Turin, October 31st, 1732
Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, June 12th, 1675
King of Sicily (proclaimed: September 22nd, 1713; forced by the Great Powers to exchange Sicily for Sardinia, August 2nd, 1718)
King of Sardinia, August 2nd, 1718 (abdicated in favor of his son: September 3rd, 1730)


(by proxy) Royal Palace, Versailles, April 10th and (in person) Chambéry, May 6th, 1684:
HRH Anne Marie Princess d'Orléans
* St. Cloud, August 27th, 1666
† Turin, August 26th, 1728

Children from this marriage:

  1. Marie Adelaide Princess of Savoy
    * Turin, December 6th, 1685
    † Versailles, February 12th, 1712


    Versailles, December 7th, 1697:
    HRH Louis Prince of France, Dauphin de Viennois
    * Versailles, August 6th, 1682
    † Versailles, February 18th, 1712
    Dauphin de Viennois (= Crown Prince of France), April 14th, 1711

  2. Maria Anna Princess of Savoy
    * August 14th, 1687
    † August 5th, 1690
  3. HM King Felipe V of SpainMaria Luisa Gabriella Princess of Savoy
    * Turin, September 17th, 1688
    † Madrid, February 14th, 1714


    (by proxy) Chapel Royal della Santissima, Duomo San Fiovanni Battista, Turin, September 11th and (in person) Figueras, November 3rd, 1701:
    HM Don
    Felipe V King of Spain and the Indies
    (Between August 2nd, 1718 and December 1st, 1734:) HM Don Felipe V King of Spain and the Indies, Naples and Sicily
    (Born as: HRH Philippe Prince of France, Duke d'Anjou)
    * Château de Versailles, December 19th, 1683
    † Buen Retiro Palace, Madrid, July 9th, 1746
    King of Spain and the Indies, November 1st, 1700 (abdicated in favor of his son Luís: January 15th, 1724; resumed the throne: September 6th, 1724); King of Naples and Sicily (as King Filippo IV), August 2nd, 1718 (abdicated in favor of his son Carlos: December 1st, 1734)

  4. Vittorio Amedeo Filippo Giuseppe Prince of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
    * Turin, May 6th, 1699
    † March 22nd, 1715
    Heir to the Throne of Sicily, September 22nd, 1713
  5. HM Carlo Emanuele III King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
  6. Emanuele Filiberto Prince of Savoy, Duke de Chablais
    * December 1st, 1705
    † December 19th, 1705

HM Carlo Emanuele III King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
(Born as: Carlo Emanuele Prince of Savoy)
(Since August 2nd, 1718:) HRH Carlo Emanuele Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia
* Turin, April 27th, 1701
† Turin, February 20th, 1773
Heir to the Throne of Sicily, March 22nd, 1715; Heir to the Throne of Sardinia, August 2nd, 1718
King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, September 3rd, 1730


  1. (by proxy) February 16th and (in person) Vercelli, March 15th, 1722:
    HSH Anne Christine Luise Countess Palatine von Sulzbach
    * Sulzbach, February 5th, 1704
    † Turin, March 12th, 1723
  2. Thonon, July 23rd, 1724:
    HSH Polyxene Christine Landgravine von Hesse-Rheinfels-Rotenburg
    * September 21st, 1706
    † Turin, January 13th, 1735
  3. April 1st, 1737:
    Elisabeth Duchess of Lorraine
    * Lunéville, October 15th, 1711
    † Turin, July 3rd, 1741

Child from the first marriage:

  1. HRH Vittorio Amedeo Teodoro Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke d'Aosta
    * Turin, March 7th, 1723
    † Turin, August 1st, 1725

Children from the second marriage:

  1. HM Vittorio Amedeo III King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
  2. HRH Eleonora Maria Teresa Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, February 28th, 1728
    † Moncalieri Castle near Turin, August 15th, 1781
  3. HRH Maria Luisa Gabriella Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, March 25th, 1729
    † San Andrea di Chieri, August 22nd, 1767
  4. HRH Maria Felicita Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, March 19th, 1730
    † Rome, May 13th, 1801
  5. HRH Giuseppe Carlo Emanuele Filiberto Augusto Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke d'Aosta
    * Turin, May 17th, 1731
    † Turin, March 25th, 1735
  6. HRH Carlo Francesco Romualdo Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke de Chablais
    * Turin, July 23rd, 1733
    † Turin, December 28th, 1733

Children from the third marriage:

  1. HRH Carlo Francesco Maria Augusto Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke d'Aosta
    * Turin, December 1st, 1738
    † Turin, March 25th, 1745
  2. HRH Maria Vittoria Margherita Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, June 22nd, 1740
    † Turin, July 14th, 1742
  3. HRH Benedetto Maria Maurizio Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke de Chablais
    * Turin, June 21st, 1741
    † Rome, January 4th, 1808


