What is Sarcoidosis?
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What is Sarcoidosis?

About Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is a medical mystery. For the physician who is working on the scientific frontier, the disease can be a fascinating challenge. For the patient it can be a very serious illness, even fatal, or it can be of little consequence. Most sarcoidosis patients do not even have any symptoms and probably never know they have the disease. Sarcoidosis is not contagious. The disease can attack any organ of the body in any location. But it most frequently is found in the lung. Pulmonary sarcoidosis can cause loss of lung volume (the amount of air the lungs can hold) and abnormal lung stiffness. The disease is characterized by the presence of granulomas, small areas of inflamed cells. Granulomas can be either inside the body or on the body's exterior. They can appear on the walls of the alveoli (small air sacs in the lungs) or on the walls of the bronchioles (breathing tubes in the lungs). These granulomatous lesions can also appear as sores on the face or shins.

What Are the Symptoms of Sarcoidosis?

Most sarcoidosis patients have no symptoms at all. In pulmonary sarcoidosis, patients may have a dry cough (without sputum), shortness of breath, or mild chest pain. There also can be fatigue, weakness, and weight loss. These symptoms are common in many other lung diseases, so diagnosis may be difficult. In those cases where symptoms do appear outside the lung, they can include a scaly rash, red bumps on the legs, fever, soreness of the eyes, and pain and swelling of the ankles.

How is Sarcoidosis Diagnosed?

Sarcoidosis is initially suspected based on physical examination, laboratory tests, pulmonary function studies, and chest x-ray. When enlargement of lymph glands in the center of the lungs as seen on x-ray, sarcoidosis may be suspected. To confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy is usually performed on any of the affected organs or from material in a granuloma on the skin.

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How Serious is Sarcoidosis?

About 50 percent of sarcoidosis patients improve spontaneously. The disease is fatal in less than 5 percent of patients. In between the two extremes, patients have mild to severe sarcoidosis, with various degrees of impairment, or none at all.

Who Gets Sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis is found throughout the world within almost all races and ages and in both sexes. However, it is most common among American blacks and northern European whites. Sarcoidosis is mainly a disease of young adults, patients between the ages of 20 and 40, although a few persons past 60 have been known to have it. In the United States, a higher percentage of blacks than whites have sarcoidosis, and the disease is usually more serious in blacks. The prevalence of sarcoidosis is 10 to 17 times greater in blacks than whites in the U.S.

What Causes Sarcoidosis?

This is a big part of the mystery. No one knows. The causes put forth at various times have been imaginative, to say the least. For the instance: pine pollen, spray deodorants, or broken fluorescent light bulbs. None has stood the test of time and analysis. Some physicians believe sarcoidosis results from inhalation of an infectious or allergic substance from the environment. Others believe that the disease is a basic problem in alteration of the cellular immune system.

What Body Sites Does Sarcoidosis Attack?

Ninety percent of the cases of sarcoidosis are found in the lungs. Other sites are: Skin, Liver, Lymph glands, Spleen, Eyes, Nervous system, Musculoskeletal system (the muscles and bones in the body), Heart, Brain, and Kidneys.

What is The Common Course of Sarcoidosis?

In most cases of sarcoidosis there are no symptoms, the disease "burns itself out," disappearing with little or no notice to the patient or physician. If pulmonary sarcoidosis is serious, it can develop into pulmonary fibrosis (the abnormal formation of fiber-like scar tissue in the lung). This actually distorts the structure of the lungs and can interfere with breathing. Bronchiectasis can develop. This is a lung disease in which pockets form in the air tubes of the lung and become sites for infection.

What Is The Treatment For Sarcoidosis?

In a majority of patients, the disease spontaneously disappears, and no treatment is necessary. Drugs called cortiocosteroids are the most important treatment used in fighting sarcoidosis. Some physicians prescribe steroids when there are no symptoms but just abnormalities seen on the chest x-ray and in lung function measurements. Other physicians wait for symptoms to appear before prescribing corticosteroids. Sometimes the drugs are prescribed every day; at other times on alternate days.

What Can The Sarcoidosis Patient Do?

The sarcoidosis patient should follow his or her doctor's directions. This frequently can be just continuation of a normal lifestyle. When drugs are prescribed, they should be taken faithfully, just as the physician directs. It is particularly important that sarcoidosis patients do not smoke.

In Summary

Sarcoidosis, which has an unknown cause, can be serious in some people, even causing death. Generally, though, the disease is not serious, coming and going and then disappearing. In many patients, sarcoidosis does not have symptoms. When there are granulomas, corticosteroids are most often used to combat the inflammation.

For more information on lung health, programs, and special events, call your local American Lung Association at 1-800-LUNG-USA When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters Copyright 1996 American Lung Association

Questions & Comments:Bharris354@aol.com

Page Design by Brenda Harris

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