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My calculators page

] Note: this section is still unfinished - some link is discontinued! [

Last Added: TI-1650 and TI-5050M (both not working)


Calculators for me are such a great love that I collect them, but love is only one of the reasons, they are a need and a toy too:
Put these reasons together and you'll understand why this page was created.

A bit of personal history

My interest in programmable calculators began around 1987, when my parents got me a Sharp PC-1401, a pocket computer with a built-in BASIC environment and with a separate built-in scientific algebraic calculator. My previous calculator, an algebraic Casio College fx-100 (bought around 1982), did serve me well during my early school years, but I needed something more challenging for my University days. In fact, I did wonderful things with this PC-1401 (which is still perfectly working), and while I could achieve more performance with my - now dead - Commodore 64 (improved BASIC, graphics, sprites, sound, more memory, machine language), this Sharp calculator had an invaluable feature: portability; I used to take it with me anywhere (at school, at the seaside, at the library, anywhere); and where light was at least perceivable, I could use and program it. Don't think everything was smooth, anyway: working on a PC-1401 is not that easy, with only 3.5 Kbytes, limited strings, no easy insert and delete features and no advanced display capabilities, but it was nonetheless very satisfactory, basing on the results I achieved.

That's when and how I learned appreciating both programmable calculators and the technology behind them.

Of course, after fighting against the limits of the PC-1401, during 1991 I resolved to update my park. Notice that I didn't need any substitution for failure, only a real improvement, and that I had no collector's intent. Being culturally adapted to Sharp (what a mistake this way of thinking!), I opted for a Sharp PC-E500; figure out: 28 Kbytes, graphics, four lines of forty characters (!), lowercase letters, an improved BASIC and still the pleasant, familiar built-in algebraic calculator aside. I fell in love.
Later I had to wake up. Gum keys tend to become... hem... tardy. For instance the "1" key had to be pressed twice to get a number, and the "0" returned two or three digits at a keystroke. When I realized this, I got back to the PC-1401, because its keys were and still are better. And so I finished my examinations with two calculators, being the PC-1401 my "portable" choice.

I was then the proud owner of three calculators. When in 1998 I changed my job position, I decided to buy a new calculator (the very first I could buy on my own: the previous ones were gifts by my parents), and the HP-32SII was my choice. Why? Well, my boss has been a fierce owner and user of HP-calculators since his school days, and he owned and owns many HP models (HP-97, HP-21, HP-11C, HP-32SII): he had always tried to convince me that RPN is better. He made it, in the end. I found myself at "home" immediately with my HP-32SII, devouring the manual in hours, and starting to program and inputting equations at once. So my entry in the HP world was fully accomplished.

In 2001, I discovered the HP Museum, realizing that there are many many models even more attractive than mine, and so I started buying some from Internet. The first was a brand new HP-12C bought the same year at a British e-store, then followed by a used HP-11C from a German guy (2003) and then by a used (but in wonderful conditions) HP-15C from an American guy (2005).

In February 2006 something ugly happened: my HP-32SII, while I was doing a calculation, buzzed like a bee and then stopped working: I couldn't even reset it. After a couple of days it got back, but since that day (February 11, 2006) I stopped using it as my current calculator. I looked around and phoned some poeple, got a number of a guy who worked in a HP Assistence Laboratory and asked him what I could do, but he told me there was nothing to do: Pioneers won't open without damage. I bought a HP-49g+ in substitution, then a HP-33S, but I was unsatisfied. So (I mean, after beginning to realize that my interest was becoming some sort of collector's feeling), I decided to look around in my hometown to see who sold calculators: no HP dealers, but I found out a shop with a back shelf full of old unsold 1980s and 1990s machines, some of which I could buy quite for nothing - mainly Casio models. My collection had started up.

In mid 2006 I bought another used HP-32SII from Belgium, to replace (for usage, not into my heart) the unstable one.

My calculators

This is the complete list of all my calculators, all still working (or so); some of them, like the Casio College fx-100 or the Sharp PC-1401, have been my companions since school years, while most of them have been bought as collection items. Each calculator is classified following there rules; soon (I don't know when) each calculator's name will be linked to a photograph in high resolution (maybe in the future I'll expand this page with links to a specific page for each calculator. Who knows? Who cares?). If some datum appears in red, I'm not sure whether it's correct or not. I'll be glad if you write me and suggest me some correction about models and relative dates.