    Turin, March 19th, 1775:
    Maria Anna Carolina Gabriella Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, December 17th, 1757
    † Stupinigi Castle near Turin, December 11th, 1824

HM Vittorio Amedeo III King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
(Born as: HRH Vittorio Amedeo Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia)
* Turin, June 26th, 1726
† Moncalieri Castle near Turin, October 16th, 1796
Heir to the Throne of Sardinia, September 3rd, 1730
King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, February 20th, 1773


(by proxy) Madrid, April 12th and (in person) Oulx, May 31th, 1750:
HRH Doña
María Antonieta Fernanda Infanta of Spain
* Seville, November 17th, 1729
† Moncalieri Castle near Turin, September 19th, 1785

Children from this marriage:

  1. HM Carlo Emanuele IV King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
    (Born as: HRH Carlo Emanuele Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia)
    * Turin, May 24th, 1751
    † Rome, October 6th, 1819
    Heir to the Throne of Sardinia, February 20th, 1773
    King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, October 16th, 1796


    (by proxy) Versailles, August 21st and (in person) Chambéry, September 6th, 1775:
    HRH Marie Adélaïde Clothilde Princess of France
    * Versailles, September 23rd, 1759
    † Naples, March 7th, 1802

  2. HRH Maria Elisabetta Carlotta Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, July 16th, 1752
    † Turin, April 17th, 1753
  3. HRH Maria Giuseppina Luigia Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, September 2nd, 1753
    † Hartwell House near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, November 13th, 1810


    (by proxy) Turin, April 21st and (in person) Versailles, May 14th, 1771:
    HM Louis XVIII Stanislav Xavier King of France
    (Born as: HRH Louis Stanislav Xavier Prince of France, Count de Provence)
    * Versailles, November 17th, 1755
    † Palais des Tuileries, Paris, September 16th, 1824
    King of France, April 11th, 1814 (forced to leave France: March 12th, 1815; regained the throne: June 22nd, 1815)

  4. HRH Amedeo Alessandro Maria Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke de Montferrat
    * Turin, October 5th, 1754
    † Turin, April 29th, 1755
  5. HRH Maria Teresa Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, January 31st, 1756
    † Graz, June 2nd, 1805


    (by proxy) Moncalieri Castle near Turin, October 24th and (in person) Versailles, November 16th, 1773:
    HM Charles X King of France
    (Born as: HRH Charles Philippe Prince of France, Count d'Artois
    * Versailles, October 9th, 1757
    † Graffenberg Castle, Görz, November 6th, 1836
    King of France, September 16th, 1824 (forced to abdicate: August 2nd, 1830)

  6. HRH Maria Anna Carolina Gabriella Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, December 17th, 1757
    † Stupinigi Castle near Turin, December 11th, 1824


    Turin, March 19th, 1775:
    Benedetto Maria Maurizio Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke de Chablais
    * Turin, June 21st, 1741
    † Rome, January 4th, 1808

  7. HM Vittorio Emanuele I King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
    (Born as: HRH Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia)
    * Turin, July 24th, 1759
    † Moncalieri Castle near Turin, January 10th, 1824
    Heir to the Throne, October 16th, 1796
    King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, October 6th, 1819


    Turin, April 25th, 1789:
    HI & RH Maria Theresia Johanna Josephine Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Modena
    * Milan, November 1st, 1773
    † Genoa, March 29th, 1832

    Children from this marriage:

    1. HRH Maria Beatrice Vittoria Giuseppina Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
      * Turin, December 6th, 1792
      † Cattajo, September 15th, 1840


      Cagliari, June 20th, 1812:
      HI & RH Francesco IV Joseph Karl Ambrosius Stanislaus Duke of Modena, Reggio and Mirandola, Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia
      (Born as: HI & RH Francesco IV Joseph Karl Ambrosius Stanislaus Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Prince of Modena)
      * Milan, October 6th, 1779
      † Modena, January 21st, 1846
      Duke of Modena, Reggio and Mirandola, December 24th, 1806

    2. HRH Marie Adelaide Clotilda Xaveria Borbonia Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
      * Turin, October 1st, 1794
      † Naples, March 9th, 1802
    3. HRH Carlo Emanuele Vittorio Amedeo Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia
      * Turin, November 3rd, 1796
      † Cagliari, August 9th, 1799
    4. Daughter
      * Cagliari, December 20th, 1800
      † Cagliari, January 10th, 1801
    5. HRH Maria Teresa Ferdinanda Felicita Gaetana Pia Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
      * Rome, September 19th, 1803
      † San Martino near Lucca, June 16th, 1879


