From the Library...




 Copyright - May not be reproduced without permission from:  Victoria Rumble  

Recommended Reading

  • Guardian Angels, A History of the Killen Family. by Vickie R. Rumble.  This book traces the Killen Family from Scotland to Ireland then to America down to current generations.  Includes information on thousands of related families as well as much local history of Tenn., N. Ala., Texas, etc.  Much information on Confederate veterans including the formation of Camp O'Neal, United Confederate Veterans, Lauderdale County, AL.  Copies available from the author.  

  • The Employments of Women:  A Cyclopedia of Women's Work. Virginia Penny, l863. Reprint.  Describes all employments of women reported for the times along with salaries and description of work performed. Very good in developing programs for living histories or first person impressions.  Mrs. Martin's Mercantile 4566 Oakhurst Dr., Sylvania, OH  43560  (4l9) 474-2093

  • The Kentucky Housewife, Lettice Bryan, l839.  Reprint.  Period cookbook, some recipes can be accurately reproduced for period picnics, living histories, etc.  University of S. C. Press.  ISBN 0-87249-735-6  

  • Plain People of the Confederacy. Bell I. Wiley.  Invaluable in establishing a first person impression of Southern refugees.  Encounter Books/Quadrangle Books.

  • Johnny Reb. Bell I. Wiley.  Very informative book of the Confederate soldier.  Info. also pertains to the Southern Homefront. LSU Press. ISBN 0-807l-0475-2  

  • Life in Dixie During the War, Mary A. H. Gay.  This is perhaps the best diary account of Life in the South during the war years.  Miss Gay's description of the hardships she, family members, and neighbors endured is heartbreaking. Very good overall reference.  Recently reprinted for the first time since this book was originally published.  

  • Resources of Southern Fields and Forests, Frances Peyer Porcher, M.D.  (rare).  A period medical manual of plants, trees, shrubs, herbs, etc. useful in the South during blockaded times.  597 pages.

  • Brokenburn, The Journal of Kate Stone, Kate Stone.  Very good book on researching Southern refugees and the hardships they endured.  Well written and entertaining.  Kate discusses her family's plight to Texas to escape the War and the prejudices they experienced by locals.  LSU Press.  ISBN 0-8071-2042-1

  • The Diary of Miss Emma Holmes, Emma Holmes.  Well written and entertaining, good documentation on refugees, makeshifts, and life in a blockaded country.  Miss Holmes was a resident of S. Carolina, member of a Soldiers' Aid Society, and a refugee.  LSU Press. ISBN 0-8071-1940-7  

  • General Lee and Santa Claus, Louise Clack.  Wonderful accounting of why Santa could not visit the Southern children during the War years.  NOTE:  There are two versions of  this book available, the original, and a modernized version - ask for the former.  Guild Bindery Press, Ins.  P. O. Box 38099, Memphis, TN  38183. 1-800-622-7936

  • The Confederate Housewife, John Hammond Moore.  A compilation of substitutions and recipes from various newspapers and other publications during the war years. Invaluable reference on conditions on the homefront.  Summerhouse Press, P. O. Box 1492, Columbia, SC.  1-803-779-0870.  ISBN 1-887714-09-X  

  • Confederate Receipt Book, A Compilation of One Hundred Receipts Adapted to the Times, Merton Coulter.  The only cookbook written in the South during war times.  Provides a very clear picture of what life was like in the blockaded South.  Substitutions for everyday items provide insight into what circumstances were like for Southern women.  University of GA Press, Athens, GA.  ISBN 0-8203-0561-8

  • A Blockaded Family, Life in Southern Alabama During the Civil War, Parthenia Antoinette Hague.  Exceptional in its documentation of hardships and substitutions in Alabama during the war years.  Provides insight on everything from feather fans to spinning and weaving.  Originally published in l888, recommended by Jefferson Davis.  ISBN 1-55709-247-8.  Applewood Books, 18 North Rd., Bedford, MA  01730

  • A Woman's War Time Journal, Dolly Sumner Lunt.  Small book which details one woman's hardships after Sherman's infamous March to the Sea.

