
The Dragon can't end, he's been my friend... He must pass over and evolve with me!

I look up and call softly. I feel the wind shift upon my face. He comes on strong, true, wings and lands softly by my side. From our mountain perch we watch the end together. My heart is breaking and I feel the stillness of death coming. I am afraid! In his gentle way he tells me not to fear.

"I am bound to you. Where you go, I go. When you change, I change."

The sound is deafening. I feel the earth shudder and break apart. The heat is intense and I cannot breathe. Lemuria my home, it's ashes, it's gone. The total power misused has risen to destroy us.

"Fly me away before it's too late."

His eyes are sad as he looks at me, "There's no place to go. You have all brought this upon yourselves and It must end now, before it can begin again."

"What if there is no again? Maybe this is all that ever was."

"Can you really believe that, when you have been shown otherwise?"

"Fear paralyses me, it robs me of my beliefs, I do not know what to believe."

"Then one last time climb upon my back, release your fear, and I will be with you in the new world."

The end was swift and painless. I am free and floating. I feel great peace. I am surrounded by pure, bright, white, light. I am the essence of life. There is no body to bind or hold me. I see and know all without being told. I do not hunger or thirst. I do not seem to need more than I already have. For the first time I feel total love.

Everything is love! I am Love! I stand in a great hall. I am alone. I look at myself and I have a form, but it is not solid. The hall walls are brilliant and shimmering, but they too are not solid.

Everything is bright, clean, alive, and shimmering, but again not solid. Why does the word solid seem to be a need for me? I don't seem to have other needs!

I move and pass through. I am apart of everything. All life's essence has equal meaning.

It's as though I wear a smile of joy on my face, but don't need a face.

All life is bound with sound. The sound is a color vibration. As I look closely, I see that everything is a vibration and works within its own frequency.

dragonzolt.jpg I feel wonderful. I spread my arms wide and have the urge to dance. The colors on the walls shift into multihues and the music fills my soul. I become apart of the music and move effortlessly to its beat. I know that I am the music as well as the colors. I am now soul blending, becoming in tune with the whole. I know how to do this without even thinking, it's just remembering that I know how, since I spent so much time agreeing to forget.

As my soul continues to vibrate it releases all habits and memory of agreed upon boundaries. I feel myself free and floating and realize that I have released the shell since it is no longer needed. I find it hard to believe that I would deliberately want to confine myself to such a limited existence by choice.

I am sitting upon a ridge, but not the ridge overlooking the destruction. As I gaze down, I see great beauty. Colors crisper than I remember. I see a lake with clearer water than I have ever seen before. The grass surrounding the lake is thicker and greener than I remember. I want to roll in that thick, green grass.

As I become airborne, I feel lighter than before. There is no effort needed to maneuver, it's as though I was apart of the wind. As I land, I do not feel the grass, but as I look, I am upon it. I can smell its clean, wonderful scent. I lie down and start to roll upon my back with my legs pointing to the sky. I proceed to move and stretch, letting the thick grass scratch my back. Oh how wonderful, I think I am in heaven.

"Hello there" she calls. What a light, melodic, happy voice she has. I roll to my side and see this beautiful goddess of a woman walking towards me.

Although she is walking, her feet don't seem to touch the ground. Her face is illuminated with the biggest smile I have ever seen. I start to rise.

"Please, you look to comfortable to move, I'll just sit here upon this large rock and talk with you." As she moves to sit, this large rock appears and she gracefully seats herself. I must be dreaming because as she spoke to me her mouth did not move.

"No you aren't dreaming, there is no need to use ones vocal cords to be understood."
"You read my mind?"
"As you do mine!"
"Where am I and why are you here?"
"You are in the review area and I have come to you in this form because it is what you are comfortable with, since when you crossed over you had Kassandra with you. Upon your back I might add."

