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Visitors please note this information is authorised by the Australian Resuscitation Council. Having said this - the updates may well be in keeping with your local authorities - please check.


1. Policy Statement No 6.2.2.July 1997.Method of checking the Carotid Pulse.

It should be noted that the latest policy has removed the need for first aiders to search for a pulse and should proceed straight to rescusitation as described in the resus page.

2. Policy Statement No. 6.3.3.July 1997. Rate of External Cardiac Compression.

"The rescuer must perform 100 compressions in each minute, at a ratio of 2 inflations to 30 compressions, ie; 80-100 compressions per minute. The present teaching is 2 inflations/15 compressions in 15 seconds - 4 cycles per minute single operator.

Policy Statement No.8.5 July 1997 Burns

The time for cooling burns has been increased. For all general burns for up to 20 minutes. Chemical burns 20-30 minutes and Bitumen burns up to 30 minutes. Consider scoring or cracking bitumen if it encircles a limb. Beware Hypothermia if large areas of the body require cooling.

3. Policy Statement No.8.18 July 1997 Spinal Injury Management

"airways management takes precedence over any suspected spinal injury - the Unconscious victim must be: Handled gently with no torsional twisting and minimal head movement Turned onto side to ensure adequate airway Turned with spinal alignment maintained

Policy Statement No. 8.21 July 1997 Syncope (fainting)

If a person has fainted and is unconscious they MUST be placed on their side. If feeling faint and ill they should be placed on back with legs raised.

Policy Statement No.8.22.July 1997 Cold (Cryogenic) Shock

Remove constricting and damp clothing, replace with dry. Wrap warmly and give fluids by mouth. Re-warming can be PAINFUL, Do not use radiat heat.Do not break blisters. Warming may be achieved by placing affected body part in warm water bath with CIRCULATING water (40 degree C max)

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