RPN Calculators
RPL Calculators
Algebraic Calculators
Equation Calculators
Adding Machines
Checkbook Calculators

RPN Calculators
Brand and Model S/N Manufacture Date Input Programmable
(max storage)
/ (max registers)
Manual Case Power Source
HP-11C 2848A86886 December 1988 RPN RPN (203) en pouch 3xLR44
HP-12C #1 (financial) CN13006020 July 2001 RPN RPN (99) en pouch 1xCR3032
HP-12C #2 (financial) CNA51503282 April 2005 RPN RPN (99) it pouch 1xCR3032
HP-12C Platinum (1st version) CNA42500657 June 2004 RPN RPN(399) it pouch 1xCR3032
HP-12C Platinum 25° Anniversary (financial) CNA63806559 September 2006 RPN/algebraic RPN/alg. (399) it pouch 1xCR3032
HP-15C 2327A05139 July 1983 RPN RPN (448) en pouch 3xLR44
HP-17BII (financial) ID85001251 December 1998 RPN/algebraic RPN/alg. (6752) **no** pouch 3xLR44
HP-17BII+ (financial) CNA52510018 June 2005 RPN/algebraic RPN/alg. (32768 B) it pouch 2xCR2032
HP-32S 2843A30518 October 1998 RPN RPN (390 B) **no** pouch 3xLR44
HP-32SII #1 3218S13925 May 1992
RPN RPN (384 B) it pouch 3xLR44
HP-32SII #2 ID80803482 February 1998 RPN RPN (384 B) en pouch 3xLR44
HP-33S CNA51507037 April 2005 RPN/algebraic RPN/alg. (31277 B) it pouch 2xCR2032
HP-35S CNA73400811 September 2007 RPN/algebraic RPN/alg. (30192 B) it (bad!) pouch 2xCR2032
Sinclair Scientific Programmable 012465-OP9 1975 RPN RPN (24) en pouch 1x6LR61 | AC cable

RPL Calculators
Brand and Model S/N Manufacture Date Input Programmable
(max storage)
/ (max registers)
Manual Case Power Source
HP-49G ID93601271 September 1999 RPL RPL (~1.0 MB) **no** plastic 3xLR03
HP-49g+ CNA51503095 April 2005 RPL RPL (1.13 MB) it pouch 3xLR03 & 1xCR2032
HP-50g CNA71200311 March 2007 RPL RPL (1.13 MB) it+ pouch 4xLR03 & 1xCR2032

Algebraic Calculators
Brand and Model S/N Manufacture Date Input Programmable
(max storage)
/ (max registers)
Manual Case Power Source
Canon Palmtronic 8s **missing** 1977 algebraic **no** **no** wallet 2xLR03 | AC cable
Canon Palmtronic LE-84 6598770 1976 algebraic **no** **no** pouch 4xLR06 | AC cable
Casio College fx-100 2M108A 1982 algebraic **no** **no** **no** 2xLR06
Casio HR-8L 8Q10606E 1988 algebraic **no** **no** **no** 4xLR06 | AC cable
Casio IF-8000 7D310A 1987 algebraic **no** it+ wallet 3xCR2032 & 1xCR1220
Casio MG-777 (game calculator) 2F102A 1982 algebraic **no** it plastic 1xCR2025
Casio ST-1 (with timer and chronograph) **missing** **unknown** algebraic **no** **no** **no** 1xLR06 | AC cable
Casio UC-100 (with voltmeter) 2P208A 1992 algebraic **no** it+ pouch 1xCR2025
Casio UC-110 (with thermometer)
1992 algebraic **no** it+ pouch 1xCR2025
Casio UC-120 (with UV checker) 2B203A 1992 algebraic **no** it+ **no** 1xCR2025
Casio fx-10F 9L903A 1989 algebraic formula (29) it+ wallet 1xSR57 & solar
Casio fx-180P #1 6B108A 1986 algebraic formula (38) it pouch 2xLR06
Casio fx-180P #2 6B108A 1986 algebraic formula (38) it pouch 2xLR06
Casio fx-451 5D309A 1985 algebraic **no** it wallet solar
Casio fx-500US 3M112A 1993 algebraic **no** en+ wallet 2xLR44
Casio fx-992v 1P102A 1991 algebraic **no** en+ wallet 1xSR57 & solar
Casio fx-995 5E107A 1995 algebraic **no** it+ pouch solar
Casio fx-3600Pv 0D904A 1990 algebraic formula (38) en+ wallet 1xSR57 & solar
Casio fx-3900Pv 0M108A 1990 algebraic formula (300) en+ wallet 1xCR2025
Casio SL-760LU BK 4L807E 1994 algebraic **no** en+ pouch solar
HP-9S CNA51504501 April 2005 algebraic **no** en+ plastic 2xLR44
HP-20S 3215S00005 April 1992 algebraic algebraic (99) en pouch 3xLR44
HP-38G ID84901725 December 1998 algebraic AA (32 KB) it plastic 3xLR03
Lexibook SC200 0707 2005 algebraic **no** en+ plastic 1xLR44 & solar
Sharp ELSIMATE EL-240S F7016 **unknown** algebraic **no** **no** **no** solar
Sharp EL-506H (unbranded) **no** **unknown** algebraic formula (40) en+ wallet 2xLR44
Sharp EL-508A #342# 1983 algebraic **no** **no** **no** 2xLR06
Sharp EL-510 D6036404 1986 algebraic **no** en+ wallet solar
Sharp EL-512 HU048822 1986 algebraic formula (128) en+ wallet 2xLR44
Sharp EL-533 (financial) GU016781 1986 algebraic **no** en+ wallet 2xLR44
Sharp EL-545 F404Y **unknown** algebraic **no** en+ wallet solar
Sharp PC-1401 57101577 1987 algebraic BASIC (3534 B) it plastic 2xCR2032
Sharp PC-E500 7015066 1990 algebraic BASIC (28600 B) it plastic 4xLR03 & 1xCR2016
TI-1265 2577RCI 1977 algebraic **no** en **no** 1x6LR61 | AC cable
TI-1600 (broken) 3376 LTA August 1976 algebraic **no** it+ pouch battery pack 9V
TI-1650 2959435 (4076LTA) October 1976 algebraic **no** en+ pouch AC cable
TI-2550 III (missing BP3) 3043 1976 algebraic **no** it+ pouch battery pack BP3
TI-30 Galaxy 445017 1984 algebraic **no** **no** **no** 1xLR44
Tokatron (partially working) **missing** 1975 algebraic **no** **no** pouch 4xLR06 | AC cable
Toshiba BC-8111 253080 1980 algebraic **no** **no** pouch 2xLR06 | AC cable
Toshiba LC-1252 115677 1985 algebraic **no** en+ wallet solar

