Reiki Ryoho FAQ's Page 3



blue spiral I found a FAQ on a website that talked about Dr. Hayashi and the fact that he called what he taught Hayashi Shiki Reiki, what do you think about this?
blue spiral My emotions are all over the place, one minute I'm crying the next angry then happy and I feel like I'm going through the Dark Night of the Soul. Will my emotions ever level out? I also feel like part of me is dying, is this possible?
blue spiral Do children have a natural ability to do Reiki, without receiving an attunement? How is this possible?
blue spiral Why do we have to study and learn all the nuances of illness and treatments, if Reiki is intelligent and knows what to do to heal someone?
blue spiral I was taught that there are protections with Reiki that keep a practitioner from feeling the pains of clients. But I am experiencing my client's energetic imbalances, on various levels. Why?
blue spiral PREVIOUS FAQ's

blue spiral Question: I found a FAQ on a website that talked about Dr. Hayashi and the fact that he called what he taught Hayashi Shiki Reiki, what do you think about this?

Answer: It seems everyone has their own interpretation of the information coming out of Japan these days. Following is my understanding:

The FAQ says: Chujiro Hayashi was one of several high ranking Reiki students in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai who had been give the teacher's level.

My understanding: Hayashi was a member of Usui's Gakkai originally as were all students Usui Sensei taught. From Usui's Hikkei, 'he made Shoden training available to anyone' (so it was not a closed society at that time). Hayashi is listed with the Japanese government as one of the individuals who received teacher level training in Reiki Ryoho from Usui Sensei. It is my understanding that Hayashi was the person who had a camera and took the infamous photo of Usui Sensei and who handled all the details after his death. Hayashi was never a chairperson of the Gakkai after Usui's death, like Ushida and Taketomi.

The FAQ says: However he was not allowed to teach the master level to anyone. In teaching Mrs. Takata he went against the rule of the Gakkai. We don't know when he left the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, but we do know for a fact that he did leave it.

My understanding: One version of the information says that for 8 years, Hayashi, Ushida and Taketomi (the 3 navel officers) took over and ran Usui clinic after his death as a hospice and teaching center. If this is accurate it would mean a split occurred between the men around 1934. Ushida died in 1935. Perhaps the split occurred because Taketomi wanted to make the Gakkai a closed society, Hayashi was opposed to this and Ushida supported him? When Ushida stepped down as chairperson and Taketomi took over perhaps he implemented this and Hayashi left? A very navel officer thing to do (like an officers club). Pure conjecture.

Another version of the information says, Hayashi left the Gakkai in 1931 over a disagreement with Taketomi. Hayashi continued Usui's clinic and renamed it Hayashi Reiki Kenyukai (Hayashi Reiki Research Society), while Ushida and Taketomi continued the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Healing Method Teaching Society). Tatsumi also left the school/clinic at the same time, it is said because Hayashi wanted to make some changes. Most of this information comes from Tatsumi vai Dave King. It is known that Hayashi sensei created a system of hand positions for a 2 person treatment. He did call his clinic a research society, so I am sure he continued to experiment to improve effectiveness of treatments as Usui Sensei had done. In Tatsumi's notes it shows experimentation with a set of hand positions based on Chinese Medicine, so Hayashi or Usui may have been experimenting years before Mrs. Takata learned Reiki. If this date is accurate, he left the Gakkai more than 4 years before he taught Mrs. Takata, if the earlier date of 1934 is accurate he left more than year before he taught her Shoden in December 1935. I personally do not feel that he left because he fell out of favor for teaching Mrs. Takata. It appears that he did not even mention the existence of the Gakkai to her and I am sure he, his wife or someone at the clinic would have, had he been a member.

The FAQ says: His style of Reiki, as he writes in his Reiki manual is called Hayashi Shiki Reiki- not Usui Reiki Ryoho!

