There are a lot of ways to reach Sarah. The one that I find the most useful and that I know she responds to when you ask for an autograph is by her address c/o The WB. You can try to write to her, but I can not guarantee a response. If you have luck or if you have another one of Sarah's addresses, please send me an e-mail.


Sarah Michelle Gellar
c/o Buffy the Vampire Slayer
c/o The Warner Brothers Television Network
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522

Sarah's E-mail address!

I cannot guarantee that this her actual e-mail address. However, I got this address from someone who knows Sarah personally. Please do not complain to me if she does not respond. If this is her e-mail address, she probably get's tons of e-mail and cannot write back to all of them. Please do not e-mail me, complaining that she did not write back or if you think that this is a fake.

E-mail Sarah at

If you would like to use her e-mail on your page, please e-mail me with your site address, site title, and your e-mail address (You can click on "E-mail Me" below to do so).

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