IssyMissy's House of Fine Repute
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Privacy Statement

IssyMissy's House of Fine Repute.

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This site is individually owned and maintained by Gayla L. Pledger and is in no way affiliated with any commercial site, sales, or practices.

IssyMissy's House of Fine Repute contains numerous links to various web sites for the purpose of offering visitors a wide selection of information, assistance, and entertainment. I have personally visited and scanned each site which is linked at IssyMissy's House and have found nothing offensive nor otherwise inappropriate for any viewer. However, IssyMissy is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.

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The "Lupus Survey" available at IssyMissy's House of Fine Repute asks for your
e-mail address and URL. Your e-mail address is requested solely for the purpose of contacting you concerning your submission(s), and to allow other lupus patients to contact you. However, the "Lupus Survey" offers you the option of remaining anonymous to other viewers of your submission. Should you choose to participate anonymously, your e-mail address will then be held in confidence and used strictly for the purpose of contacting you when your personal lupus story is posted and ready for view. In such cases where anonymity is requested, your e-mail address will be omitted from your personal story page, and will not be held in my database.
    Your URL is requested and will be posted along with your personal story to encourage hits to your site by visitors to
IssyMissy's House.

Any information collected from entries in this survey will be used by the webmistress, Gayla Pledger, solely for the purposes of conducting this survey, notifying participants of postings, and encouraging hits to your sites.

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"The Lupus Survey" is sponsored solely by IssyMissy's House of Fine Repute
[Gayla Pledger]. GeoCities is not a sponsor of this survey and is not involved with the administration or maintainence of the survey.

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The information you provide to IssyMissy's House is NOT sold nor given out by me to any individual nor to any business for any reason. However, I have no control over the use or misuse of this information by my visitors.
    Therefore, you may request anonymity or removal at any time. I will honor all requests for removal or modification of any information you have provided to the "Lupus Survey". If you are not perfectly satsified with your personal story after it has been posted, please feel free to contact me with your concerns or modifications. The personal lupus stories posted are the © copyright of each author and are used here with the express consent of each individual. Please do not copy any material without first receiving the written permission of the author.

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In closing I would like to say that the opinions expressed here are strictly those of the individual who gave them -- whether it be myself or a survey respondent -- and should be treated as such. Any questions, comments, announcements, or requests for removal or modifications, should be addressed to:

Gayla Pledger

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Return from whence you came:

small heart Foyer Entrance

small heart The Lupus Survey

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter One

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Two

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Three

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Four

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Five

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Six

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Seven

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Eight

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Nine

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Ten

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Eleven

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Twelve

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Thirteen

small heart Lupus Stories ~ Chapter Fourteen

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Foyer Entrance Miss Issy's Boutique The Cafe' Chronicles
ImageQuest Vintage Card Shoppe
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This site is owned and maintained by Gayla Pledger.
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