Contemporary Authors


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Books by Susan Anderson "Baby, I'm Yours"
"Be My Baby"
"Baby Don't Go"


"Baby Don't Go"
Avon Books, May 2000
Reviewed on 5/12/00
Baby Don't Go

When photographer Nick Coltrane saunters into Daisy Parker's office, all she sees is the man who broke her heart nine years ago. Never mind that he wants to hire her as his bodyguard - ah, security specialist - or that her fledgling company desperately needs the cash flow. she'd once broken her own rukes, only to watch his sexy self go running for the door. Providing round-the-clock protection for him now is out of the question... right? Nick needs daisy around to keep the hired thugs that are out for his blood from acrually getting it. If he can make amends for the way he screwed up nine years ago in the process, then so much the better. Except time has done nothing to dull the memory of how Daisy once rocked his world off its axis and her cocky attitude and mouthwatering curves still have the power to trun his brain to mush. Well, that doesn't mean Nick can't handle living han-in-glove with the one woman he's been obsessed with for years. Yeah. Sure he can.

"Be My Baby"
Avon Books, March 1999
Reviewed on 4/7/00
Be My Baby

Prim and proper Juliet Rose Astor Lowell doesn't want her body guarded by anyone while she's in new Orleans for the grand opening of Daddy's new hotel - especially not by consummate macho cop Beau Dupree. He's just too big, too pushy, too virile, too... everything! His shameless, hungrey-eyed gaze shakes her carefully cultivated decorum like no one ever has, but Juliet is a Lowell - and there's no way she's going to lose control! The lady is downright delectable, but Beau has more important things to do than babysit a beautiful Yankee rich girl. She he decides to get himself pulled off of the assignment by driving the oh-so-proper socialite beyond the bounds of her good-girl restraints. But who would have thought that real passion sizzles beneath Juliet's polish? When she lets her hair down, she just might prove to be more than enough woman to handle Beau - but will he be able to handle her?

"Baby, I'm Yours"
Avon Books, May 1998
Reviewed on 8/30/98
Baby, I'm Yours

The last place Catherine MacPherson ever expected to find herself was sitting on a Greyhound bus, handcuffed to a surly bounty hunter, with only a suitcase of her twin sister's flashy, shrink-wrap clothing to wear! Just two hours ago, the respectable schoolteacher was sitting quietly at home when this big, macho hunk crashed through her door, mistook her for her errant Miami showgirl sister, and hauled her off in his strong arms. And no matter how sexy he is, she's furious! Twin-ha! Sam McKade's the last person to ever fall for that line. He's finally got the gorgeous, leggy redhead just where he wants her-and no matter what outrageous tricks she pulls, he's not letting her get away. The problem is, she's a lot smarter-and sweeter-than he'd expected. And he's got this deep-buried tenderness she hadn't expected. And their kisses are so hot, they just might burn up... before they sort it all out.

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Books by Patti Berg "Wife For A Day"
Time-Travel Books


"Wife For A Day"
Avon Books, August 1999
Reviewed on 3/5/01

Millionaire rancher Jack Remington hadn't expected trouble when he flew to Palm Beach for his sister's engagement ball. But his girlfriend called it quits and now his sister is anxious to meet the woman who's captured his heart. Then, a beguiling, flame-haired enchantress breezes into his hotel room with a tux and a seductive smile, and Jack's sure his troubles have come to an end. All he has to do is hire the beautiful tailor to be his fiancée - for just one night. Samantha Jones is sure the sexy cowboy is out of his ever-lovin' mind. She's never been to a ball, never worn a fancy gown, and her no idea how to act like a socialite. She can't possibly pose as his wifr-to-be, But trouble's been following Sam for too many months and the money Jack's offering is something she can't refuse. There's only one problem - their pretend kisses make her feel something very real - and there's the possibilty that just one night will never be enough.

