2 Be Young Again: Info Zone Q

Hey! My breasts have gone!
(9 years old) I lost my sock...
(5 years old) I'm afraid I can't wear this sweater any more.
(3 years old) Help me! I don't wanna be BABY!
(2 years old) But it is comfortable. I'm sleepy....
(10 month)
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Thanks to ARSA, TBTC, and Visible Time sites and Fans of Ar/aP fans for all their information.

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Visible Time's Key
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too aP: age Progression Ar: Age regression AS: Age Stasis CB: clothes burst or rip RN: return to normal ST: Soul Transfer UC: undersized clothing


Quack Pack

Cartoon Series: Season 01; Episode #18: "Can't take a yolk"

After getting in trouble, the three boys have to remove a tree in their backyard. While they tried to remove the tree a salesman appears and sells the boys a youth serum to shrink the tree down to make it a easy job. After buying and using the serum one of the boys sets the bottle on a window's edge to the bathroom. After falling in a bathtub with Donald Duck in it he is regressed to a teenager and during the day he shrinks back to a egg.


TV Series: Season 01; Episode #2: "The Old And The Beautiful" (3/3/78)

Assigned to save the galaxy by having an extended romantic interlude with the incredibly sensuous Princess Carna, Commander Adam Quark catches a space virus and suddenly ages to 80 years old just before the big rendezvous.


Queen Zixi of Ix, or, The Magic Cloak

Book by L. Frank Baum

Wishing cloak brings age change to Oz: A magic cloak is an important item to a peasant boy who becomes king by being the forty-seventh person to enter the city after the old ruler dies.


The Quest

Book: by Wilbur Smith? (05/15/2007)

3/4 through the book...about pg 350 or so I think, the main character Taita, regresses from an old man, to a young man. Also not really AR, but another character, Queen Lostris, who dies in a previous book, is reborn, and grows up again, but remembers her previous life...

-- Coodie2

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