It is always best to know the emergency procedure before you need it.

In case of an emergency, you should call 911. Do not try to contact the Doctor.

Let the paramedics take the patient (or yourself) to the Emergency Dept. of the nearest hospital. They will stabilize the patient until the ER doctor can see the patient and begin appropriate tests and treatment. The ER doctor will notify the doctor. The most common mistake we see involves people trying to call the doctor's office with a real emergency.

Non-emergency calls at night or on weekends:

This would include medication refills, questions about medications or side-effects, or a need to plan an appointment after office re-opens, etc.

Dr. Boles is part of a call-group of Tempe Internal Medicine doctors on some weekends. During the week (Mon-Thurs.) Dr. Boles is on duty each night, unless some special reason occurs.

Please leave your message with the answering service: Name, telephone number, reason for call, and time and date of the call. Dr. Boles (or the on-call physician on weekends) will return the call as quickly as possible. If you suspect the doctor did not get the message, please try again. We would discourage the use of the service for general medical advice or consultation.

If Dr. Boles is off-call or out-of-town on a weekday another physician will be taking call.

The Chandler Hospital ER at 480-728-3211 may answer medical questions of a general nature when our office is closed.

MEDICATION REFILLS: Call your pharmacy when you are about to run out of medications. They will call Dr. Boles' office for the refills. For mail-in Rx, the patient should drop off or mail us the form that we need to fill out. Please give us overnight or longer to complete the Rx forms. For 800-number national pharmacies, the patient or the pharmacy will call our office for the renewals.

Do not send us medication refill requests on e-mails, since Dr. Boles rarely sees the e-mail in the office or during our office hours, ad can easily get fr behind in readng them.

The on-call doctor will not refill narcotics or tranquilizers for Dr. Boles' patients If you are taking such medications, check to see when you will run out, and plan to get your refills phoned in well before the weekend or a holiday.

See Also: Office Don'ts

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