The Georgia monument is on US Highway 41 at Kennesaw State Park. The monument is of marble and it is scalloped around the top. "Georgia" is engraved at the top and below that is the Georgia State seal. It reads:

"Georgia Confederate soldier." "We sleep here in obedience to law, when duty called, we came. When Country called, we died."

This monument was unveiled 16 August 1963

Kennesaw Civil War Museum
Home of the General.

On display is the original locomotive made famous by its participation in the Andrews Raid of April 12, 1862. It was stolen by the Northern raiders who tried unsuccessfully to wreck the Confederate supply line between Atlanta, Ga. and Chattanooga, Tenn., and recovered by Southern crews after an 86 mile chase that has been the subject of books and motion pictures. This incident, called the most dramatic episode of the Civil War, led to awards of the first Congressional Medals of Honor to the men who stole the General. The Locomotive, built in 1855 for the Western and Atlantic Railroad, was restored by the Louisville & Nashville Railroad in 1961 to make a series of tours under its own power

commemorating the War Between the States centennial.

Kennesaw House

In ante-bellum days, this hotel was a summer resort for planters attracted by the gay social activities of the town.
In 1862, J. J. Andrews and his Federal raiders met here to begin the daring Locomotive Chase. Confederate wounded were fed and treated here after many battles, and civilian refugees from overrun Tennessee and Kentucky stayed here, moving south as Federals drew near, July 3, 1864. Sherman had his headquarters in the hotel, while directing pursuit of the Confederates retiring into Atlanta. After the War, numerous northern visitors wintered in Marietta, many stopping at Kennesaw House.

Leonidas Polk
Pine Mountain

This obelisk is in memory of Lt. General Leonidas Polk. On the front in large letters is inscribed: "SOUTH". There is a battle flag below that and the date 1861-1865.

"He fell on this spot June 14, 1864. Gen. Leonidas Polk folded his arms across his breast as he stood gazing on the scenes below, turning himself around as if to take a farewell view. Thus standing a cannon shaft from the enemy’s gun crashed through his breast and opened a wide door, through which his spirit took its flight to join his comrades on the other shore. Surely the earth never opened her arms to allow the head of a braver man to rest upon her bosom. Surely the light never pushed the darkness back to make bright the road that leads to the Lamb. And surely the gates of heaven never opened wider to allow a more manly spirit to enter therein."

Erected by J.Gid and Mary J. Morris, 1902.
On the back it reads: "North". Under that it reads:" Veni, Vidi,Vici. "I Came, I Saw, I Conquered" said by Julius Caesar.
Under that with the Number five to one.
Directions to this monument will be given upon request.




The original Hospital site of "Wayside Home," or Confederate Hospital, was established here in 1861; more than 10,000 sick and wounded troops passed through it. In 1864 the Union troops were attended here.




The Confederate Memorial in LaFayette has a soldier on top of the monument holding his musket. He has on a hat and a cape. In front below the soldier are the dates "1861-1865". Under that it reads:

"Erected 1909 by the Chickamauga Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy. To the Confederate soldiers of Walker County."
( It is a duty we owe to prosperity, to see that our children shall know the ventures and become worthy of their sires)."
"To our Confederate soldiers."

To the right of the soldier is "C S A" and a furled flag. Under this it reads:

"To those who were and those that are".

On the back there is what looks like a stump log. Below this are the years "1861-1865". Below these dates it reads:

"Centuries on centuries shall go circling by, for they are not dead, their memories can never die".

To the left of the soldier is "C S A" then two muskets,crossed, and

"Many of whom gave all and all of whom gave much."

This monument was unveiled 27 April 1909


The marker in front of the mini balls reads: "Army of Tennessee, General Braxton Bragg, Commander in the city from September 10th to 17th 1863". These are located in front of the John B. Gordon Hall. The marker reads: "This old Academy built in 1838, was in the line of fire during the Battle of LaFayette in the War Between the States. General Braxton Bragg who had his headquarters in LaFayette planned the Battle of Chickamauga under an old oak tree that stood in front of this building and was known as 'Bragg’s Oak.' The tree was destroyed by lightening a few years ago. The Lafayette Chapters of the D. A. R. and the U.D. C. purchased this historic building to preserve it. It was renamed John B. Gordon Hall for General Gordon former pupil of the Academy." The bronze tablet reads: "Lafayette Academy erected in 1836. This tablet placed by the William Marsh Chapter D. A. R. and Chickamauga Chapter U.D.C." "The building is now known as John B. Gordon Hall 1836 Centennial Memorial 1936."



