Health News Reuter's Medical Articles Re: Kidneys

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Reuter's Medical Research Articles

Bioartificial Kidney Tested in Dogs Bioartificial kidney being tested has living kidney cells which do a better job of cleaning blood than normal dialysis plus other functions.

Low-Protein Diet Delays Dialysis, Study Finds "A strict low-protein diet can keep kidney failure patients off dialysis for as long as a year, researchers said."

Transplant Technique Reduces Need For Immunosuppressive Drugs Woman who had both a bone marrow and kidney transplant from sister no longer need anti-rejection meds.

New Strategy For Fighting Transplant Complication New Theory that "Destroying a particular type of immune cell in transplant recipients may reduce or even eliminate" rejection.

Dual Kidney Transplant Patients Do Well With Organs From Older Donors Kidneys from older donors can be used if both kidneys are transplanted.

US Kidney Patients Skip Dialysis This might be why other countries have a better long term survival rate.

I'd like to thank Reuter's for giving me permission to have a copy of these articles on this page. It's much appreciated. If you'd like to see more Reuter's Medical News, you can go to the "Health News" on my site. It also has the Associated Press medical news too.