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  • The John Carpenter Web Page
      This is an unofficial fan page, constructed and managed by Marc Bright. The opinions expressed herein are solely my own and have no connection with anyone else, except where credited. I do not have any contact with John Carpenter nor do I have his contact address. Please do not send me e-mails asking for contact with JC.
    News Headlines
    March 16th A Look At Some 'might-have-been' JC Projects
    Halloween TV Version
    GOM Magazines
    AICN visit GOM
    Special Edition of EFNY on DVD!
    March 13th Anthrax to score GOM with JC
    Fog European DVD
    March 6th  Fantastic New Ghosts of Mars Pics
    Feb 23rd 2001  Big Trouble... DVD On Pre-Order
    Feb 21st 2001  Info on GOM Score and Trailer
    New Official JC Website On-Line
    Jan 22nd 2001  New GOM Pictures
    EFNY DVD Rumours
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    The Latest John Carpenter NewsBiography and FilmographyJC Interviews and ArticlesLinks To JC Related Web SitesFrames Version Of These Pages

    This section of the site has a list of people (with small bio's) that JC has consistently worked with. JC is well known to repeatedly use the same cast and crew members.
    A director who has been around as long as JC will have quite a few unfinished projects under his belt. This section gives a more detailed look at these might have beens.
    The JC newsgroup. A great place for those first questions you might have on JC.
    If you have any John Carpenter information or comments please
    e-mail me.
    The page devoted to tracking all the developments in JC's new project.
    About This Site
    You will notice that most of the film reviews on this site are pretty small. This is not because I am short on words, I just prefer people to find out the brilliance of JCs films for themselves, by watching them. I try to give as little plot info as possible so as not to spoil the film, which is why the reviews are mainly my impression of the film with a brief non-spoiler plot synopsis and any interesting information I come across. I envy anyone seeing JC's movies for the first time. Use the info I have here as a guide, go out straightaway and rent these movies, you will not regret it. I can talk about them all day but it comes nowhere near the sheer thrill of watching them.

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    This is an unnoficial fan page, constructed and owned entirely by Marc Bright. The opinions expressed herein are solely my own and have no connection with anyone else, except where credited.All relevant source material is copyright of the respective creators and owners. All text and backgrounds are copyright Marc Bright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000. No text or background graphics on these pages may be copied and reproduced in any form anywhere without consent and acknowledgment of the author. No unauthorised copying or reproduction.