      Turin or Lucca, September 5th, 1820:
      Carlo II Lodovico Ferdinando Duke of Parma and Piacenza
      (Born as: HRH Carlo Lodovico Ferdinando Prince of Parma)
      (Between May 27th, 1803 and December 10th, 1807:) HM Lodovico II King of Etruria, Prince of Parma
      (Between March 13th, 1824 and October 15th, 1847:) HRH Carlo Lodovico Ferdinando Duke of Lucca, Prince of Parma
      * Madrid, September 22nd, 1799
      † Nice, April 17th, 1883
      King of Etruria, May 27th, 1803 (deposed: December 10th, 1807)
      Duke of Lucca, March 13th, 1824 (deposed: October 15th, 1847)
      Duke of Parma and Piacenza, December 17th, 1847 (abdicated: April 19th, 1848)

    6. HIM Empress Maria Anna of Austria née Princess of SavoyHRH Maria Anna Richarda Carolina Cajetana Margaretha Pia Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
      * Rome, September 19th, 1803
      † Prague, May 4th, 1884

      HIM Emperor Ferdinand of AustriaMarried:

      (by proxy) Turin, February 12th and (in person) Kammer-Kapelle Sankt Joseph (aka Josephi Kapelle), Leopoldinischer Trakt, Hofburg, Vienna, February 27th, 1831:
      Ferdinand Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcelin Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia ("The Good")
      (Born as: HI & RH Ferdinand Karl Leopold Joseph Franz Marcelin Prince Imperial and Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia)
      * Vienna, April 19th, 1793
      † Prague, June 29th, 1875
      Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, King of Lombardia-Venice, King of Illyria, Grand Duke of Cracow, Duke of Salzburg, Duke of Ragusa and Zara, Prince of Triente and Brixen, Duke of Friaul, Lord of Cattaro, March 2nd, 1835 (crowned: March 7th, 1835; crowned as King of Lombardia-Venice: September 6th, 1838; abdicated: December 2nd, 1848)

    7. HRH Maria Cristina Carolina Giuseppina Gaetana Elisa Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
      * Cagliari, November 14th, 1812
      † Caserta, January 31st, 1836


      Voltri, November 21st, 1832:
      Ferdinando II Carlo King of the Two Sicilies
      (Born as: HRH Ferdinando Carlo Prince of Naples and Sicily)
      (Since December 8th, 1816:) HRH Ferdinando Carlo Prince of the Two Sicilies
      (Since January 4th, 1825:) HRH Ferdinando Carlo Prince of the Two Sicilies, Duke di Calabria
      * Palermo, January 12th, 1810
      † Caserta, May 22nd, 1859
      Heir to the Throne of the Two Sicilies, January 4th, 1825
      King of the Two Sicilies, November 8th, 1830

  8. HRH Maria Cristina Giuseppa Ferdinanda Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, November 21st, 1760
    † Turin, May 19th, 1768
  9. HRH Maurizio Giuseppe Maria Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Duke de Montferrat
    * Turin, September 13th, 1762
    † Alghero, September 1st, 1799
  10. HRH Maria Carolina Antonietta Adelaide Princess of Savoy, Princess of Sardinia
    * Turin, January 17th, 1764
    † Dresden, December 28th, 1782


    (by proxy) Turin, September 29th and (in person) Dresden, October 24th, 1781:
    Anton Clemens Theodor Maria Joseph Johann Evangelista Johann Nepomuk Franz Xaver Aloys Januar King of Saxony
    (Born as: HSH Anton Clemens Theodor Maria Joseph Johann Evangelista Johann Nepomuk Franz Xaver Aloys Januar Prince of Saxony)
    (Since December 11th, 1806:) HRH Anton Clemens Theodor Maria Joseph Johann Evangelista Johann Nepomuk Franz Xaver Aloys Januar Prince of Saxony
    * Dresden, December 27th, 1755
    † Schloß Pillnitz near Dresden, June 6th, 1836
    Heir Pressumptive to the Throne, September 8th, 1781
    King of Saxony, May 5th, 1827

  11. HM Carlo Felice Giuseppe Maria King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont
    (Born as: HRH Carlo Felice Giuseppe Maria Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia)
    * Turin, April 6th, 1765
    † Turin, April 27th, 1831
    Heir to the Throne, October 6th, 1819
    King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, January 10th, 1824


    (by proxy) Palermo, March 7th and (in person) Turin, April 6th, 1807:
    Maria Cristina Amelia Teresa Princess of Naples and Sicily
    (Since December 8th, 1816:) HRH Maria Cristina Amelia Teresa Princess of the Two Sicilies
    * Caserta, January 17th, 1779
    † Savona, March 11th, 1849

  12. HRH Giuseppe Benedetto Maria Placido Prince of Savoy, Prince of Sardinia, Count de Maurienne, Duke d'Aosta
    * Turin, October 5th, 1766
    † Sassari, October 29th, 1802


  1. With special thanks to Paul Theroff.

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