Evil Spirit in a bottle
Lurking there to suck you dry
Waiting there for her next victim
Knowing "It's a piece of pie."

Once you've popped her cork--You've had it
You're playing now with someone sly
She just slowly takes possession
As you toast "Mud in your eye!"

Doesn't take too many outings
Then she's got you--one more score!
You think you can do without her,
But back you go--for just one more!

She's in your blood now--my good buddy--
And stronger men than you have tried
To turn their back on Evil Spirit;
She sucked them dry--that's how they died!

Don't let her tempt you--she's not worth it--
The price you pay is much too high
She demands control completely
She ruins you--then lets you Die!

When you shun her, she can't harm you
She can't cheat you of your life
For she can't suck the life blood from you
Your kids, your family--and your wife!

© Laura Gregg, November 23, 1992

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