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Playing Over the Internet....

You may play a 2 - 4 player game over the Internet, and it is quite simple!

First, among yourselves, you must select someone to be the host.
The rest of you will be joining the host's game, and you are the remote player(s).

Host Instructions:

Fire up your game... during the prompts, you will have options for a local game, network game, etc.... choose Network Game from that first selection screen.

On the next selection screen, choose TCP/IP Internet.... then choose Create, as you are the host of this game for others to join you.

Now you are ready... the game is set up for the others to connect to you... while you are setting up the game (which takes a few seconds...) the others should be setting up their games on their end.... as follows:

Remote Player Instructions:

First you must obtain the host's IP Address. Like this....

Go to your ICQ List, and right click the host's name. Select "INFO".

A box will pop up, and you will see the host's current IP Address on the upper right. Write this number down (including all the periods), or highlight and copy it by hitting "Ctrl" and "C" simultaneously.

Now, start up your game... during the prompts, you will have options for a local game, network game, etc.... choose Network Game from that first selection screen.

On the next selection screen, choose TCP/IP Internet. You will be presented with a Locate Session box... type or paste (hit "Ctrl" and "V") in the host's IP Address, and click "Join". Your host's game will appear in the next screen. If you do not see it right away, you may need to wait a few minutes until your host is ready or for the computers to make the connection. Patience is a virtue... :o)

Once you see your host's game listed, highlight the game you are joining, and click the "Join Game" button....

Good Luck!!

You are visitor number since December 10, 1997.

You may contact the listmaster, Dawn Higgins, at:
© 1997 higgy@iname.com

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