Friends For Friends

Friends For Friends is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing the risk of HIV infection among African-Americans through street outreach campaigns and FREE workshops.

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HIV/AIDS and U.S. Blacks

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 1996.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). HIV is spread by:

Non-Hispanic blacks represent 33% of reported AIDS cases in population. Through December 1994, more than 80,000 of the 146,285 U.S. blacks reported to have AIDS have died. In 1994 alone, 31,485 AIDS cases among black Americans of all ages were reported to CDC, and the AIDS case rate among blacks was 130 per 100,000 population.

Of adult and adolescent blacks reported with AIDS in the United States, 78% are men. The 1994 AIDS case rate for black U.S. men was 208 per 100,000. HIV/AIDS has been the leading cause of death for black U.S. men aged 25-44 since 1990, accounting for 20% of all deaths in this group. While the number of AIDS cases reported among white gay men each year has leveled off, it is continuing to rise among black gay men.

Of adult and adolescent blacks reported with AIDS in the among black U.S. women was 63 per 100,000. In 1994, of reported cases in adults/adolescents, 18% occurred among women; of these cases, more than three fourths (77%) occurred among blacks and Hispanics, and rates among black and Hispanic women were 16 and seven times higher, respectively, than those among white women. Black women accounted for over half (55%) of all the deaths in women with AIDS reported through 1994.

More than half (56%) of U.S. children with perinatally acquired AIDS are black. More than 3,000 AIDS cases have been reported among black U.S. children under the age of 13, and 95% of these children acquired HIV infection from their mothers during pregnancy or at birth. The 1994 AIDS case rate among black U.S. children under age 13 was 8 per 100,000.

In the Washington, DC metropolitian area
As of December 1996, Black women made up 84% of the total AIDS cases among women in the Washington metropolitan area; and Black men with AIDS equaled 58% of the total AIDS cases among men in the Washington metropolitan area.

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Friends For Friends, Inc.
P. O. Box 77075
Washington, DC 20013

Information Line: 202-625-1444

© 1997

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The Body: A multimedia HIV/AIDS Information Resource

Idealist: A list of nonprofit organizations and their volunteer opportunities
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