The importance of nutrition in the primary prevention of disease is recognised by governments in both developing and developed countries. Public health nutrition involves studying the relationships between dietary intake and disease (nutritional epidemiology) and applying the knowledge gained to help prevent disease in the population (nutrition intervention).

We do believe careful nutrition practice is the best way to be preventive of disease. Designing a personal supplement program requires a careful assessment of your present state of health, age, lifestyle, environment, exercise regimen and genetic predisposition.
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    Taming Tension Headaches

    Health and Fitness for October 1, 2001 (this newsletter at

    My headaches started in the winter of 1997. The stress of

    real-estate worries, a pending relocation, a career change

    and a very ill child all converged, and the tension turned

    into head pain. Never one to get headaches, I began to have

    them daily, an unwelcome guest arriving every day before

    noon and staying until after dinner.

    At first I tried an extra cup of tea, then coffee, then

    aspirin, then two, four, six ibuprofen. But the headaches

    persisted for months. After I had an MRI to rule out a

    tumor, my internist told me I had tension headaches. She

    prescribed physical therapy to relax my neck muscles, and more ibuprofen.

    I used to have little patience for people who let minor

    physical ailments hold them back. Now I was one of them.

    I became a crabby woman who snapped at her kids, who could

    barely tolerate social events and who looked forward to

    going to bed and turning out the lights. But although I

    temporarily lost my zest for life, I didn't lose my

    determination to rid myself of this demon in my head.

    I saw a physical therapist, a massage therapist, a

    chiropractor and, finally, a neurologist who specializes

    in headaches. I read books and contacted the National

    Headache Foundation (the Web site is I

    tried changing my diet -- eliminating all sugar, caffeine

    and alcohol. I tried stretching, aromatherapy, prescription

    and nonprescription medications, and all the recommended

    vitamins. While no one specialist, resource or pill solved

    the problem, I took a bit of knowledge away from everything

    I tried until I found what worked for me. Here's what I learned.

    Get Informed Most tension headaches are episodic. They may flare up

    after an argument with your boss or when you're studying

    for an exam. They can last from one hour to several days,

    but they don't occur regularly.

    However, for 10 million Americans, mostly women, the pain

    comes daily or almost daily. They have what doctors call

    chronic tension headaches, a term I came to know well.

    Because there's no one cause for chronic tension headaches,

    there's no one cure. Sometimes you need a combination of

    several remedies; you have to crack your own code to find

    your causes and solutions. But you can rid yourself of

    chronic tension headaches if you get the right help.

    If you have more than occasional discomfort, you should

    see a headache specialist. Headaches may be a symptom of

    another problem, such as vision, jaw or sinus trouble,

    arthritis or a pinched nerve in the neck. Far more rare

    are headaches caused by serious conditions, such as brain

    tumors or aneurysms. However, they need to be ruled out.

    From there, a good specialist can determine whether you

    have migraine-cluster or tension headaches.

    Get a Grip on the Pain

    Tension headaches are muscular, caused by contractions of

    the scalp and neck muscles. The pain is non-throbbing and

    located all over.





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