"Yes! My mistress Kassandra, where is she?"
"You call Kassandra mistress, yet you are not a slave."
"I gave myself to Kassandra and bound myself to her needs."
"Then you realize that you did this by free choice?"
"Of course!"
"And why did you choose the form of a great Dragon, and a flying dragon at that?"
"Because it was non-threatening to her human existence. It was mystical and magic. It also had no sexual connotations. It allowed her to express every feeling and desire without being threatened by it or without feeling she would be judged for it. It allowed me to be her companion and protector. There was never a challenge to her to be more than she needed to be."

"I see and do you feel you completely filled your needs as well?"

"There never was a need for me to fulfill my needs. The service I chose to perform was to aide Kassandra's growth."

"And has that service been completely fulfilled?"
"That will depend on her needs. If she needs my services again I will go to her in whatever form she needs me to be in."

"Do you know why you perform these selfless acts?"
dragonisle2.jpg "I believe that it is because I have evolved beyond the need to incarnate and have only chosen to do so to help this one soul in it's eveloution."

"Correct! Now, shall we review this last incarnation and then release ourselves from their memory and limitations?"

"Yes, I am ready." As I watch my life unfold before me it's as though I am watching a moving picture of someone else's life. I am not connected to feelings as it progresses. Sometimes it's very violent, other times happy, then sad. It's a kaleidoscope of actions and emotions. I am hypnotized and fascinated, but not the least judgmental. I see something's that may have worked out better if done differently, but still they seem to work for the given circumstances. As it all draws to a close, I see the plan was well laid out and it did accomplish most of what it set out to do. For the most part it was quite well done. I am pleased with my choices and feel very fulfilled.

"Beautiful! Shall we now release these unneeded limitations and join the whole?"

"No! I am not ready to do that yet. I wish to stay here until I know if Kassandra wants to reincarnate and still has need of my services. I know that I do not need further incarnations and I also do not need to be a multilevel teacher. So I think I will stay here and see just what this soul's needs are to be."

I am effortlessly flying above the beautiful lake. The feeling of love and peace is what all of this is and it is as light as I am. I know everything about flying and start to snort. The intricacies involved or imagined on earth's plane are so simple when remembered here. Vibration! Ever changing and moving electrical vibrational frequencies. Nothing solid, just the agreement to join and become. A dance of harmony as all participate and all form the whole. Yet every particle, every atom, has a memory of its own and its place in the whole. The glue is electrical and the binding is Love! How simple, but when away from the whole, how cut off, lost, blind, and deaf we become. The ultimate sacrifice is the agreement to forget and work within a limited space and agree to the rules and boundaries. Yet the biggest miracle of all, you have all the information with you. It's locked securely in the cells and you are given the key and only have to be quiet and practice remembering to find all the answers. And help is given only when asked for. How easy it is to explain free will on the earth plane! Although I am not tired I seem to need to lie and rest awhile.

I hear a familiar voice calling to me. I feel myself being pulled up and out of the Dragons' lifeless body. Swirling, brilliant colors suround me. I look around and view my form. Though smaller, I'm quite large. My courage and loyalty are still strong. I stand erect on all fours. Though I have no wings, I do not seem to need to fly. I have long legs and great strength. I have a dignified look, long graceful neck and head. My coat is short, thick, and very shinny. It fits tightly over my large frame. I still lack something. I am not complete. What is this feeling? Why is there such an emptiness inside? I look whole and strong. There is such longing. Something is still missing!

As I gaze about this golden field I am filled with happiness at what I feel and see. I breathe the air deep into my nostrils and become heady with the pungent aromas. I want to just run, and run, and run... My eyes can't believe the beauty of the colors I see and feel around me. I seem to hear colors! Although I am alone, I don't feel alone. I begin to lope easily across the field. The ground is quite level and firm. Yet, when I glance quickly out of the corner of my eye, everything seems to be vibrating and it seems to lack substance. I don't want to think about it right now. I just want to be!


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