Author: Johanna Lindsey


| Bound in Marriage Duo |
| Wanting to Wed Duo | The Viking Series | "Secret Fire" |
| "Silver Angel" | "Prisoner of My Desire" | "Until Forever" |
| Western Trilogy | Out of This World Series | The Malory Family |


Johanna Lindsey is one of the most successful authors of historical romance. There are over forty million copies of her novels in print, and her work has been translated into twelve languages. All of her novels have been national bestsellers. A self termed army brat, she was born in Germany while her brother was born in France. Although she lived in Europe her real memories are of her childhood in Fort Knox, Kentucky, where her father finally retired from the army. After his death, her mother moved the family to Hawaii, which has been her home ever since. She married her husband right out of high school and had three sons. Two of the three still live at home and she's a proud grandmother. Her own mother and grandmother were always her greatest supporters. Although her sons had no real opinions about her work when they were young, they now enjoy the fact that their girlfriends are fans now. Ms. Lindsey is considered very reclusive. She's not big on flying nor does she particularly enjoy the outdoors. She likes to work and play on her computer. But don't fear she's not a hermit. [grin] She works at home under the watchful eyes of her five parrots.


Bound in Marriage Duo "Defy Not My heart"


"Defy Not My Heart"
Avon Books, June 1989
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Defy Not My Heart

Reina's cerulean eyes blazed with scorn as they fell upon the golden giant of a man before her. This was the knight Ranulf, her kidnapper, who was pledged to deliver her into the worst kind of bondage - marriage to the craven Lord Rothwell. But Reina was no acquiescent girl to accept fate's whim. To save herself from the union being forced upon her, she offered Ranulf a bargain: Become my husband yourself. In exchange for your protection, I will make you a great lord. The nuptial bed was not part of the bargain. And the haughty Ranulf soon made it clear that he would accept no marriage of convenience: Come to me of your own free will - or I will take you!

Avon Books, 1999
Reviewed on 4/24/01

Set amid the turbulent court of King John, this story moves with a turbulence of it's own. Custom dictates that marriages be arranged, and good friends Nigel Crispin and Guy de Thorpe happily bind their young children for a future joining. After a very disastrous first encounter, years pass for both Wulfric de Thorpe and Milisant Crispin - years of hard feelings and strong desires that their joining may be ignored and forgotten. Time draws them together to fulfill their destiny - a bold, handsome knight and a fiercely independent young woman - to find that some wounds time has not healed. Headstrong Milisant will not tolerate the all powerful rule of any husband, especially the brutish Wulfric. For his part, Wulfric has little interest in such an unnatural, wild creature of a woman. Neither can deny the growing desire between them, however, and its power will pull them together despite mutual distrust. By working together in the face of danger, and learning to see how many valuable traits they actually share, Milisant and Wulfric find that their inevitable joining is the perfect fate for their passionate, well-matched hearts.

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Wanting to Wed Duo "Man of My Dreams"
"Love Me Forever"


"Man of My Dreams"
Avon Books, June 1992
Reviewed on 4/24/01
Man of My Dreams

The most desirable beauty in the land, wildly unpredictable Megan Penworthy has set her amorous sights on Ambrose St. James, Duke of Wrothston - a man she has never met but has every intention of marrying. No other suitor will satisfy her - especially not the common, if uncommonly handsome, horse breeder, Devlin Jefferys. Posing as lowborn Jefferys to escape a potentially fatal confrontation, Ambrose is entralled and infuriated by the brazen, the notorious rogue vows to foil Megan's plans to wed the man of her dreams - never imagining the enchanting schemer would turn out to be the only woman he would ever dream of marrying.

Man of My Dreams

"Love Me Forever"
Avon Books., 1996
Reviewed on 4/24/01
Love Me Forever

When Kimberly Richards finds herself bereft of a fiancé, she has little choice but to follow her father's commands and take a husband-finding visit to a duke and duchess. The Duchess locates a suitable, if penniless, Scottish laird for Kimberly's consideration, little realizing the man would turn out to be the reiver who'd kidnapped the Duchess a year earlier. Kimberly is impressed upon sight of Lachlan MacGregor, but not by his manners or his immediate interest in stealing the Duchess from her husband. Lachlan is so overjoyed to be reunited with the woman he's dreamed of for months, he barely notices the woman he has agreed to consider for marriage, but after her bold setdown for his behavior, Lachlan begins to pay more attention. Something about Kimberly keeps pulling Lachlan's thoughts from the Duchess, especially once he gives into the temptation of kissing her. Kimberly is drawn to the light-hearted Scot and finds his touch heavenly. Secrets are revealed that bring both anger and happiness, and freedom for Lachlan and Kimberly to unite, and meet in love forever.

