At the Visitors Center you will find information about the Park and the War Between the States. You will learn that this is the nation's oldest, largest and most visited National Military Park. Among the exhibits is the Fuller Gun Collection of American Military Long Arms. They also have a multimedia orientation program about the battles that took place. There are self guided tours with walking, hiking, and biking trails and a seven mile auto driving tour.

This monument is a most impressive tribute to the Georgia soldiers. At the top there’s a soldier holding a flag and pointing to the north. There are four horse heads around the monument. Under that it reads: "C.S.A." There are three more soldiers standing under the lettering. The soldier facing the road on the right side has a musket in his hand and under him it reads: "1899." Then it reads:

" Infantry, Georgia Confederate 2nd Battn. Maj.James Clark Gordon, 2nd Ga. Lt. Col. Wm.S. Sheppard, Major W.W. Charlton, 5th Ga. Col. Charles P. Daniel, 8th Ga. Lt. Col. LeRoy Nappia, "Battalion" Maj. B. L. Watters, 15th Ga. Col. Dudley M. Dubose. Maj. J. P. Shannon, 17th Ga. Lt Col.Chas. W. Matthews, 20th Ga. Col.J.D.Waddell, 25th Ga. Lt. Col. A.J. Williams, 29th Ga. W. J. Young, Lt. Col. W.D. Mitchell, Lt. George R. Macrae, 30th Ga. Co. Thos. W. Mancham, Lt. Col. James S. Boynton, 37th Ga. Col. A.F. Rudler, Lt. Col. Joseph T. Smith, 46th Ga. Col. Payton H. Colquitt, Maj. A.M. Speer, 47th Ga. Capt. Wm. S. Phillips, Capt. Joseph S. Cone, Col. R.H. Moore, Sharpshooters, 1st Ga. Battn. Maj. Arthur Shaff, 2nd Ga. Battn. Maj Richard H. Whiteley, 4th Ga. Maj. T. D. Caswell, Capt. B.M. Turner, Lt. Joel Towers. To the lasting memory of all her sons who fought on this field – those who fought and lived and those who fought and died. Those who gave much and those who gave all, Georgia erects this monument."

To the right of that soldier there is another soldier who is with drawing his bayonet. Under that it reads:

"General Officers Brigade Commanders and staff Officers of the Georgia Commands, Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, Maj. Gen. W.T.H.Walker, Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, Brig. Gen. Henry L. Benning, Brig. Gen. John K. Jackson., Brig. Gen. Marcellus A. Stovald, Col. Peyton H. Colquitt, Col. C.C. Crews, Col. Claudius C. Wilson, Longstreet’s Corps. Lt Col.G. Moxley Sorrell, A. A. General Walker’s Corps. Capt. Joseph B. Cumming,. A. A. General. Wheelers Corps. Col. Hugh M. King, A.A. General. Benning’s Brigade. Capt. Herman H. Perry, A. A.& I. General, Capt. Seborn Jones Benning, A. A. General Stovall’s Brigade, Capt. J.P.C. Whitehead, Jr., A. A. General."

To the right of this soldier is the 3rd soldier and he’s holding the instrument that is a ram rod. Under him it reads:

"Artillery 9th Ga. Battn. Arty. Maj. A. Leyden, T.H. Dawson; Ga. Bty. Lt. R. W. Anderson; Howell’s Ga. Bty. Capt.Evan P. Howell, Havis Ga. Bty. Capt. M. W. Havis, Massenberos Ga. Bty. Capt. T.L. Massenberg, Peoples Ga. Bty. Capt. Tyler M. Peoples, Scogging Ga. Bty.Capt. John Scoggins, Wolihin’s Ga. Bty.Capt. Andrew M. Wolihins, York Ga. Bty., Capt. W.S. Everet, Cavelry 1stGa. Col.J.J. Morrison, 2nd Ga Lt. Col. S. M. Ison, 3rd Ga. Col. R Thompson, 4th Ga. Isaac W. Avery, 6th Ga. Col John R. Hart. 3rd Confederate Ga Co.’s (A E F) 8th Confederate Ga. o.( K.) Col. John S. Prager, 10 Conf Ga. Co.’s (F)(C) (H) (I) (k) Col.C. C. Goode.

The three soldiers near the base of the monument represent the three arms of the military: Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry.

This is another Georgia marker and under the point it reads: "CSA, Georgia 2nd Infantry Lt. Col Wm. S. Shepherd, Major W. W. Charlton, Benning’s Brigade, Law’s Hood’s Division. Noon Sept. 20th, 1863."

The woods and fields of this beautiful park are maintained, to a degree in their wartime condition. There are more than 1,600 markers, monuments, cannons, and tablets which indicate battle lines of both sides and recount the story of the area. First Lt. F. G. Russell, Commanding Grose ’s Brigade, Palmer’s Division, Crittenden’s Corp. was engaged Sept. 19th and 20th 1863. Here the battery perfomed it’s most important service. Casualties: enlisted men killed 2, wounded 6; horses killed or disabled 13.




This is a unique monument. It has a replica of a cannon projecting in the front and on the back. It is of white marble with crossed battle flags, with the dates


Below are crossed swords. Reading around the monument is:

"Erected by the Cochran Chapter U.D.C. # 764." "To the veterans of Pulaski County, 1910.”

Then there are crossed muskets and it reads:

“To the memory of our Confederate soldiers.”

This monument is erected in front of the city's Chamber of Commerce.

The Cochran Chapter #764 of the U.D.C. is no longer active.

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