My understanding: I would ask which version of Hayashi's manual? What is the date the manual was received? He may well have changed the name to 'Hayashi Shiki Reiki' sometime after he taught Mrs. Takata Shinpiden (teaching level) in 'Usui Reiki Ryoho'. Or perhaps he was in process of changing to 'Hayashi Shiki Reiki' as Mrs. Takata was learning Usui Reiki Ryoho from him. You can see for yourself that the certificate that Hayashi Sensei issued to her clearly states the name of the system she learned several times including:

'Usui system of Reiki healing'
'Usui Reiki system of drugless healing'
'Dr. Usui's Reiki system of healing'

The first one would be 'Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho', second 'Usui Reiki Ryoho' and third 'Dr. Usui's Reiki Ryoho'; this coming from my limited understanding of Japanese. Here is a translation of words: 'Usui' = 'mortar + well', 'Reiki' = 'spiritual energy', 'Ryoho' = 'healing method or healing system, therapy, remedy, cure', and 'Shiki' = 'style, ceremony, rite, method, system, form'. It does not refer to Hayashi Shiki Ryoho (Hayashi style healing method) or Hayashi Shiki Reiki. I'm sure had Hayashi Sensei been teaching under the name Hayashi Shiki Reiki at that time, this name would have appeared on Mrs. Takata's certificate.

I believe the system that was taught to Mrs. Yamaguchi (beginning in 1937) may very well have been 'Hayashi Shiki Reiki' as it seems different from what Mrs. Takata learned. Major differences we have been told about are the lack of hand positions in Shoden, the fact the Shoden and Okuden are taught together during a 5 day class and offering the teaching level one month later. Mrs. Takata learned Shoden in December 1935, Okuden in 1937 and Shinpiden in February 1938 (after a year of working closely with Dr. Hayashi, in Hawaii). If you have a copy of the following documents I recommend that you compare them and see the similarity in information and style for yourself:

'Usui Hikkei' (from Mrs. Koyama in new Japanese Kanji, translated in English)
Hayashi's 'Ryoho Shishin' (given to Mrs. Takata in old Japanese Kanji, translated in English)
'Notes from a student of Takata for First and Second Degree'
'A memorial to Takata Sensei' by Alice Takata Furumoto

Rumors going around the Reiki community are now saying that Hayashi did not receive the complete teachings from Usui, even though he is listed with the Japanese government. It's also said in the wind that Mrs. Takata didn't receive all the training from Hayashi, but did learn Shinpiden and Mrs. Yamaguchi learned to teach but did not learn Shinpiden. If one is looking only to information circulating on the web what is one to believe? It is truly a land for discernment. I recommend that you feel all information from your heart, what feels right for you now accept, all else put aside until sometime in in future to feel it once again. There is never only one way of doing or perceiving anything.

As to the symbols, we know Mrs. Takata only taught 4 symbols, the same ones Usui and Hayashi sensei's taught. All other symbols (mostly channeled) have been added by subsequent Reiki teachers or if they only teach 4 and they are different, most likely it is because they did not remember the correct way to draw them. We teach the original symbols and we tell our students to let go of them when they have integrated the energy and can call it fully forth without their useage.

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blue spiral Question: My emotions are all over the place, one minute I'm crying the next angry then happy and I feel like I'm going through the Dark Night of the Soul. Will my emotions ever level out? I also feel like part of me is dying, is this possible?

Answer: Yes your emotions will level out, hang in there. An emotional cleanse seems to be the hardest one because it is so close and personal. Know that you are in the middle of an intense spiritual growth period. Sometimes when this happens we go through what seems to be the dark night of the soul. The darkest pits possible where all sorts of stuff comes up to look at. That includes emotions, how we react or act in the world, to our partners, to ourselves. In other words you are dumping, emotionally... its just like a physical cleanse where we get achy, feverish, full of mucous, pee a lot and even perhaps smell. Emotionally we may feel angry one moment, then sad, then very depressed, we may cry or want to hit something; we may feel great one moment then the next fly off the handle for something really silly (when we look back at it). Allow this process; don't attach the emotions to anything or anyone. And most important know that everything is alright. Do nothing rash, treat yourself, take long hot baths or long walks; what ever you enjoy. Give yourself space and time to do your re-evaluation process.