Love Me Forever
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The Viking Series "Fires of Winter"
"Hearts Aflame"
"Surrender My Love"


"Fires of Winter"
Avon Books, 1980
Reviewed on 4/24/01
Fires of Winter

Lady Brenna Carmarham, a Celtic beauty more interested in making war than keeping house, is powerless against the Norsemen that trick her father and raid her land. Captured and enslaved by the Vikings, Brenna vows vengeance as well as a promise to never be owned. However, the man she is given to claims her body in a way that overpowers them both. Garrick Haardrad vows to master the fiery beauty but finds his own heart captured by her spirit and pride. Between the two, fierce hatred, passion, cruelty, and love combine to make a powerful story of clashing wills. Much pain and doubt must be endured before Brenna and Garrick can claim love's rewards together.

"Hearts Aflame"
Avon Books, June 1987
Reviewed on 4/24/01
Hearts Aflame

Kristen Haardrad met the icy fury in her captor's crystal-green gaze with defiance. She was the prisoner of Royce of Wyndhurst, but his slave she'd never be. This powerful Saxon lord had at last met his match in the Viking beauty - his equal in pride, in strength... and in the fierce, hot hunger of insatiable desire. but Kristen could not know the torment that divided his soul; how he ached to hold her soft, supple body, thirsted for the ringing joy of her laughter - yet hated her for an ancient crime that was not her own. But her golden loveliness drives him mad with desire, her fiery eyes taunting him, compelling him to claim her. Until, in wordless surrender, they cast aside the shackles of doubt and distrust to unite forever in the searing promise of all-consuming love.

"Surrender My Love"
Avon Books, 1994
Reviewed on 4/24/01
Surrender My Love

Selig Haardrad only wanted to help a diplomatic mission when he agreed to act as translator, but when his group is attacked and left for dead, he soon finds himself enchained and accused of spying. Groggy with a head wound, Selig sways from confusion to charming seduction as he is questioned by the lovely Lady Erika. Affronted by his words, Erika is harsh in her dealings with him, not believing his innocence. But when a mishap calls her away, leaving him to the sadistic care of another, Selig barely survives the torture - believing it all to be from Erika herself. Once saved by his devoted sister, Selig takes Erika as his prisoner, swearing revenge for the pain he's suffered. Erika, though not at fault, shoulders the blame but cannot meekly accept the humiliation Selig insist on. She finds her deepening desire and concern for her captor even harder to accept. Selig discovers that his thoughts soon stray from revenge, to attraction, to love. Finally confessing that love has made him her captive instead, and her joyous laughter sets them both free.

Surrender My Love
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"Secret Fire"
Avon Books, December 1987
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Secret Fire

He'd cought only a glimpse of her from the window of his carriage, but the young Russian prince knew he had to have her. Within minutes, Lady Katherine St. John was dragged from the London street like a common waif and carried off to a sumptuous town house - for the pleasure of her noble admirer. but it was a captive tigress Prince Dimitri found in his bed - consumed with a fierce rage toward the Russian "barbarian" who had kidnapped her - even as she found herself desiring this tawny-maned Adonis with a hunger beyond her understanding.

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"Silver Angel"
Avon Books, December 1988
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Silver Angel

Kidnapped and sold into slavery, Chantelle Burke was led into the Pasha's scented chambers swearing she'd never surrender to this ruthless master. But she was stunned by the magnificently handsome man who awaited her amid the silk and splendor. His piercing emerald eyes held her in their power; his muscular embrace made her weak with desire even as she defied him. She was his to do with as he would. yet this mysterious stranger - whose eastern garb concealed his true identity - touched her only with tenderness, driving her wild with new sensation, his scorching kisses igniting the fires of her very soul... and into a palace of love's eternal dream.

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"Prisoner of My Desire"
Avon Books, December 1991
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Prisoner of My Desire

Spirited Rowena Belleme must produce an heir - or incur the dangerous wrath of a ruthless stepbrother who stands to forfeit his ill-gotten wealth. And the magnificent Warrick de Chaville is the perfect choice to sire her child - though it means imprisoning the handsome knight... and forcing him to bend to her amorous whims. Vowing to resist but betrayed by his own virility, noble Warrick is intoxicated by Rowena's sapphire eyes and voluptuous beauty. Yet all the while he plans a fitting revenge - eagerly awaiting the time when his senuous captor becomes his helpless captive... and is made to suffer the same rapturous torment and exquisite ecstasy that he himself has endured.