  • A Very Violent Rebel, Ellen House.  Gives an accounting of the war years in Eastern Tennessee.  Univ. TN Press/Knoxville.  37996-0325. ISBN 0-87049-944-0

  • A Confederate Nurse, Ada Bacot.  Miss Bacot describes her time spent as a Confederate nurse.  ISBN 0-87249-970-7

  • Women in the War, Elizabeth Massey.  This book outlines the changes in women's lives brought on by the war and how these changes effect us today.  The war was perhaps the precursor of the Women's Rights Movement.  Nebraska Press.  ISBN 0-8032-82l3-3

  • Valor and Lace, Mauriel Phillips Joslyn.  A collection of short stories.  Contains valuable information on Ladies Aid Societies and their work.  Southern Heritage Press.  P. O. Box 1012, Murfreesboro, TN  37133

  • The War the Women Lived, Walter Sullivan.  A collection of short stories abstracted from period diaries.  A good overall book for someone who does not have time to read each individual diary.  J. S. Sanders Co., P. O. Box 50331, Nashville, TN  37205.  ISBN l-879-94l-30-9

  • A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, John B. Jones.  An invaluable accounting of life in the South during war times as seen through the eyes of a male civilian.  Mr. Jones records food and clothing shortages, prices of goods, and the hardship of providing for his family.  Since he served as a clerk and had knowledge of war information much of it is recorded as well.  Time-Life Books.

  • Diary of a Southern Refugee, Judith McGuire.  A very good accounting of Southern refugee life and its hardships.    

  • Recollections Grave and Gay, Constance Cary (Mrs. Burton Harrison).  Constance was from a wealthy socialite family, but even she endured hardship during the war.  While her life was not as devastated as many this book serves as a comparison between social classes during the war - no one was immune from hardship and shortages.  Much historical information about the Jefferson Davis family included as witnessed first hand by her husband.

  • Weep Not For Me, Dear Mother, Elizabeth Roberson.  A collection of letters written by a Confederate private to his mother during the war.  

  • My Cave Life in Vicksburg, Mrs. James Loughborough.  An exceptional accounting of life in the caves of Vicksburg during the siege.  The Reprint Co.  Spartanburg, SC   ISBN 0-87l52-2l7-9

  • An Antebellum Plantation Household, Ann Whaley Sinkler LaClercq.  An accounting by a Northern woman who moved to South Carolina after her marriage to a plantation owner.  Provides contrast between life in the North and South.  This book also provides the War Between The States receipt book of Emily Sinkler.  University of SC Press.  ISBN l-57003-l29-0

  • The Workwoman's Guide, 1838 - By A Lady, A Guide to the 19th Century Decorative Arts, Fashion, and Practical Crafts, Opus Publications, reprint.  Gives sketches and VERY brief instructions for various period items.  Such works provide little instruction to aid the modern seamstress in reproducing the items.  Provides information on mourning, descriptions of fabrics for the times, and much other useful information.  Post Rd., Box 269, Guilford, CT 06437

  • The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, Fashion, and Manual of Politeness, Florence Hartley, l860.  Reprint.  Useful in molding one's 20th century manners to fit a 19th century impression.  Amazon Dry Goods, Davenport, IA

  • Civil War Era Etiquette, R. L. Shep.  As above.

  • A Woman's Civil War, A Diary with Reminiscences of the War from March 1862, Cornelia Peake McDonald.  Exceptional accounting of life in the South during the war years.  Mrs. McDonald describes the many hardships she endured in caring for her large family. Univ. Wisconsin Press.  ISBN 0-299-l3260-9

  • The Robert E. Lee Family Cooking and Housekeeping Book, Anne Carter Zimmer (Gr. granddaughter of Gen. Lee).  Contains receipts from the Lee family along with modern directions for reproducing them.  Lee family history, and journal entries included.  University of NC Press.  ISBN 0-8078-2369-4

  • When the World Ended, Emma LaConte.  An exceptional accounting of Southern civilian life during the war by a teen-age girl.  Valuable insight as to the thought processes of young people during the times.  Emma's father also wrote a diary which makes for good comparison with hers. University of Nebraska Press.  ISBN 0-8032-8l5l-X

  • The Civil War Diary of Anne S. Frobel of Wilton Hill in Virginia, Anne Frobel.  A frank and honest accounting of hardships endured by Anne and her sister who never recovered from the heavy losses they sustained during the war.  They lived in poverty the rest of their lives in a house with leaky ceilings, clothes unfit for public viewing, cold, and hunger.  Don't look for a happy ending.  EPM Publications Inc., l003 Turkey Run Rd., McLean, VA  22l0l.  ISBN 0-939009-69-2

  • An Introduction to Civil War Civilians, Juanita Leisch. Valuable manual for developing a first person impression. Thomas Publications, Gettysburg, PA.