Yes, part of us dies. The parts that we accepted from others (implants if you will); those thoughtforms about who we think we are, or how we are suppose to act, or what we are suppose to feel, or what is acceptable or not. These parts are dying and believe me they don't want to go with out a bit of a fuss. We did accept them after all and love them and nurture them, every time we thought about them; good or bad it makes no difference. We still gave them energy (=love) through our thoughts. You see there is no good or bad, wrong or right in the Universe... everything is energy and it is we who perceive or experience it as wrong or right through our filters. Guess where those filters came from? Yes, we bought them from our parents, teachers, friends, partners, TV, books, etc. You are in the process of letting go of some of what you bought. See it for what it is... stuff that you bought (just like clothes, furniture, appliances, cast away when it's usefulness ends), allow it to simply flow away from you. Don't judge yourself or be critical of yourself or anyone else. Please don't place blame on anyone for any reason. Simply allow, cry if you need to and know that on the other side you will be changed. It is also important that you not hold on to tightly to a belief, thought, emotion, etc. or the process will be longer... it will continue until you come to a level of understanding about it and let go of what is necessary.

Know that this is a process you are going through, like climbing stairs. You accelerate... then integrate and purify; accelerate... integrate and purify. It may be weeks, months or years in between the purification and a new acceleration process. That is up to you and how fast you want to grow spiritually. Reiki is supporting you in your process... but is it the only thing that you do? Other spiritual growth stimulating things may include; reading about spiritual concepts and ideas which are new to you, using methods of divination like Tarot or I Ching, talking to others who are working on their process, meditation, Buddhist studies and empowerments, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, etc. Any one of these things can begin a purification or add fuel to one already in process.

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blue spiral Question: Do children have a natural ability to do Reiki, without receiving an attunement? How is this possible?

Answer: In response to your question.... actually we all have the 'gift' or ability to tap into great amounts of spiritual (Who We Are) energy. Where the mind focuses, there is the experience. As children, we could allow ourselves to do so much more than we could upon reaching adulthood. Why? Because of our 'unnatural' (product of ego) F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) that we will be judged by our parents, peers, and role models. Generally speaking, school, clubs, associations, businesses, church, etc. teach humans to lay aside 'fantasies' of the mind.... being a hero, becoming a success, talking to God, healing with the hands, and more. We are urged to not tell others of the 'gifts' that we have, to not develop them, and to be mundane (so not to raise suspicions), so that we can fit into society and be liked. But, we can accomplish whatever we, if we.... learn to focus our mind on one task, to muster every bit of our (will) power behind our desire, and continue to hold the vision (visualization) of the success happens. A child has no problem doing this with ease, because they have not been trained (by adults) that they cannot, nay, should not do this, because they might be manipulating others to accomplish their own (ego-centered) needs/wants/desires; and that is not 'good' (so it must be bad). Even Reiki teachers tell practitioners not to send distant treatments to others without their express permission because they may be interfering with their lessons and Karma. Heaven forbid that we should accept our 'perfection' (as Creation) and see everyone else in the same light. In fact, we are taught from school-age onward to see (and judge) the differences in our neighbors (color, race, religion, customs, clothes, possessions, societal standing, etc. How can we be 'whole' when we have been taught to see and project these separations onto the world and all the people in it? Societal thinking... has not yet tainted your child! So he does not know that he cannot 'heal' by his touch. But let's not get egotistic about this either. By ourselves, we cannot create the world out of nothing. But by learning to become sensitive to the flow of Divine Creator, by remembering (through the act of forgetting all brain-mind thoughts) Who We Are and Whose We Are, and remembering our true purpose for incarnating in this projected-illusion of physicality, we can 'co-create' our personal reality to fit into Creator's Divine Plan. And when we can show others how to do the same, then we (all spiritually-conscious humans) can 'co-create’ collective reality (experience Heaven on Earth). Your child has not had that knowingness altered by the adult world. Continue to practice Reiki, read books on Buddhism (foundation of belief of Usui - founder of Reiki) on which Reiki is fashioned, and do all in your ability to 'be different'.... be more like God having a physical experience. Imitate your son, his naivete, his desire to help, because it is the 'loving' thing to do. Put your (God) hands on anyone/anything that is not in a state of perfection, and love the 'perceived imbalance' back into the state of perfect creation.... this is the key to healing. Do this on your own issues, until it is habit, until healing/wholing happens instantly. Then you can assist the world in returning to God's thought of perfection for all of Creation. You then become the instrument of God’s healing power by being the ‘bridge’ between Heavenly and Earthly energies (extremely high/fast and conversely slow/dense vibratory frequencies).

