同一天空下,不分你我他 請簽名支持我們的訴求! (中文版) 發起團體致全港市民的一封信
Letter from the Organizer:(中文 | English)
同一天空下,不分你我他 我們要求聯合國「經濟、社會與文化權利國際委員會」督促香港政府: 1. 立即執行終審庭1999年1月29日的判決,把居港權交還受釋法影響之家庭。 請簽名支持以上訴求:
WE LIVE IN THE SAME WORLD, We asked the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to request the Hong Kong Government: 1. To immediately implement the judgment if the Court of Final Appeal dated 29th January 1999, and return the right of abode to families deprived of the same by the “Interpretation” of the Basic Law by the National People Congress. Please sign your name to signify your support of the above:
發起團體 Organizer : |