  • Who Wore What, Juanita Leisch, Thomas Publications.  Valuable source of information in recreating 19th century clothing.  Hundreds of pictures for comparison.

  • A Southern Woman's Story, Phoebe Yates Pember.  A small book, but an exceptional accounting of Southern life and the hardships of running a hospital in a blockaded country.  Hardships endured by soldiers are described by Phoebe who laments her inability to provide them with more food and comforts.  ISBN 89l76-024-5.  R. Bemis Publishing, P. O. Box 7l088, Marietta, GA  30007

  • Co. Aytch, Sam Watkins.  A sometimes serious, sometimes funny but frank look at what life was like for a Confederate Private.  This book inspired the one act play by Mr. Bob Funk.   ISBN 0-02-038l30-l  

  • Sarah Morgan, The Civil War Diary of a Southern Woman, Sarah Morgan.  Very good diary accounting.  Skip the dry passages - the ending is exceptional.  Honest and frank accounting of hardships endured by the Morgan family. Refugee - fled several times when the town was shelled and occupied.  ISBN 0-67l-78503-6

  • Ersatz in the Confederacy, Elizabeth Massey.  A MUST for any serious Southern civilian re-enactor.  This book describes in detail every facet of life in the South during war times and hardships endured in the name of Freedom.  ISBN 0-87249-877-8

  • of Life in the South During the War by a Blockaded British Subject, (rare).  A very frank and honest accounting of Life in the South by one able to provide an unbiased view.  She describes the system of slavery which is vastly different from what the politically correct would have us believe

  • A Journal of Hospital Life in the Confederate Army of Tennessee from the Battle of Shiloh to the End of the War With Sketches of Life and Character and Brief Notices of Current Events During that Period.  Kate Cumming. Recently reprinted.

  • Mothers of Invention.  Drew Gilpin Faust.  Vintage Books.  This book contains numerous diary entries which are broken up by topics.  Explanations of changes in women's lives brought about by the War and far reaching effects will shed light on the role of women today.

  • A Vast Sea of Misery, Gregory Coco.  An Accounting of hospitals in Gettysburg, Thomas Publications

  • Richmond During the War - Sallie Brock Putman.  Good accounting of life in the South during the War years.  University of Nebraska Press.  ISBN  0-8032-8745-3

  • The Secret Eye - The Journal of Ella Gertrude Clanton Thomas 1848-1889.  Ella Thomas.  Good account of life before, during, and after the war.  Shows the changes brought about by Reconstruction and the trauma of having a husband return from the war bitterly disappointed in its outcome and in the turn of events brought about by the surrender.  Univ. NC Press. ISBN 0-8078-l897-6

  • Food Preservation Before the Mason Jar, Nancy Torgerson, l7 Surrey Lane, Forsythe, IL  62535

  • Peddlers and Post Traders - the Army Sutler on the Frontier.  David Delo, Kingfisher Books, P. O. Box 4628, Helena, Montana  59604

  • Lucy Breckinridge of Grove Hill:  The Journal of a Virginia Girl 1862-1864.  University of S C Press.  ISBN 0-87249-995-5.  Lucy gives invaluable insight not only into conditions on the homefront but how Southern women felt about the war and conditions they encountered.

  • Beadle's Dime Guide to Dress-Making and Millinery, Sullivan Press.  A reprint of the original book.  It contains invaluable information on clothing and its construction whether one sews her own dresses or has them made by a seamstress.  A must for any serious re-enactor.

  • The Boy's Own Book and The Girl's Own Book.  ISBN's: l-55709-505-l, l-55709-l34-X.  Applewood Books, P. O. Box 365, Bedford, MA  l073.  These books give descriptions and diagrams of games, toys, and other activities of the period.  Great reference for adults as well!  

  • Southern By the Grace of God, Michael Andrew Grissom. Southern Culture and Values Defined.   ISBN 0-88289-76l-6

  • A Battle from the Start:  The Life of Nathan Bedford Forrest, Brian Steel Wills.  ISBN 0-06-0l6832-3.  Not a dry military manual - this book describes the life of one of the South's greatest leaders from childhood through the war years.  An entertaining and enlightening read.

