by Dawn Underwood (Thunderbird)-Nighthawk Commando

by Dawn Underwood
"Do you, John, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." He looked at Anna as the minister asked her the same questions. Under the white veil, shoulder length brown hair framed a perfectly proportioned face. She had large, beautiful green eyes that seemed to see directly into his soul. He could not keep anything from her, for which he was grateful.

"I do," he heard her say. He turned to the tall dark haired man beside him. The man reached into the inner pocket of his tuxedo jacket and pulled out a slender golden band. He looked at it before handing it to the groom.

He took the ring and slipped it on her slender finger.

"You may kiss the bride." As he took her in his arms, the world slowly dissolved to a time four years in the future.

The phone rang. He walked across the living room to answer it.


"Mr. Smith?" a voice said. "I'm afraid I have some bad news."

An accident? No, that wasn't possible. A bus hit her car? No, she couldn't be dead. No! Anna!

He sat straight up in bed, bathed in sweat, hands trembling. He waited for the shaking to subside before getting out of the bed. He knew it was only a dream, but the memories of that time, a lifetime ago, were always disturbing.

He walked out of the room and through the door. He quickly found Murdock standing watch.

"Couldn't sleep, Colonel?"

"No, Captain, I couldn't. I'll take over. Go get some sleep."

Murdock nodded and walked into the house, leaving Hannibal alone, in the darkness, with his memories.

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