Trademarks, Copyrights, Copycentres and AcknowledgementsFor the purposes of this discussion "Onion Institute pages" or just "pages" are any page underneath\HotSprings\Spa\4523 and include text and graphics.
The Onion Institute acknowledges here Richard Bandler's assertion to the full trademarked rights to the "NLP" and "DHE" on all of its pages. We have only marked the top level pages with (tm).
All of the pages, including text and graphics, on this site are covered by the Onion Copycentre, which is the following six points:

1. If you read, or use our pages, you implicitly accept all the six points of the Onion Copycentre, and you take full responsibility for your own safety and well-being.
2.We own these pages.
3.We make no claim that they are suitable for your use, or that they are true.
4.You can redistribute any of these pages for free, or charge for them.
4. If you make any changes to these pages, you must admit not to have written the original pages, nor can you claim that we wrote your changes.
5.You can place any changes you make to these pages under any copyright you like.
6.You must acknowledge the use of these pages wherever they may be used, and give references to where they are currently freely available.
For more information on some alternatives to CopyRights, see Warren Toomey and Jordan Hubbard's presentation on FreeBSD Copyright, Copyleft and Copycentre.
To make it very clear, we do not claim intellectual copyright on the ideas or specific techniques of NLP (e.g. the swish pattern, time lines), but the copycentre covers our description of these ideas, where we have described them. We're not trying to copycentre the odd sentence or phrase, many of which we've heard from our teachers or in press.
Lastly, on a less formal note, or perhaps more formal note... Thanks to our teachers, their teachers and their teachers before them. Especially to Richard Bandler, Michael Breen and Paul McKenna for their genius (and we don't use the word lightly) in giving not only passive information, but for wonderous living ideas that transform all around.

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