New games from LucasArts are the most eagerly awaited (not to mention most lengthly delayed) games in the computer industry. So here you'll find the very latest rumors gathered from a worldwide news team (that's you, by the way!) to keep you informed on the latest game developments.

All news stories published are accurate to the best of my knowledge, but remember many of them are purely rumors, so don't blame me if Monkey Island 3 never sees the light of day!

If you have any game news regarding LucasArts upcoming games then mail Martin or fill in the form and let the whole world share in your knowledge. Geez, go on.....

Monkey Island 3 In Pre-Production

A number of sources, including LucasArts employees themselves, have indicated that Monkey Island 3 is now in the pre-production stage. A script is currently being drawn up, and gameplay ideas are being formulated. According to one LucasArts employee (who shall remain nameless) pre-production began in June.

LucasArts are not publically giving anything away. LEC Appreciation Page reader Bradley Wagner mailed LucasArts asking if there were plans for a new game, and they replied: "We know of the extreme interest in another Monkey Island sequel but have not yet announced plans for one". As Brad points out, the key words seem to be "not YET announced".

Indy Jones Sons Of Darkness

Contary to popular press reports, the next Indy Jones movie will be titled Indiana Jones & The Sons Of Darkness. The script used for this movie will form the basis of the next LucasArts Indy game next year. The creator of the script, Jeff Boam, is reportedly upset that it is currently widely available on the internet. However due to legal reasons it is not linked from here (i.e. we don't want to get the pants sued off us!)

Outlaws Mix-Matches Game Styles

The next graphic adventure to come from LucasArts is going to be mixing game engines like crazy to try and produce one heck of a potent cocktail. Outlaws will be three games in one; a multi-player Dark Forces style blaster, a shoot-em-up using the Rebel Assault engine, and a cinematic adventure game. This ambitious project should near completition by this Winter.

Indy Jones For Winter 1997

News has reached us that confirms a new Indiana Jones game is in the pipeline, and is expected to be released by the end of next year. It will tie in with the movie which will be out next summer, but it will not strictly follow the plot of the movie. The movie is about Atlantis, so LucasArts will need to change the storyline a bit to avoid it being the same game as the last Indy adventure game. Sounds good.

New Graphic Adventure Announced... Sort Of!

Development is well underway on a wild west showdown called OUTLAWS. The game will combine three distinct playing styles, although the game is most likely to play as an adventure game (hurray!) with action sections, such as the combination employed so successfully in Full Throttle. More details are set to be announced at the E3 show where a release date might be given. So if they say its gonna be out in three months expect it around Christmas time!

Monkey Island 3 & Indy Jones Sequels?

Rebel Assault designer Vince Lee on a recent trip to England along with a PR man for Virgin Games (who distribute LEC games in the UK) claims that work has already begun on Monkey Island 3. Also to tie in with Steven Speilbergs final Indy film The Lost Continent, LucasArts have another Indy game in the pipeline. If these rumors prove not to be true blame Vince Lee for winding up us Brits! However they did appear in the world's best selling PC magazine PC Format.

Help us out here, will ya? If you have heard any whispers about new LucasArts games fill in the form and enlighten us all...


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