Prisoner of My Desire
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"Until Forever"
Avon Books, June 1995
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Until Forever

Prim and beautiful professor Roseleen White clutches her new prized possession - a thousand-year- old Scandinavian sword. And suddenly, a dream stands before her - a magnificent Viking warrior sworn to satsify Roseleen's every desire. Accursed for untold centuries, mighty Thorn is now enslaved to a woman. Yet it is Roseleen who is the true prisoner, held willing captive by a handsome barbarian who sweeps her back to the ancient past on a journey of sensual discovery. But only by banishing him from her life forever can Roseleen free Thorn from immortality's chains - forcing her to make a devastating choice that will either imperil their future or preserve a love more powerful than time.

Until Forever
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Western Trilogy "Brave the Wild Wind"
"Savage Thunder"


"Brave the Wild Wind"
Avon Books, December 1984
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Brave the Wild Wind

As wild as the Wyoming frontier and a terror when spurned, Jessie Blair is furious when she overhears Chase Summers refusing her hand - and vows to seduce the handsome drifter out of spite. Enraged by Jessie's arrogance yet haunted by her beauty, Chase is irresistably drawn to the headstrong miss - and into her troubles with the land-hungry villians who murdered her father. For his pride insists he tame the fiery temptress who toys with his emotions. And his passion won't be sated until the sensuous young hellion becomes a woman in his arms.

"Savage Thunder"
Avon Books, December 1989
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Savage Thunder

Jocelyn Fleming was a fiesty, flame-haired aristocrat - newly widowed after a shockingly brief marriage to an elderly British lord. Wealthy and titled, yet aching with the pain of unexplored desire, her restless heart led her from polite London society to the perilous beuaty of the untamed American West. Colt thunder was a rebel, a loner. Impossibly handsome, brutally unpredictable, the Cheyenne blood running through his veins burned hotter than the blistering Arizona sun. In a bold and merciless land, their vastly different worlds collided - the wild desert stallion and the untouched English rose - igniting an unstoppable firestorm of frontier passion that threatened to consume them both.

Avon Books, December 1992
Reviewed on 12/30/99

Hoping to cool off a twenty-five-year-old feud between two neighboring families, Cassie Stuart only succeeds in pouring kerosene on the flames. Both sides have warned her to get out of Texas pronto... or they will burn her father's ranch to the ground. What Cassie needs is a peacemaker - but she ends up with a widow-maker instead. He is called Angel - a ruggedly handsome hired gun with eyes as black as sin. Unwanted and unwelcomed by his ungratful employer, he would just as soon leave Cassie to fend for herself. But a stubborn sense of duty - and a desire to taste the sweetness of her kiss - steels Angel's resolve to make Cassie want him, come hell or high water... and for more than his gun alone.

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Out of This World Series 1. "Warrior's Woman"
2. "Keeper of the Heart"
3. "Heart of a Warrior"


"Warrior's Woman"
Avon Books, June 1990
Reviewed on 12/30/99
Warrior's Woman

In the year 2139, fearless Tedra De Arr sets out to resue her beleaguered planet Krystran from the savage rule of the evil Crad Ce Moerr. Experienced in combat but not in love, the beautiful, untouched Amazon flies with Martha, her wise-cracking, free-thinking computer, to a world where warriors reign supreme - and into the arms of the one man she can never hope to vanquish: the bronzed barbarian Challen Ly-San-Ter. A magnificent creature of raw yet disciplined desires, the muscle-bound primitive succeeds where no puny Krystran male had before - igniting a raging fire within Tedra that must be extinguished before she can even think of saving her enslaved world.

"Keeper of the Heart"
Avon Books, November 1993
Reviewed on 12/31/99
Keeper of the Heart

In search of a true and gentle love, fiery Shanelle Ly-San-Ter flees the lustful advances of the blue-eyed barbarian who has been chosen as her lifemate - confused and frightened by the fevered yearnings the handsome brute has awakened in her innocent soul. A warrior's warrior, virile and magnificent Falon Van'yer is overwhelmed with intense desire for the spirited beauty who has vowed never to be his. And though the heavens themselves conspire against him, he will pursue his sensuous prize - and brave any peril to conquer and claim the keeper of his heart.