This Confederate Monument in LaGrange is on Franklin Street and Morgan Street. On the back of the monument it reads:

"Lest we Forget".
There is nothing on the left or right. Under the soldier about 4 tiers down is the date, 1861-1865, with crossed sabers. On the soldier's left is a Confederate battle flag with a short shaft. It was erected by the U.D.C

"To the memory of our Confederate soldiers. Those who fought and died those who fought and lived.
"Our Confederate dead in our hearts they perish."
This monument was unveiled October 30, 1902 by the Local Chapter of U.D.C. It was moved from the courthouse in 1943 to the grounds of the new Courthouse on Ridley Ave. On October 16, 1976 it was moved to the Triangle on Franklin Road. Presented by Holly Garden Club-1980.

Covent Presbyterian Church

Covenant Presbyterian Church sits on the corner of West Haralson and Church Street. It was built in 1844 and is the oldest nonresidential building in downtown. It was used as a Confederate Hospital from 1863-1865. Rev. Dr. James Woodrow , uncle of President Woodrow Wilson, was tried for heresey. The building has been used as a funeral home and assorted other churches in recent years. This is the original home of the First Presbyterian Church.

Confederate Cemetery

Soldiers from 13 Confederate states, including Kentucky and Missouri, are buried here. They were brought to LaGrange for treatment. The iron fence around the cemetery originally surrounded the Courthouse on the downtown square before a new Courthouse was built in 1904. The Confederate Cemetery is on Miller Street.

Nancy Harts Militia

Heard-Beall-Dallas House

On the corner of Greenwood Street and Broad this house was built in 1828 by General Samuel A. Bailey. His house served as his headquarters during the Creek Indian War in 1836. Transformed in 1842 from Plantation plain to Greek Revival by the second owner George Heard. While planting boxwoods, lining the front walk, his daughter Martha(Mrs. James. Beall )in 1861, caught pneumonia in the process and died. The house served as headquarters for the Nancy Hart’s a women’s home guard and nurse corps during the War Between the States. They dubbed themselves The Nancy Harts after Georgia Revolutionary war heroine.

Nancy Hill Morgan organized a Militia Company of women to protect the town from stragglers and escaped prisoners. The group was unique in that they met for drills and target practice regularly and became a disciplined company. After they were left on the homefront to watch and pray while their Husbands, fathers, sons and brothers left for war. Commander, Captain Nancy Hill Morgan, 2d, Lt. Anne Andelia Bull, 2d, Cpl. Sarah Bull, 1st lt. Mary Heard, 1st Cpl. Caroline Gay.

Ellen Renshaw House was born in Savannah 1843 she agonized over Shermans destructive March to the sea and was outraged when he made Lincoln a Christmas gift of Savannah. Barbara Curtright of LaGrange was fifty years old and had 5 sons who fought in the Confederacy and her husband Samuel Curtright II, was a Confederate Judge. Her husband and four sons died in the war, her youngest son Rowe was a teenager.

LaGrange was not threatened until mid-April 18,1865. Notified of a Yankee column approaching they assembled and marched out to meet the union troops. They formed a skirmish line. Coincidentally, the leader of the Yankee force was one Colonel LaGrange. He was so impressed by the bravery of these women, he ordered his troops to guard their homes and none were burned.


Gwinnett County

This monument is located on East Crogan Street, on the Gwinnett Historical Courthouse County Park. The Seal of the Confederacy is on the front of the monument. Below this is the First National Flag of the Confederacy with a soldier in his gray uniform.


"Lest We Forget"

On the soldiers right the inscription reads

"In remembrance of the citizens of Gwinnett County who honorably served The Confederate States of America"

On the soldiers left

"Any people with contempt for their heritage have lost faith in themselves and no nation can long survive without pride in its traditions"

Sir Winston Churchill

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