The Image Goddess

The District

Here are some quick snapshots of Washington, D.C. The Goddess looks forward to cherry blossom season, but in the meantime, here's a peek at our nation's capitol in late summer. (If you like night photography, see more shots on my Nightscapes page.)

fountsm capmooncrsm249 capstepsm258
Eternal cool Capitol Building at night Capitol steps, west side
capcolsnsteps capftntwo natarchive
Capitol steps & columns Capitol fountain National Archive & fountain
awakening calderwashmon garfieldcapitol
Awakening Alexander Calder sculpture James Garfield statue
washmallsunset reddressrun capitolsm269
The Mall near dusk The infamous Red Dress Run, Oct. 2000 Capitol Building & reflecting pool
smithcastlesm336 peopleftnnatgal capfountsm268
The Smithsonian Castle, detail Fountain, National Gallery Fountain, Capitol
treespondsunsetsm314 heronwingsm323 wamoflagssm290
Sunset on the Mall Blue heron keeps its balance Washington Monument & flags
heronbabyvsm320 sculptwashmon capftn heronwamosm327
Baby blue heron on the Mall National Gallery Sculpture Garden Cana flowers & fountain, Capitol Blue heron & Washington Monument
kidrunningnearftnnatlgallery plumbrandy erasersculpturegarden hibiscusmithsonian
Kid & fountain, National Gallery "Plum Brandy" Giant eraser goes carousing Giant hibiscus, Smithsonian
The Smithsonian with early moon

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All images copyright Cynthia Mitchel 2000