I am not an M.D. or Health Care Professional. Readers are encouraged to share all information with there Doctor. I will not be held liable for any complications, injuries or other medical accidents arising from reading this information on this web site. I have family that passed away from cancer that is why I am writing about cancer. Please contact your physican with questions or problems.

Springs Medical Site Award

This Site Dedicated TO:

John F. Birster Sr.

Frank A. Bressi

Joseph P. Birster

What Is Cancer

Cancer (also known as Carcinoma or C. A.). It affects all forms of animal life and plants. It is a cellular disease characterized of it's growth. One thing which distinguishes all cancer cells from normal cells is uncontrollable replication. Cancer may involve almost any of the body's organ's, tissues, or systems. No cause has been discovered why cancer starts.

Problems Of National Health

Cancers next to heart disease in the United States, as a cause of death. It takes thousands of lives every year, and it affects all parts of the body. It attacks people of all ages. But mostly people over 40 years of age or older. If discovered in time it can often be cured. Time is an important factor in the diagnosis of cancer. If untreated cancer grows worse and is always fatal.

Cancer How It Spreads Through Body

Cancer is a disorderly growth of body cells that undermines and spreads wildly through normal tissue. By examining the specimen of tissue under a microscope you can identify it without a doubt. All growth and tumors are not always cancerous. The malignant ones are cancers. The benign growth are none cancerous. There are two common forms of malignant growth they are called carcinoma and sarcoma. Malignant are usually not confined to within a section, and can spread to nearby tissues. They can spread by metastasis to other parts of the body through the lymph and blood. There is no way of knowing unless symptoms of growth appear or shows up on an x-ray film. Different types of cancer grow more rapidly than other types of cancer.


The spread of cancer to other parts of the body. The place where cancer starts is called the primary site. The metastasis sites are known as secondary sites. The routes through which cancer spreads through the body are: (1.) By extending directly into nearby tissue or body cavity like the chest and abdomen, which are usually the most affected sites. (2.) Spreading to lymphatic systems, both through vessels and into tissue where lymph circulates or nodes where it often localizes. (3.) Also by traveling through the blood vessels to other parts of the body, especially the bones, liver, and lungs. Cancer can be excised generally cured if it is detected in the primary site. If metastasis has started the prognosis is usually poor. If 5 years have passed without recurrence of symptoms or lesions a person is considered to be cured of cancer.

Cause Of Cancer

The cause of cancer has not yet been pinpointed by medical science. Authorities now are inclined to think that it developes from a combination of causes rather than just one thing. There are some predisposing factors which may contribute to the start of the disease.

There are some factor's known as carcinogens may cause cancer they are: (1.) Heredity may be a factor. Incidences in sibling's are higher than that of the general population. Authorities don't know for sure if it is hereditary or environmental. If the theory of viral cancer is found to be right, hereditary factor will be considered familial weakness or inability to resist the cancer. (2.) Cigarette smoking a definite connection has been linked between cigarette smoking and cancer. (3.) Exposure to certain agents-There are over 450 agents that have been identified as carcinogins in industry, such as oil, aniline dyes, coal soot and other chemicals. (4.) Benign tumors can turn into cancer such as growth's in the rectum, ovian cysts, pigmented moles and growths in the mouth, x-rays and radium irritation's of the skin. (5.) Virus-Some scientist feel that cancer could be caused by a virus. They think people with weakness and low resistence in their bodies have a high tendency to catch it. If it is true they may be able to develope immunizations to fight cancer. (6.) Chronic irritations-such things as pipe smoking causes lip cancer. Bad fitting dentures could lead to mouth cancer, exposure to long periods of sunlight, rubbing on mole from a belt or strap, suspender's, and cervical irritation's. Some people develop cancer even when they have never been exposed to any of the above causes. There is evidence that there are other disposing causes in the body. So there could be a combination of other factor's that could be working together to cause cancer.

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