Equation Calculators
Brand and Model S/N Manufacture Date Input Programmable
(max storage)
/ (max registers)
Manual Case Power Source
Casio FC-100V (financial) 7Q0204R/H 2007 equation **no** it+ plastic 1xLR03
Casio fx-350MS 4W112A 2004 equation **no** en+ plastic 1xLR44
Casio fx-570MS 5Q10630A 2005 equation formula (79) en+ plastic 1xLR44
Casio fx-4100P 2B207A 1992 equation formula (63) en+ plastic 1xCR2032
Casio fx-4800P 4Q11224A 2004 equation AA (4500 B) it+ plastic 2xCR2032
Casio fx-5000F 2B206A 1992 equation formula (675) it wallet 2xCR2032
Casio fx-5500L 1P207A 1991 equation formula(1095) it+ plastic 3xCR2032
Casio fx-7700GB 2D307A 1992 equation AA (4164) it plastic 3xCR2032
Casio fx-8000G 7D308A 1987 equation AA (1466) **no** pouch 3xCR2032
Casio fx-8500G 0D307A 1990 equation AA (6566) it pouch 3xCR2032
Casio fx-P401 3L503A 1993 equation formula (79) en+ wallet 1xLR44
Casio PB-80 5B207A 1985 equation BASIC (544) it plastic 2xCR2032
Casio PB-100 3D610H 1983 equation BASIC (544) it pouch 2xCR2032
Casio PB-220 6D306A 1986 equation BASIC (1504 B) en wallet 2xCR2032 & 1xCR1220
HP-9G CNA62700068 July 2006 equation BASIC/C (400 B) en+ plastic 2xLR44
HP-10S CNG72315950 June 2007 equation **no** it+ plastic 1xLR44 & solar
Sharp EL-509W 6D012 2006 equation **no** en+ plastic 2xLR44
Sharp EL-5250 6D016 2006 equation AA (4096 B) it plastic 2xCR2032
Sharp PC-1500 (+ 8KB module) 1000881Y 1981 equation BASIC (1850) **no** pouch 4xLR06
Karce KC-S3500 **missing** **unknown** equation **no** en+ plastic 2xLR44
Lexibook SC300 #1 0707 2005 equation **no** en+ plastic 2xLR44
Lexibook SC300 #2 **missing** 2006 equation **no** it+ plastic 2xLR43

