Pedofilia księży katolickich

Wypadków pedofilii jest tak dużo że nie sposób przetłumaczyć wszystkich artykułów z angielskiego na polski. Podam więc tylko streszczenie. archidiecezja Bostonu zapłaciła łącznie 10 milionów dolarów odszkodowań ofiarom czyli molestowanym seksualnie przez księży dzieciom. Zwykle prosi się ofiary o zachowanie tajemnicy żeby uniknąć skandalu. Wielu kapłanów jest skarżonych za akty pedofilii nawet sprzed kilku lat, gdy ofiara jest już dorosła i ze łzami w oczach wyjawia swoje przeżycia reporterom. Wydaje się że w USA ściganie pedofilii kapłanów katolickich ma większe powodzenie niż w Polsce gdzie te rzeczy są lepiej ukrywane przez władze kościelne. Kapłani podejrzewani o pedofilię zwykle byli przenoszeni do innej parafii gdzie kontynuowali molestowanie seksualne dzieci. Niektórzy kapłani prowadzili zapisy odnośnie molestowanych seksualnie przez siebie dzieci. Arcybiskup pisze do księdza który był już mu znany jako pedofil "Miałeś udane kapłaństwo w swoim życiu, a niestety zostało ono pogorszone przez chorobę...". Na pytania prasy dlaczego nie przekazywał policji informacji o łamiących prawo kapłanach mówi: "nie jestem policjantem, jestem pasterzem". Molestowany seksualnie chłopiec mówi swojej matce (gdy już sprawa wyszła) "nie mogłem ci nic mówić bo kapłan powiedział że to jest konfesjonał". Sprawca czynu kapłan John J. Geoghan, aktualnie skarżony w 84 sprawach sądowych, przypuszczalnie molestował seksualnie dziesiątki dzieci w ciągu trzydziestu lat. Kolejny kapłan, Kelvin Iguabita, został oskarżony o molestowanie seksualne 15 letniej dziewczyny. Został on aresztowany i ogłoszono kaucję w wysokości 15 tysięcy dolarów.

Poniżej fragmenty artykułów z których wziąłem powyższe streszczenie, oraz adresy stron internetowych większych gazet z opublikowanymi przez nich artykułami o księżach pedofilach.

Wniosek: W USA księży traktuje się jak zwykłych ludzi. Są oni sądzeni i skazywani za molestowanie seksualne dzieci. W Polsce księży uważa się za nadludzi; pośredników Wyższych Istot. Gdy w Polsce ksiądz obmacuje dziecko i rodzice wnoszą sprawę do sądu, prokuratura umarza sprawę uzasadniając to tym, że "ksiądz dotykał dziecko w celu przekazania mu energii leczniczej". Fakt taki został opublikowany w polskiej prasie.

siedemdziesięciu księży pedofili !!!

Scores of priests involved in sex abuse cases

Under an extraordinary cloak of secrecy, the Archdiocese of Boston in the last 10 years has quietly settled child molestation claims against at least 70 priests, according to an investigation by the Globe Spotlight Team.
przypadek księdza John J. Geoghan

Jury ponders alleged priest molestation case

Jurors will continue deliberations Friday in the case of a defrocked Catholic priest accused of molesting a boy.

The case went to the jury Thursday after a psychiatrist testified the defendant, John Geoghan, admitted to having sexual fantasies about children.

"We discussed his ability to control his sexual fantasies and his sexual feelings about women and boys," said Dr. Edward Messner, Boston-based psychiatrist who said he treated Geoghan between December 1994 and July 1996.

Messner testified shortly before the prosecution and defense presented their closing arguments.

Geoghan has been charged with indecent assault and battery on a child stemming from a 1991 encounter in which a boy -- 10 at the time, but now a college junior -- said the former priest grabbed his buttocks while the two were in a pool at the Waltham Boys and Girls Club.

If convicted of the felony charge, Geoghan could be sentenced to as many as 10 years in prison.
Jury Convicts Boston Priest of Fondling Boy|top|01-18-2002::14:31|reuters.html

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Reuters) - Defrocked Roman Catholic priest John Geoghan, accused of molesting more than 130 children over about 30 years, was convicted on Friday of fondling a 10-year-old boy as the two swam together
more than a decade ago.
A Massachusetts jury found Geoghan, 66, who was kicked out of the priesthood in 1998, guilty of indecent assault and battery on a person younger than 14. Geoghan was taken into custody by court officers.
Boston cardinal offers apology to sex abuse victims
Geoghan's alleged victims set hopes on his next trial
Papers in Pedophile Case Show Church Effort to Avert Scandal

BOSTON, Jan. 24 - The Roman Catholic archdiocese here seemed more preoccupied with avoiding a scandal involving a pedophile priest than making sure the priest had no further contact with children, documents released today suggest.

The documents - depositions, letters and memorandums from 84 civil lawsuits against the priest and the archdiocese - reveal in detail that the church knew of the priest's pedophilia, but moved him from one parish to another for 30 years.

