What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

    People with Attention Deficit Disorder ["ADD"] Have a number of difficulties that the average person does not struggle with.
    One of these is extreme fluctuations in attention span. People with ADD find it extremely difficult to remain focused on something that they personally, find uninteresting, even when the personal consequences of not focusing may be disatrous, such as losing ones job or possesions, not keeping track of finacial affairs, or failing an important exam.

    A lesser know fact about ADD is the other extreme.
    People with ADD have a tendancy to "hyperfocus" on any anything that they find extremely interesting. This is at times an advantage but may also have very unpleasant consequences.
    For example s/he may become so involved in a project, idea or activity that they completly forget that a bath has been left running, a pot has been left on the stove, or that they needed to arrive at work fifteen minutes ago.

    People who live or work with these people become understandably frustrated by such events and may think the person is selfish and lazy when, in fact, the person is suffering from a physical disability located in the neurological structure and/or chemical makeup of the brain.

    What is ADD like in general?

    Imagine living in a fast-moving kaleidoscope, where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly shifting. Feeling easily bored, yet helpless to keep your mind on tasks you need to complete. Distracted by unimportant sights and sounds, your mind drives you from one thought or activity to the next. Perhaps you are so wrapped up in a collage of thoughts and images that you don't notice when someone speaks to you.

    For many people, this is what it's like to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. They may be unable to sit still, plan ahead, finish tasks, or be fully aware of what's going on around them. To their family, classmates or coworkers, they seem to exist in a whirlwind of disorganized or frenzied activity. Unexpectedly--on some days and in some situations--they seem fine, often leading others to think the person with ADHD can actually control these behaviors. As a result, the disorder can mar the person's relationships with others in addition to disrupting their daily life, consuming energy, and diminishing self-esteem.

    On the average, at least one child in every classroom in the United States needs help for the disorder. ADHD often continues into adolescence and adulthood, and can cause a lifetime of frustrated dreams and emotional pain.

    But there is help... and hope. In the last decade, scientists have learned much about the course of the disorder and are now able to identify and treat children, adolescents, and adults who have it. A variety of medications, behavior-changing therapies, and educational options are already available to help people with ADHD focus their attention, build self-esteem, and function in new ways.

    The following article was written by Jake Cave and originally appeared on the ADD Bulletin Board at BOB SEAY'S ADD site on The Mining Company Jake also hosts an online chat each Tuesday evening at 9 Eastern for the newly diagnosed ADDers in the ADD Chatroom.


    When ever I speak to someone about my ADD I sometimes get this reaction. " Oh god, someone else trying to blame behavior on some kinda disease. "
    Of course my first inclination is to get upset. " Excuse me ? ",I'll say. " What exactly do you know about ADD ? "
    " Well..." he/she will say, " Its just an excuse for either bad parenting or for lazyness. Why dont you just do something when your supposed to do it ? "
    Right, like its that easy.

    I used to argue the point with them, but I found that this never worked. so I decided to try something new. Ahhhh....creativity, one of the BENEFITS of ADD!

    " Okay. " I said, " Lets do it this way...I want you to think of any two objects. Anything. Something that in no way should be related in anyway to the other. "
    He scratched his head for a min and said, " A twinkie, and my shoes. " Really creative, I had thought, especialy since there was a twinkie wraper next to his foot.
    " That's easy.. " I said, " Poloymers. "
    " What ??? " he asked.
    " Poloymers. " I said again, " Plastic. Both the rubber souls of your shoes and the wrapper of the twinkie are made of poloymers.
    Now give me 2 more things. "
    He scratched his head again. " Okay...my shirt and that dog across the street."
    He smiled quietly to himself.
    " Do you want me to just do the two or would you like me to connect all 4 things ? " I asked.
    " Its your hole, " he remarked, " go ahead and dig it."
    " Its easy, " I began, " That dog across the street is a rottwieler, originaly bred to pull small weapon carts dureing the roman era. A type of bread was made at that time useing meal to give it more flavor and nourishment during the long marches.
    Today that bread is made by a company called Roman Meal, which is wrapped in a plastic bag. A poloymer. "
    He smilled, " Ha !! What about my shirt though ? "
    I smilled back at him.. " May I see the tag ? " I reached to the back of his neck to look.
    " 50% cotton, 50% poloyester. POLOYester " I said accentuating the word " poloy ".
    " What does all of this prove ?? " he said, " Fine, you see links between things, it still doesnt explain why you forget to do things. "

    Now this is where I make the kill.

    " Actualy it does, " I explained. " Imagine for a moment that everything you see, everything you touch, your mind races to corilate it with every other thing you have seen or touched that day. Imagine that everything is a distraction, because your mind wont stop trying to link everything together. Now imagine your wife tells you to take out the trash, you say ok but as the words come out of her mouth, your thinking not just about trash, but about land fills and how bad it is for the enviorment, and you see a styrafoam cup and wonder if they can realy recycle it so that its safe again for the enviorment. Then you remember an article you read about cups and how many are thrown away. You recall that while reading that articel your friend had come by to say hi. You think to yourself that you havent seen or heard from that friend in along while. You should give him/her a call and see how they are. So you reach over to the phone, call the friend and talk for an hour. After your done, the trash truck has already come by. Your wife asks why you didnt take out the trash in time. THATS ADD. "

    Jake is a regular contributor to the ADD Bulletin Board on the Mining Company.

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