Adding Machines
Brand and Model S/N Manufacture Date Input Programmable
(max storage)
/ (max registers)
Manual Case Power Source
«Serio» Adding Machine 306561 **unknown** mechanical **no** **no** **no** none
Canon P35-D 801793 **unknown** adding machine **no** **no** **no** AC cable
Casio AS-8D B713445 1972 adding machine **no** **no** **no** 6xLR14 | AC cable
Hermes 5700 1243202 **unknown** adding machine **no** en+ **no** AC cable
TI-5050M 9 117116 1976 adding machine (no display) **no** en+ **no** AC cable
Welco 1220PD P040766 **unknown** adding machine **no** en+ **no** AC cable

Checkbook Calculators
Brand and Model S/N Manufacture Date Input Programmable
(max storage)
/ (max registers)
Manual Case Power Source
Casio Checkbook CB-100 6P101A 1986 algebraic **no** it+ wallet 1xCR2025
Citizen CBL-200 860902 1986 algebraic **no** **no** **no** 1xLR54 & solar

RPN Calculators
RPL Calculators
Algebraic Calculators
Equation Calculators
Adding Machines
Checkbook Calculators

My slide-rules

Slide-rules are very ingenious instruments for calculation. One of the most intriguing stories about human intelligence is the creation of the slide-rule, behind which there's one of the most unknown and less understood functions, the logarithm, able to transform multiplications into sums, and divisions into subtractions: fantastic! I love the logarithm function, because it's one of those facts in mathematics requiring thirty seconds to be understood and several years to be learned.

Now, a personal story. When I was a boy, there was a slide-rule on my father's desk (the AFVM Rietz 12.5), and one day he taught me its basic usage. After all, that instrument was his personal calculator during his high school years! Of course, I forgot everything a minute later: it seemed to me a very good and fast way to mess one's life up. During my high school, though, I used to keep it with my pens and pencils, and to play around with it (after all, I was the only one in my classroom owning a slide-rule!). So I began (I don't remember when) a thorough personal study about it, without manuals or third-parts instructions. To be honest, I learned quite immediately to multiply (and divide), but the remaining functions have been a mystery to me for a long time. I ended up using it as an improved ruler, but I didn't use it to calculate. It's only when I started my collection that I began to re-study the matter, and so I bought some more for a bunch of money.

Manufacturer Model Scale length (cm) Standard scales Extra scales
Antica Fabbrica Vittorio Martini Rietz 12.5 K, A, B, Ci, C, D, L none
Diwa 601.1 Rietz 12.5 K, A, B, Ci, C, D, L S, ST, T
Nestler 121 Rietz 12.5 K, A, B, Ci, C, D P, S, T, LL1, LL2, LL3
Aristo Scholar 903 Rietz 25.0 K, A, B, Ci, C, D L, S, ST, T

Other stuff

In the end, here's a short list of all the other stuff concerning calculators that I own.

My other calculating devices

Type Abilities Notes
Casio SF-4300B digital diary
32 Kbytes for data, but who cares?
A relic. There's a four-ops built-in algebraic calculator.
Sharp EL-6150 memo diary 4 Kbytes for data, phones and calc A relic. It reports "Electronic calculator" on the box, but it isn't true!
Abacus (pocket metal model)
sums involving results up to 90
A Chinese 2x5x90 abacus
Directional compass
the four basic directions
A Russian compass - yes, it calculates directions! ;-).

My manuals

Here's the list of all the manuals and instruction sheets I got, which are unrelated to any of my calculators:

The coherence test

Calculators are cute, and a fine product of human intelligence. There are some drawbacks though: calculators are not always well designed. According to professor Thimbleby - and I totally agree - sometimes calculators are not designed to fit our needs, but force us to fit their design (which is not what I call a friendly behavior!) . So I conceived a test for my calculators, in order to get a "coherence index" that may define calculators usability and performance (to me, a calculator is coherent when its design exactly follows all the rules I was taught at school). The test description and its results are here.

Resources for calculators

Here are some resources to help in using calculating devices. I spent many hours trying to select the best or the most original. Hope you like them.

General resources

There are many sites where calculators are listed, categorized, shown, exposed, treated, remembered, described, opened, photographed, tried, idolized, programmed, used, sold, bought, caressed, adored, collected, rejected, smeared, hated, in one word: loved; here's an excerpt:

H. Thimbleby essays

Resources for slide-rules

Do you think slide rules are out-dated? See this list: These are only a fraction of the Internet sites devoted to slide-rules.

Official Resources 

Main manufacturers' links (targeted for the US market): 
Bring Back The HP 15C

(Antonio Maschio 2006-2008)
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