Keeper of the Heart

"Heart of a Warrior"
William Morrow, April 2001, HC
Reviewed on 5/30/01
Heart of a Warrior
From Amazon

At first, Brittany Callaghan thinks she's dreaming. After all, she's not used to seeing blond, nearly seven-feet-tall Nordic gods in her tiny California town. But when the spectacular-looking Viking turns up on her doorstep, Brittany knows her dream man is very real. Though a stunning, statuesque beauty herself, intelligent and independent Brittany has struggled hard to earn respect in a man's world. So she is somewhat taken aback when her visitor - whose name is Dalden - informs that he is, in fact, a barbarian warrior. But Dalden is a long way from home and needs her help - and is willing to pay for it - so if he fancies himself a savage, that's fine with her. Besides, he's had Brittany's blood running red-hot since the first time she saw him, and warrior or no, she'd like to get to know this gorgeous giant a lot better! But the truth is a very rude awakening for the curvaceous West Coast lady, For Dalden is exactly what he claims to be. Where he come from, brute strength is the law, men are all-powerful, and their women always obey. As bold and brash as she is beautiful, Brittany isn't going to be subserviant to any man, even one who is everything she ever wanted in a lover, and whose very touch sets her senses afire. If she and her Norse god are ever going to get serious, something is definely going to have to give. Still, Dalden is a warrior to the depths of his soul - proud, powerful, and brave - a man who will fight fearlessly and relentlessly for what he wants. And now what he wants most of all is Brittany.

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The Malory Family
1. "Love Only Once" 2. "Tender Rebel" 3. "Gentle Rogue"
4. "The Magic of You" 5. "Say You Love Me" 6. "The Present" new


"Love Only Once"
Avon Books, Dec. 1985
Reviewed on 12/1/97
Love Only Once

Regina Ashton couldn't quite believe what was happening. Abducted from right in front of her Uncle Tony's home. Then held captive by Nicholas Eden. Even though it was a mistake it was the biggest scandal of the ton. Nicholas didn't know how it happened but he was intrigued by Reggie. And Reggie was having a hard time resisting a master seducer like Nicholas. Standing in their way is a long kept secret and Reggie's uncles, who want to kill Nicholas.


"Tender Rebel"
Avon Books, June 1988
Reviewed on 12/1/97
Tender Rebel

Spinster-to-be Roslynn Chadwick is an heiress with a need to marry. Not only to honor her grandfather's dying wish but to protect her family fortune from a greedy cousin and from every other man who ever coveted her wealth. Anthony Malory is everything she has been warned about but cannot help loving. But when Tony helpfully offers to marry her, Roslyn insists on a marriage in name only--something she soon grows to regret.


"Gentle Rogue"
Avon Books, Dec. 1990
Reviewed on 12/1/97
Gentle Rogue

Georginia Anderson just wanted to go back home to America. The only way to accomplish this was to disguise herself as a cabin boy on the Maiden Anne. But she never dreamed that she would be forced into intimate servitude by James Malory. James had been trying to find her ever since he first saw her and now couldn't believe his luck. James had always sworn that no woman would tie him down but Georgie had other ideas. Even though her brother's wanted to hang him for being a pirate.


"The Magic of You"
Avon Books, June 1993
Reviewed on 12/1/97
The Magic of You

The first time Amy Malory meet American shipping magnate Warren Anderson, her new Aunt Georgie's oldest brother, she knew he was the man for her. Warren, who did much like women, is shocked by Amy's brazen advances. But even his resolve dissolves when they're put in danger and he surrenders his heart to Amy's tender care. Even though they survive outside danger the two still must face Amy's furious uncles.

The Magic of You


"Say You Love Me"
Avon Books, Dec. 1997
Reviewed on 12/1/97
Say You Love Me

Left penniless and fearing eviction again, Kelsey Langton agrees to let herself be auctioned off at the House of Eros. She sacrifices her own honor to save her younger sister's. Trying to save her from vicious man, Lord Derek Malory purchases her. Enchanted by her dark hair and flashing bright eyes, he sets her up as his mistress. But Lord Derek never imagined that Kelsey would be blessed with grace, wit, and intelligence as well as beauty. For Kelsey kept her true identity secret believing that no matter who she was they could never truly be together. But something unexpected happened to them both. They both fell in love.

Say You Love Me


"The Present"
Avon Books, 1998
Reviewed on 4/24/01
The Present

As the entire Malory family gather at Haverston to celebrate the seaseon, all is not well. Underlying tensions threaten to dampen the holiday spirit - until a mysterious present that arrives anonymously is opened and shared by all. The gift is an old journal - a tender and tempestuous account of the love affair between the second Marquis, Christopher Malory, and a dark gypsy beauty named Anastasia, who seeks a love match with a non-gypsy in order to save herself from a prearranged marriage to a brute. Though the dashing English lord Anastasia sets her sights upon burns for the exquisite, exotic miss, Christopher could never consent to wed such a lowborn lady. But miracles have been known to happen in this season of peace and giving and love, as two extraordinary people seperated by circumstances of birth begin a passionate dance of wills and wiles. And in the miraculous blossoming of a resplendent romance at a long ago Christmastime, there are wise and well-learned lessons that will enrich the hearts of the Malory descendants - and, indeed, of everyone who has ever dreamed.

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