The IAK Gallery

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I finally got my own video capture card, thanks to a radio competition... and some legend skill of my own, so watch out for more gallery pics in the future!

Clash of the titans. Lisa Curry about to start Phillip/David Rankin of Newcastle and John Harbourne of Childers in Pass the Hoop. Gulp.
Portland spaceman Roger Trewavis is ready for liftoff.
He plants the flag in a quick time, while we are treated to a great view of the stadium from the cherrypicker. Do you reckon it would be embarrassing if he stuffed up? It's not like anyone is watching...
Continuing the space theme, Temora takes on Childers in the final of 'Lift Off'. The girl bucketed water out of the capsule on the ground, while a guy high on the 'launch pad' filled a counterweight. Eventually the capsule rises, carrying the girl to the top. The pair then clamber up a ladder to a platform to win.
Flashback to the heat: Temora wins.
Temora beats Childers to win final. Team captain Lorraine Reid and Malcolm Yerbury (see: The Noah's Ark Fiasco) hence rise into immortality and are honoured with a tickertape parade and annual national day of celebration in Temora. Probably.
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