  • Stonewall Jackson:  Portrait of a Soldier, John Bowers.  William Morrow, Co., Inc. l05 Madison Ave, NY, NY l00l6 Again, this is not a dry military manual.  Jackson the man as well as Jackson the brilliant military strategist is outlined in a manner which is enlightening and refreshing.

  • Echoes of Glory, Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy, Time Life Books.  This book has hundreds of images of clothing, arms, flags, etc., but of special interest to women are the photos of such items as the fiddleback silver carried by one of the Confederate generals.  This gives insight as to what was used by civilians and carried into battle with the soldiers.

  • Foxfire - the series.  These books may be purchased or obtained through your local library.  There are numerous books in the series and discuss conditions in rural GA mountains, remembrances of elderly residents, and of most importance they give a hands-on approach with detailed diagrams and pictures of how to make everything from brogans and rifles to wagon wheels.  

  • Sad Earth, Sweet Heaven:  The Diary of Lucy Rebecca Buck During the War Between the States.  Front Royal, VA  Dec. l86l-April l5, l865.  Lucy Buck was a well educated young woman, very capable of expressing herself and of leaving an incomparable record of life in war-torn Virginia.  There were many notations in this book of special interest to me, especially a passage describing a woman's hair style of the period as being parted in the center.  We are all familiar with this style from viewing CDV's, however, this was the first concrete reference I have found to this style in my reading.  

  • A Rebel Came Home:  The Diary and Letters of Floride Clemson l863-l866.  Edited by Ernest McPherson Lander, Jr. and Charles M. McGee, Jr.  University of SC Press.  ISBN:  0-87249-642-2.  Floride Clemson was not your usual Southern girl in that she was the granddaughter of Senator John C. Calhoun and thus born into a family of some prominence and social standing.  Floride seems to have been a truly caring young woman and describes her travels well both through her journal and letters to her mother.  While her wealth afforded her some degree of luxury over her Southern sisters, it did not make her immune to suffering and she records deaths, illnesses, and other tragedies similar to those experienced throughout the South.  

  • The Children's Civil War.  James Marten.  University of NC Press.  ISBN:  0-8078-2425-9.  The author reveals many issues previously gone unnoticed in the chronicles of war.  He delves into the lives of the children who lived through it and records their suffering.  He also explains that most of these children were scarred by memories of war the remainder of their lives - perhaps the earliest recorded cases of post-traumatic stress syndrome.  We feel a compassion for these children in reading this book and a desire to alleviate their suffering and return their lost childhoods.  Highly recommended.  

  • The History of Underclothes.  C. Willett and Phillis Cunnington.  Dover Books.  ISBN:  0-486-27l24-2.  This book includes underwear for men and women throughout the ages including some items you might not think of as underwear - such as a man's shirt.  We can see the function and form of these garments as they develop through the centuries as well as studying specifically the garments from the mid-l800's era.  A good source for those who wish to recreate accurate period clothing.

  • Thoughts on Men's Shirts in America l750-l900.  William L. Brown, III.  Thomas Publications.  ISBN l-57747-048-6.  This is an invaluable source for anyone trying to outfit the gentleman re-enactor.  Mr. Brown shows the evolution of the shirt from the l700's through the turn of the century.  In addition to photographs of various shirts (Some from the Steamboat Arabia and Bertrand museums and other sites), there are also detailed drawings of each shirt giving measurements, fabric, buttons, etc.  A must for your library.

  • REPASTS FROM THE PAST:  200 years of Receipts from the CW-Renactors, Inc. Virtual Community.  Compiled and edited by Vickie R. Rumble.  Order from 9534 Fern Hollow Way, Montgomery Village, MD  20886-37l4.  This book compares period receipts to their modern counterparts and also gives newspaper accounts of the war years as it effected foods for both soldiers and civilians.  Also contains period housekeeping tips from Godey's Lady's Book and other sources.  A valuable insight into the foods eaten during the l9th century, cooking terms, measures & equivalents, food storage, etc.  $l2. + $3. S&H priority.

