Maksimirska 94 10000 Zagreb
tel: 385/1-2302-999fax: 385/1-2338-088

What is HONOS?

HONOS – the Association to Protect the Values of the War of the Homeland – was founded in June, 2000, with the intention of opposing the increasing criminalization of the War of the Homeland. This criminalization, initiated after the elections of January 3, 2000, has called into question the will of the Croatian peple to protect, defend, and establish its independent, free, and democratic state.

Immediately after its registration, HONOS initiated an investigation before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia into the constitutionality of the Constitutional Law on Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. We undertook this step because we hold that this law enables the unconstitituional extradition of Croatian citizens to the Hague Tribunal, thereby violating their legal (civil) as well as human rights.

HONOS also filed, in November, 2000, a criminal complaint against President Stjepan Mesic, charging him with espionage, and of revealing state secrets by allowing foreign individuals, as well as domestic media, access to sensitive documents. The State Prosecutor’s Office in Zagreb dismissed the complaint after three months, justifying its action in an absurd manner: that the transcripts from the President’s Office had not been designated state secret, since they lacked the required stamp. However, the stamp “State Secret” appears unambiguously on the envelopes in which the documents had been stored. This has been publicly acknowledged on television by the Adviser of the President, Mr. Igor Dekanic. One might well ask how it is possible that the contents of envelopes stamped “State Secret” are not considered state secret? We believe that a legal state will provide an answer to this question in the future.

Within the framework of its activities, HONOS has initiated a Library of the War of the Homeland and plans within the next several years to release biographies of all the renowned Croatian generals and war commanders (approximately thirty individuals). Thus far, biographies have been or are in the process of being published on General Janko Bobetko, General Ante Gotovina, and Admiral Davor Domazet Loso.

One of our activities is the organization of round tables and seminars addressing themes connected to the War of the Homeland and its values, as well as reactions and responses to events and occurrences relating to this war. In this context, HONOS cooperates with all the associations which have emerged from the War of the Homeland, as well as others who work to promote Croatian interests.

Considering that HONOS is a non-governmental and non-profit organization whose activities are financed solely from donations or grants, we would kindly ask all those who support our activities and are able to assist to send a contribution to one of our two accounts:

Currency account:

Zagreb Bank, d.d.
SWIFT ZABA HR 2X: 2500-1504029
HONOS 70300 valuta 1504029

Ziro racun at ZAP: 30105-678-121552

Nenad Ivankovic, President