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blue spiral Question: Why do we have to study and learn all the nuances of illness and treatments, if Reiki is intelligent and knows what to do to heal someone?

Answer: I believe that when new practitioners (of Reiki or any other energy modality) are learning to sense subtle energies, they are encouraged to not get their egos in the way of what the energy can and will do on its own (energizing, cleansing and balancing). The instruction goes something like this... put your hands on a position, let go of your own issues and thought, just feel what is happening in the recipient's body; and with time, practice and memory (keeping a journal helps), you will come to relate certain kinds of vibrations to certain dis-eases. You will, in time, come to know what organs/systems in the body are affected by specific dis-eases/imbalances. Usui Sensei (founder of Reiki techniques) was well-educated in matters of health and disciplines that could introduce usable 'life-force' energy into bodily organs/systems. He kept notes of his treatments and results, eventually writing his Hikkei (manual) of dis-eases and the organs and meridians that were affected by them, so that his student/practitioners could give ample energy to effect a change in the condition of any recipient. All of this to say that Usui taught his students the basics; they were urged to continue to learn about dis-eases, to develop higher sensitivities to subtle energies, and to refine one's ability to feel/intuit imbalances (byosens) so a practitioner could devote appropriate time to giving energy to each recipient according to their specific needs. This is an on-going process, and requires training to focus the mind and intuitive nature, to trust that inner-knowing, and ultimately, to teach others to do the same. If you have a teacher who will work with you (apprentice training) like they do in the Japanese Gakkai (dedicated student/practitioners), then this will come more easily to you. If, on the other hand, you are pretty much learning these abilities on your own, without supervision, then it requires reading, researching, asking questions, being in the presence of others who are more practiced, and giving of lots of treatments... it takes time for understanding (and remembering) to awaken in care-givers. And this process pushes us through many stages of growth with increased responsibility... first for ourselves... and later, others. One of these steps is the 'logical' gathering of information, and I believe this is what you are asking about. Don't ever stop learning; continue to research, so that you can truly be of significant assistance to those people who seek you out for support as they go through their own levels of growth and spiritual understanding. I believe that we can only do that if we are willing to first devote the time to our own inner issues and changes. I will add one last thought... Usui taught the beginning stages of Reiki to anyone/everyone who had an interest, but he continued to work on development of only few practitioners who were committed to really learning the fullness of what he understood and taught. And that took discipline, effort, self-sacrifice, and joy in the service to others. In order to be accepted for higher training, a practitioner had to go beyond the mere 'interest' of the masses, desiring with all of his/her heart and soul to be the best possible 'healer' that one could be... and that required constant improvement that could only come from dedicated research and study of proven techniques of modalities/systems that utilized energy to bring about life-altering changes within the body/mind/soul of the human community.

blue spiral I was taught that there are protections with Reiki that keep a practitioner from feeling the pains of clients. But I am experiencing my client's energetic imbalances, on various levels. Why?

