This is supposed to be MIDI Paradise

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MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Inerface, and is one of my favorite file formats. However, since I don't have my collection, I'll place something else here. Here you go!

The following is my current Megaman RPG Character

This is to be used by ME, on and only there.

Name: Kimmy Spencer

Age: 12

Gender: F

Race: Cyborg

Allegiance: Hunter (after first post)


Background: Kimmy Spencer is a very special little girl. She is the end result of an extensive scientific research project, started 5 years after X was discovered, by a co-worker of Dr. Cain, Dr. Jonathon Spencer (Kimmy’s father, deceased as of my first post with this char.). The project was cancelled within weeks of its beginning, as a result of the media hearing about it and the general public turning it down. This project was code-named the “Hybrid Project” and its main goal was to “produce” a true cyborg, a complete hybrid of man and machine. The project was re-started 15 years before the events of the current storyline, and ended up with the anticipated result: Dr. Spencer had found a way to produce a self replicating “nano-bio-machine” or NBM, essentially a small microorganism that contains computerized DNA (i.e. a DNA Soul) and is able to mix with human DNA. Dr. Spencer’s wife, Susan Spencer (also deceased as of my first post) agreed to cooperate with the project, and 13 years ago underwent surgery to implant the NBM’s into their unborn child’s embryo. The operation was a success, and 8 months later, Kimmy was born. She was the final result of the Hybrid Project and at age 9 was fitted with her first cybernetic limb. At age 11, she underwent surgery to implant a small computer chip in her brain, which would serve as a catalyst for the NBM’s and allow her to control them. On her 12th birthday, Kimmy was given an exo-suit that basically gave her all the abilities of a reploid. This was not just because she had asked for it as a gift, but rather for her own protection, as Sigma had found out about the project and had sent numerous Mavericks to sabotage it in the past, (the reason behind the cybernetic limb).


Kimmy’s current “body setup” consists of full cybernetic legs and a cybernetic arm. Her brain is now in full-sync with the NBM’s and she has a link-port installed in her back that can link with her exo-suit, giving her complete control of it.


Equipment: Exo-suit: child sized, with capabilities to link with Kimmy and the NBM’s so she can control it with her thoughts. No weaponry YET. Will be given in the first storyline.


Creators: Dr. Jonathon Spencer and Sharon Spencer (and the Deity if you want to go that far)


Quirks: none really. She is a very studious child, however, she simply downloaded all the knowledge she needed for her studies. She can, however, be a brat at times, especially if she doesn’t get her way.


Likes: Cherry Soda and a good book.

Dislikes: anyone who uses her last name to address her.


Weaknesses: Kimmy is susceptible to both human viruses and computer viruses, however this will shortly change once she uploads the mysterious Type T Data.

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