(you know you like officer jenny too much when...)

1.) You actually build a web-shrine to her!!

2.) You are an avid watcher of Pokemon, but you hate Pikachu, Ash, Brock, Misty, and all of the other main characters. You just think Officer Jenny rocks.

3.) You dye your hair blue and use hair gel to make it look sort of spiky in the back.

4.) You ride around your neighborhood on your motorcycle, looking to 'arrest' (beat up) some 'Pokemon Poachers' in your area (all the Anti-Pokemon people from your school).

5.) You buy one of those police hats from a costume store, and actually wear it in public. When someone makes fun of you, you say, "You're under arrest for threatening an official Pokemon Police Officer!"

6.) One of your friends walks into your room and says, "why do you have 'Team Rocket Sucks' written all over your walls?"

7.) Your friends salute you when they see you.

8.) You buy red colored contacts to go with your blue hair and police hat.

9.) You find out who plays the voice of Officer Jenny, and stalk her.

10.) You ask random people you see in the street to see their 'trainers' licenses'.

11.) One of your the little girls you babysit, who is a big fan of Pokemon, informs you that her brother and his friends have stolen her Pikachu plush and are trying to sell it. You tell her, "This is a violation of Pokemon rights!! But don't worry, leave it to me. Those Rocket thieves won't get away with this."

12.) While on your motorcycle, you see a man walking down the street with a three-legged dog. You offer to "give him a ride to the nearest Pokemon Center".

13.) When your teacher asks you where your homework is, your excuse is "I did it, but the Growlithe I rescued last night ate it".

14.) People flock to your lunch table every day to hear about the many Pokemon Poachers and Team Rocket affilliates you've arrested.

15.) Someone comes up to you, claiming she saw you in the mall the previous night. You laugh and say, "Oh, you must have seen my twin sister, Jenny".

16.) You actually got this far along in the list!! ^_^

17.) You're thinking of more YKYLOJTMWs in your head right now, and plan on writing them down so you can mail them to me.

Snoozin' on the job, eh?? When you wake up, don't forget to take a trip back to the Shrine to Officer Jenny