History of Constructions 



No one knows for sure when constructions came about.  But constructions probably first “appeared” when geometry was discovered since constructions are often used with proofs and theorms.  The ancient Greeks and Romans were some of the first mathematical and geometrical thinkers of the time.  Most constructions are based on ones developed by ancient Greek geometricians.  But there was one ancient philosopher who is most widely know for his geometrical thoughts, properties, and theorms.  His name was Euclid of Alexandria.   Euclid was born in 325 BC and died in Alexandria, Egypt in about 265 BC.  This means that some of the earliest geometrical properties and constructions came about in around 350-250 BC.  But new theorms were still discovered much later than that.  Pappus proposed his theorm in 300 A.D.  Kepler used geometry and constructions to help prove his ideas in the movement of the sun and earth in the 15th century.   New discoveries about geometry and constructions are still being found today.             

Learn More about Euclid Here