

There are several medications on the market that can ease the symptoms of depression and other mental illnesses. It could be that you are going through a temporary crisis, or you have a chemical imbalance, or coping skills that are not functional. This form of therapy is the easiest route. It is still suggested that you see a therapist of some sort. Studies have shown that therapy combined with medication will increase your likelyhood of recovery.

Psychotherapy (Psychiatry, Psychology, Counceling)

This method of treatment involves working out your problems. You discuss your situation with a therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist. This form of treatment usually involves modifying your behavior. There are also many good books dealing with this subject.

Electroshock (ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy)

ECT is used for severe, treatment-resistant depression with mixed results. Some people get great benefits from it, others have complications such as impaired memory. ECT today uses lower voltages, and patients are sedated so their muscles will not spasm during the shock. ECT works in a way that is similar to anti-depressants: it affects the neurotransmitters in the brain. The risk associated with ECT is very real. Before making this decision, do some research. Many people have had great success with ECT. Also, many people have suffered severe memory impairment. It can result in the inability to learn new things, remember a conversation you had two minutes ago, etc. This is the last resort for people who are comfortable with taking the risk of having permanent memory impairment.