who is Brijgs?   From http://members.aol.com/discord23/druid2.htm :

"Perhaps one of the most complex and contradictory Goddesses of the Celtic pantheon, Brigid can be seen as the most powerful religious figure in all of Irish history. Many layers of separate traditions have intertwined, making Her story and impact complicated but allowing Her to move so effortlessly down through the centuries. She has succeeded in travelling intact through generations, fulfilling different roles in divergent times.

She was, and continues to be, known by many names. Referred to as Bride, Bridey, Brighid, Brigit, Briggidda, Brigantia, I am using Her name, "Brigid," here. There are also many variations on pronunciation, all of them correct, but, in my own mind, I use the pronunciation, Breet."

Or perhaps it was merely an anagram of "RB is JG", who knows?

Hail Brigjs! All praise Eris!


Last updated: 26 September 1997

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