


Hindu Puraan | Upanishad | Kath







Kathopanishad - Index

0. - Prolog
1. - Introduction
2. - Three Boons
3. - Preya and Shreya; The Chariot and the Rider
4. - Wisdom; The Journey Into Consciousnes; A Colossal Fallacy
5. - Gross and Subtle
6. - Field of Forces; Praan and Health
7. - Body and Mind; A Field of Forces
8. - Will and Desire; Will Quotient; Forest of Desires; The Great Race
9. - Transformation of Desires; Clear Seeing
10. - Goals; From Death to Death; Through a Glass Darkly
11. - Stream of Thoughts; Acting and Reacting
12. - The Mind and Karm; The Still Mind
13. - Shadow and Self; The Tree of Life
14. - The Pauper and Prince; Death and Dreaming
15. - The Last Great Change
16. - The Magic of Maayaa; Death and Immortality
17. - Waking Up
18. - The Unification of Desires; The Razor's Edge; Closing the Circle
19. - Lesson of the Lilac; In the Midst of Life
20. - The Other Shore




Hindu Puraan | Upanishad | Kath

Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 3/15/2005, and Updated on 06/06/2009
E-mail:  hindupuraan@yahoo.com