Answer: As a western trained Reiki practitioner, we too were taught that Reiki is it own protection, and that a practitioner would not take one someone else's symptoms nor condition. I do now believe that statement was conveyed to possibly differentiate Reiki from all other 'healing techniques'. I can even imagine that 'perhaps', some students of other modalities might have brought up similar experiences to yours for understanding, and a Reiki teachers said that Reiki was 'different', and that wouldn't/couldn't happen. If we look at the motivation for most anything passed from one person-to-another, it is money... perhaps this 'teacher' didn't want to lose students or their class fees. Well, however the statement came into being, it has sure been passed within the Reiki community, accepted by all, until proven otherwise 'unsupported'. We have found that statement to 'not hold water', as you are finding from your experience.

When you have your hands on someone for a period of time, there is going to be an exchange of energy.... common physics. You take on some of energy of the person/client you touch, as well as s/he taking on some of yours... molecular exchange of elements and vibrations. No way to block or prevent that from happening... in fact, it is better to use each experience for understanding of energy dynamics, and eventually be able to raise your vibrational frequency by your intent/thoughts, so that nothing of a 'lower/more-dense' vibration(s) can affect you. Something akin to the biblical story of Shadrack, Meshak, and Abednego walking inside a burning furnace, and not being consumed by it, because they were shown how to raise their physical vibrations to that of God's (sacrifice and baptism by Spirit/Fire). I offer a second example to better express my intended meaning... take two connected vessels (one side corked). You can pour any level of water in the open one, without affecting the corked side. But, when you remove the cork, the water will become equally level in both vessels.(see drawing).

water experimentI propose that you consider the vessels to represent the practitioner and the client. If the client has a large, strong forcefield/aura, and the practitioner does not have as strong an aura, when the two are intertwined energetically for a period of time, the energy from the client will flow to the practitioner like the vessel with the higher water level will rush in to equalize the other vessel when uncorked. If, on the other hand, the Reiki practitioner has done lots of self-treatments, purified extensively from them, raised his/her vibrations and integrated the Reiki energy within the auric field/body, then more energy will flow to the client, rather than the other way. I am saying here that when a practitioner (Reiki or other energy modalities) has integrated (become it) the energy they work with, there will be less energy back-flowing from the client.

Now I add another factor to the equation... consider that we (humans) have incarnated into physical bodies/vehicles, collectively agreeing to forget that we have all come from the same Source (God/Creator/undifferentiated-energy), take distinctively different appearing forms, and attempt to find and remember our common beginnings through our interactions on this planet. We are not going to be able to recognize our 'oneness' if we build barriers designed to keep us from experiencing another aspect of ourselves. In order to understand the different roles and choices that each human made in order to better play the 'game', we will need to experience and incorporate others energy fields into our own... become One with all that appears to be outside of Who we think we are. I believe that as 'care-givers', we each will have to go through an empathic experience of what others are dealing with, so we can have compassion and understanding for others, and then we can truly begin to help others to move beyond their (self-imposed) limitations and dis-eases, to become empowered to create the reality they truly want for themselves. But we can only do that when we can do that for ourselves. Hence, we practitioners should not be in too much of a hurry to run out and 'heal' others, until we have 'healed' our own limitations/issues, and understand the projected purpose for this physical drama that we collectively agreed to play so long ago.

I hope this helps you to understand what may have occurred between you and your client. I believe that all people will have to experience and understand this concept before we can collectively ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Of course, the 'care-givers' will be the forerunners of the 'next evolution of beings on this planet' by showing the way for those who have yet to awaken to this grand game of 'reconnecting the dots' back to Source.

Don't fight the process, embrace it, and use the experience to move to the vibration where you are completely detached from all lower physical vibrations that might keep you feeling the highs and lows attributed to physical embodiment. Blessings and Reiki ((((hugs)))).



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Webmaster Adonea / Reiki Ryoho FAQ's page 3 / / updated 4-23-01