In wake of Geoghan uproar, Law legacy hangs in balance

On Friday, a Middlesex County jury convicted John J. Geoghan of fondling a 10-year-old boy at a Waltham swimming pool in 1991, seven years after Law transferred him to St. Julia's parish in Weston, despite warnings that he was a pedophile.
Vatican playing catch-up on pedophilia
Psychiatric probe ordered for ex-priest guilty of indecent assault

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (AP) -- A former Catholic priest who was convicted of indecent assault on a 10-year-old boy was ordered Wednesday to undergo 30 days of psychiatric evaluation before his sentencing.
Senate agrees to widen abuse bill

Clergy would be required to report past evidence

By Walter V. Robinson and Sacha Pfeiffer, Globe Staff, 1/23/2002

he Massachusetts Senate yesterday approved amendments to legislation so that clergy, including the Archdiocese of Boston, would be required to report past evidence of sexual abuse of children and not just future abuse Cases of child rape can be prosecuted for up to 15 years - from the time the victim reaches age 16, or for 15 years after the accusations are reported to police.
Officials avoided confronting priest
Documents show church long supported Geoghan !

Letters exhibit gentle approach toward priest

Law says he won't quit over scandal

Cardinal Bernard F. Law yesterday said he will not resign as the Roman Catholic archbishop of Boston, despite his acknowledgment that as many as 18 years ago he made ''wrong decisions'' to keep a pedophile priest in parish work.
Memos offer split view of priest

It's as if there were two John Geoghans: One, an emotionally stable priest victimized by ''a rather unfortunate traumatic experience,'' yet fully capable of fulfilling his priestly duties. The other, a dangerous child molester with an ''impulsive nature'' whose continued presence among parishioners would yield ''an explosion.''

These contrasting portraits of Geoghan emerge from medical records that were filed with 84 civil lawsuits against the former priest and top officials in the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, including Cardinal Bernard F. Law.
Priests' victims victimized twice

WE COULDN'T tell you," a son finally said to his mother. "because Father said it was a confessional." In this "confessional," the boy and his three brothers were allegedly being raped by a priest, Father John J. Geoghan
Police probed priest on sex abuse as early as 1986
In letters, Geoghan showed self in denial

January 25, 2002 -- While serving as a top Catholic Church official in Boston, Brooklyn Bishop Thomas Daily transferred a priest who allegedly admitted molesting seven boys to another parish - where the priest is suspected of continuing to abuse sexually kids, it was reported yesterday.
"I am not a policeman - I am a shepherd," the Boston Globe quoted Daily telling lawyers for some of the boys, explaining why he had not done more than transfer the priest in 1980.
Priest says he, too, molested boys
inny ksiądz pedofil

Church tipped off to Reardon abuses

The Archdiocese of Boston was warned that serial pedophile Christopher J.Reardon was molesting boys at a Middleton rectory six months before the church youth worker was arrested, but apparently did nothing to investigate, sources said.

If the Archdiocese of Boston had investigated complaints against Christopher J. Reardon when they allegedly first surfaced, it's likely ``90 percent'' of the sexual abuse he inflicted on 29 young boys would have been prevented, Reardon's parents and lawyer said yesterday.

Vow of silence: Archdiocese mum on church officials in Reardon case
The Catholic Church in America has a pedophilia crisis
Scandal shakes Catholic laity, theologians
The Archdiocese of Boston was informed at least twice in the six months before the arrest of Christopher Reardon that he was abusing boys at St. Agnes Church in Middleton
Church ills run deep
The Church Begins To Clean House
Lori Sciurca regularly attends Sunday Mass but her faith is being tested by reports that church leaders repeatedly reassigned a priest accused of sexually molesting children.,1597,325780-412,00.shtml
trzeci ksiądz pedofil

The Rev. Bernard J. Lane was accused of sexually molesting teenagers in the 1970s at Alpha Omega, a Littleton center for troubled youths operated by the Boston Archdiocese A lawyer for another Lane victim who has reached a settlement with the church said that the abuse involved anal and oral rape and that the New Hampshire incidents took place at a ''bachelor pad'' with mirrored ceilings.
Boston abuse scandal: fallout continues
Church lawyers say claims taking $$ toll
Experts see familiar pattern in Hub archdiocese scandal
czwarty ksiądz pedofil

Therapist-priest blasted as abuser: Ex-altar boys claim Kane was molester
Church Offers Payout for Sex Abuse

DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) -- The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland has agreed to a landmark $110 million payment to Irish children sexually abused by its clergy over decades.
piąty ksiądz pedofil

Rev. Paul R. Shanley was a sexual predator. In interviews with four people who said they were abused by Shanley, as well as their families and lawyers who have settled at least three sexual abuse claims against him with the Archdiocese of Boston, the same stories repeatedly emerged: rape, molestation, and coerced sex
Asked to help prevent new victims, he now feels bitter
Priest says church sought to cover up suit against him

A Catholic priest who recently worked at a Brockton nursing home said yesterday that in the early 1990s he was accused of sexually molesting an Allston boy and received treatment at two institutions for sexually abusive clergy before being reassigned to a Wayland parish, in 1998.

In an interview with the Globe, the Rev. Jay M. Mullin said the archdiocese settled the claim for $60,000 about five years ago to keep the accusation out of court - and out of public view - and required Mullin to pay $10,000
of the award.
Church gives names of accused priests

The Archdiocese of Boston said it reported to law enforcement authorities yesterday the names of priests accused of sexually molesting children in the last 40 years.
Church ID's 40 years of alleged pedophile priests

Handling of clergymen by archdiocese
Colleagues laud work of dad-son attorneys for church

At the center of the raging pedophile priest scandal enveloping the Archdiocese of Boston is a father-son legal team who've quietly represented the church in these matters for decades.

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