
Full Name: Sean Kieran Conlon Birthdate: May 20, 1981 Birthplace: Leeds, England Current Residence: Camberley, Surrey, England Height: 5'9" Weight: Ten and a half stone/ 145 lbs Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Dark Brown Zodiac Sign: Taurus Nicknames: Gungi Hobbies: Music, ladies Status: Single Dream Girl: Meg Ryan, Melanie Sykes, Sharon Stone Biggest fear: Being poor Distinguishing marks: Little scar under his chin Hates: Cats Allergies: Funny bed covers Most embarrassing moment: Knocking over a table full of food at a party Hero: Eddie Murphy Person he'd most like to meet: R Kelly Previous Job: Doing removals Religion: Catholic Fave Childhood toy: Bike


Colour: Dark green Smells: Hairspray, soap, women, grass being cut Music: Soul R&B Artists: Martin Gaye, Jackson Five Part of his body: Lips School Subject: Music Least fave part of his body: Nose and feet Least fave food: Anchovies He has rude thoughts about every 10 minutes. Sean would never pose nude. In the group, he's closest to J. He doesn't change his underwear for up to four or five days. He can't draw at all.
"I don't know why, but I've never been able to draw at all. All I can do are stick men. Some people say they can't draw, but I really can't! I'm about as good as a two-year-old! Seriously."
The first thing he looks at on a girl is her smile and eyes. He throws up a lot.
"I've probably thrown up in most places, really - in the street, on the way home, at school, at home. It doesn't really bother me - if I feel sick, I'll just throw up wherever I am. I can't help it. You always feel loads better afterwards, don't you?"
He likes deep, mature girls with dark, curly hair. His girlfriends' parents never like him.
"None of my girlfriends' parents have evern like me. They though I was a delinquent."
He's the messiest of 5ive. If he had five minutes to live ...
"I'd make love while drinking a bottle of booze!"
He had a big afro when he was 11. He won't use moisturiser.
I'm tired of people making me slap girlie creams on my face. This Australian make-up artist was trying to get me to use moisturiser. She kept saying, 'Your skin's dry. You'll get a bad shaving rash,' but I wasn't having it. Girls' stuff!"
If he only had a fiver left, he'd spend it on a R&B single. Sean was always BA.
"We'd always play at being the A-Team when I was a little lad and I always wanted to be a different character. But because I was the only black person in our gang they'd always go 'No, you're BA!'
His first song he wrote was when he was 9 and it was about wanting a bike for Christmas. He's half-Turkish. Sean chews on everything.
"The tie was purple but I ate it (on his school uniform). I chew anything material, plastic or paper, and sometimes I swallow it by mistake! Good job I've got short sleeves today!"
If his name wasn't Sean it'd be Germaine.


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