.php?> Hot Death Uno Homepage
Information and Update notes on Hot Death UNO How To Play Hot Death UNO Download the original Windows 3.11 game Download all 27 cards in Printer-Friendly layout Fan-Requested Cards
This page has moved to http://hotdeath.inanutshell.us/ Please visit it to see the latest version of this website.
Updated 8 January 2002
: This collection (zipped) contains the set of the new cards. I have created some variants for people, and continue to do so. If you have any requests, let me know. I'll post to the webpage the more interesting ones as they come. (See the "Custom Cards" section for them.)

My recommendation is that you go to the 'Printable Rules' page and print out that page. It contains the extended rules for each Hot Death UNO card. It's a pretty important page to have during the game. Each card now has a short description directly on the card, but these are to supplement previous knowledge (e.g. remind you) of the card's capabilities only.

Updated 5 April 2000
HDU Score card: Don't want to keep track of all the different scoring rules to HDU? Try this score sheet. It's in Adobe Acrobat format, so you'll need (free program) to view it. The score card was made for a short tournament, and seemed to be successful. If you come up with any improvements on my design (as there should be), please e-mail your ideas to me! Anyway, it should get most of the work done for you. Enjoy.

Updated 8 January 2002
How To Make Your Own Deck

One guy mentioned on the HDU Listserv this method:

  • print the cards out (front-sides on one page back-sides on another)
  • cut them out using an UNO card for a template
  • glue the two sides together
  • uses spray lamination stuff to make them strong. He says they're pretty cool but I remain skeptical.

Here's how I do it:

  • Take the pages (see links above) to Kinko's and print them out on some nice durable paper.. the card-pages on my site are already sized to fit to a sheet of paper
  • cut the cards out
  • use some light adhesive, I use rubber cement, and spread it really thin on the back of the HDU card and paste it to the UNO card.
  • Let it dry
  • take some clear 3" box-tape and run a swath over the top (but only on the side with the HDU card... you don't want people to necessarily see that someone's being dealt an HDU card).
  • you're left with a really durable UNO deck.
Usually the HDU cards outlast the UNO deck they're built with. the HDU cards are noticeably thicker than the UNO cards when they're in the deck, and you have to make sure they tape has no rough edges and isn't hanging off the edge of the card so that there's no trouble shuffling.

Whatever method you choose, I suggest that you do this with a bunch of help because it's not so fun. In fact, because of how much it sucks I have looked into having professionally made HDU decks, but I couldn't find any cards other than regular playing cards with customizeable back-sides. But if you know of someone/place willing & able to make HDU cards point me in their direction. One thing that also sucks about making HDU cards is that UNO cards aren't the same shape as playing cards.. they're short and fat so you'd have to get a custom size, too. bummer.

Information and Update notes on Hot Death UNO How To Play Hot Death UNO Download the original Windows 3.11 game Download all 27 cards in Printer-Friendly layout Fan-Requested Cards