  • A Confederate Lady Comes of Age.  The Journal of Pauline DeCaradeuc Heyward 1863-1888.  ISBN l-57003-228-9.  This journal is interesting and informative and a valuable addition to your library.  She describes reaction to the surrender, plundering and theft committed by the Union troops, the depths they went to to find items hidden from them, prices of fabrics and other essentials, the tender care given to dying soldiers by women far from home and much more.  University of SC Press.

  • Free-Born Slave:  Diary of a Black Man in the South.  J. R. Nall.  ISBN l-88l548-28-7.  Crane Hill Publishers, Birmingham, AL.  J. R. Nall was born during the civil war - exact date unknown to a slave mother.  His accomplishments are many and his insight into conditions around him astonishing.  His emotions and views of the war and slavery are surprising, honest, and frank.  He dictated his memories to his daughter in the l930's including his genealogy back as far as his grandmother who was the daughter of an Irish plantation owner and a slave - but not an African slave.  J. R.'s maternal grandfather was an Indian slave who had been captured and enslaved at a young age.  Truly an insight into the rarely discussed issue of Native Americans having been enslaved along with their African counterparts.  J. R. explains how his paternal ancestors assumed the name of their masters, the Nall family, and the protection they provided the Widow Nall during the war.

  • Margaret Junkin Preston:  A Biography.  Mary Price Couling.  John F. Blair, Publisher, Winston Salem, NC.  ISBN 0-89587-l02-5.  Margaret Preston was a sister-in-law of Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson.  She gives a frank accounting of the family life of one of history's most beloved men, including her feelings about her sister's death.  Intertwined within her memoirs is an accounting of conditions in a blockaded country.

  • Introduction to Civil War Photography.  Ross J. Kelbaugh.  Thomas Publications.  ISBN 0-93963l-36-9.  An informative look at the history of photography as it pertains to the mid-Victorian era.  Topics:  The Photographers, The Photographer's Studio, Ambrotype, Carte de Visite, Steps of the Carte de Visite Process, Tintype, The Bendanns of Baltimore, Outdoor Photography, The Wartime Experiences of a Young Photographer, Collector's Guide.

  • The Complete Guide to Vintage Textiles.  Elizabeth Kurella.  Krause Publications.  ISBN:  0-8734l-676-7.   This book gives a sketch of the history of various period garments and textiles.  It is certainly not the "end all source" of textiles, but in addition to other sources will give the reader a glimpse of period textiles until someone decides to reprint the Textiles in America book.  A very good general overview of topics such as quilts,embroidery, fabric, rugs, blankets, coverlets, lacemaking, knitting, dyeing, cutwork, dresses, bonnets, paisley shawls, etc.

  • Women's Life & Work in the Southern Colonies by Julia Cherry Spruill.  The Norton Library, l972 (original copyright l938).  ISBN 0-393-006622-X.  While this book describes women's lives in the colonial era some of what is discussed will lend an understanding to women's roles in the mid-Victorian era.  While not recommended as a description of the mid-19th century, it is recommended for those who wish to do additional research to document customs of the period and where they originated etc.  Contains newspaper accounts with sources.

  • Gulf City Cookbook.  Compiled by the Ladies of the St. Francis Street Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Mobile, Alabama l878.  Reprint University of Alabama Press.  ISBN:  0-8l73-0508-4.  I found this an excellent addition to my period cookbooks.  While it is post-war it is a remarkable source of culinary history for the state of Alabama, and for a coastal area.  One will find differences to be expected such as an extensive seafood/fish section, and more Southern dishes than found in many of the northern printed receipt books of the Victorian era.  Since I am a born and raised Alabamian I was particularly delighted with this book.

  • Thomas Publications:  353 Buford Ave., Gettysburg, PA l7325.  E-mail:  

  • Victorian Trading Co., l-800-800-6647, l8l9 Baltimore, Kansas City, MO  64l08.  Also Victorian Papers catalogs.  

  • Lehman Non-electric Catalog (carries the Foxfire books) and loads of other essential camp equipment. One Lehman Circle, P. O. Box 4l, Kidron, OH  44636 330-857-5757.  E-mail:   Web:  Catalog $3.00 - well worth the price.  You will find items here that you thought hadn't been produced since the l800's.  

Being reviewed:

Hospital Days, Jane Stuart Woolsey  
True Tales of the South at War  Dover Books
Lamb in his Bosom, Caroline Miller.  This is said to be the "true" picture before Gone With the Wind sensationalized the War.

 18th Century

 19th Century

   20th Century