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This site is dedicated to genealogical research on the WALDROP surname and its variations. There are approximately 5000 heads of households with the Waldrop surname or a variant in the United States, which makes the name somewhat rare. I am always happy to hear from anyone related to the Waldrops of America. The magnitude of the genealogical research I and my cousins have collected for several years is often difficult to verify. Therefore, I am aware that there are errors in our collection. However, it is my hope that with your help, errors can be eliminated, mysteries can be solved, and sharing of information will be beneficial.

There are so very many Waldrop descendants who have helped me over the past 12 years or more that deserve credit. They number more than 1500 and I cannot possibly name them all here. I would like to name a few who were most influential in my searches: Donald Wayne Waldrop and Jan Dawson, my true genealogy mates. David Porter Smith, deceased, James Marion Waldrop and Howard Hunt Waldrop helped me so much in my early reseach years. Other large contributors: Sue Waldrop, U.V. Waldrop, Charles W. Waldrop, Robert Brown, Le Bateman, Marshall Waldrop, Joe Lochridge, Frank A. Gossett, Debbie Waldrop, Ann Robbins, Lloyd Waldrep, Bob Waldrop, Shirley Sydnor, Shirley F. Williams, Cordia Murray Mitchell, Ruby Murray Dillon Alexander, Maude Wyatt Waldrop, deceased, Johnnie Waldrop McGann, deceased, Gilbert Wyatt, deceased, Catherine Weaver, deceased, Bettye Heinrich, Julia Griffith, Billy Ray Newcomb, and countless others.

I have tried to credit those who contributed in the notes of their respective lines. However, I must admit in the early years of my research I was not as careful to do this as I am now. So, please forgive me and God bless you all!
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