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Books by Elizabeth Bevarly "My Man Pendleton"
"How to Trap a Tycoon"
"He Could Be the One"
"Take Me, I'm Yours"


"Take Me, I'm Yours"
Avon, April 2002
Reviewed on 11/21/02

Ruby Runyan's hot date turns out to be mob-connected and married, and her only chance of escape is to crash a swanky party. At least the rich and snooty aren't out to kill her! Then, she's practically seduced by a man who is actually named Keaton Hamilton Danning III. He's out of her league, but he's also oh-so-strong and protective... and Ruby sure could use protecting right now. Most men have a secret - and Keaton is no exception, because the unruffled chief adviser to one of the world's most snobbish royals longs to break free. After all, how many awful society parties - with their watered- down cocktails and guests who speak with their jaws firmly clenched - can one man take? Ruby turns his well-ordered existence on it's head. She's sexy and sassy and just right for passion. But is he truly willing to tke all she has to offer - including her love?

"He Could Be the One"
Avon, April 2001
Reviewed on 11/21/02

Eve Van Dormer can't believe it - the beautiful, brainy millionaire's daughter is stuck with Wyatt Culver as her bodyguard, thanks to her over-reactive father. She's doubly shocked at the choice too - after all, dear old Dad once tossed Wyatt's rather attractive backside out of her life. As for attending their class reunion... what's the most dangerous thing that could happen - assault with a deadly yearbook? Besides, Wyatt's strong, quiet sesuality is making Eve quickly realize that her body definitely needs guarding - from his! Protecting Eve is a job Wyatt can handle, but what's happened to the Eve he once knew, a woman filled with teasing laughter who'd do anything for a stolen kiss with him? Wyatt has his instructions - keep her ex-husband away and keep her happy - but her knows Eve willbe happy only when she allows passion back into her life... so how can he convince her that he's the man for the job?

"How To Trap a Tycoon"
Avon, June 2000
Reviewed on 3/5/01

Dorsey MacGuinness wrote the "foolproof" how-to guide to marrying a millionaire that everyone's talking about. And now her runaway bestseller is running away with her life! By day she's staid sociology professor, but other times she's a sultry bombshell. The trouble is she's falling hard for one of her "research subjects" - a rich, elusive risk-taker who is the exact opposite of everything the practical Dorsey dreams of! Sexy, self-assured Adam Darien is the publisher of one of the nation's leading men's magazines. And if he ever discovers that the incognito lovely who's tending bar at his favorite club is, in reality, the author of that book, his hot passion for her may cool p.d.q. But Dorsey's growing love for Adam surprises even herself, and she's planning to enjoy his strong arms and soft kisses for as long as she can keep her double life a secret. And who knows? Maybe she can follow a few of her own rules and marry this magnificent magnate.

"My Man Pendleton"
Avon Books, October 1998
Reviewed on 7/5/00
My Man Pendleton

Marry the boss's daughter? Pendleton counldn't believe his ears. He'd taken this new job hoping to make money, not marry into it! But if runaway heiress Kit McClellan didn't agree to enter inot wedded bliss soon, the entire family fortune could be willed to the homeless pets of Louisville. Someone had to find Kit and bring her back as his fianceé - and his boss was telling Pendleton he was just the man for the job. Trouble was, Kit didn't give two hoots about her fortune - she was looking for love... the sweep-you-off-your-feet kind of passion that she'd never found before. When Pendleton came striding into her life - sexy, attractive, and oh-so-handsome in his business suit - her heart was telling her she'd finally found Mr. Right. But what if her heart was steering her wrong?

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Books by Jennifer Crusie "Crazy For You"
"Tell Me Lies"
"Welcome to Temptation"


"Welcome to Temptation"
St. Martin's Press, March 2000, HC
Reviewed on 5/28/01
Welcome to Temptation

All Sophie Demsey wants is to live a quiet life tapind weddings for her video company. After all, she and her sister Amy come from less-than-respectable roots. But when a video assignment brings them to Temptation, Ohio, sophie gets a bad feeling immediately. A bad feeling that begins with a car wreck, that turns to a confrontation, that leads to a run- in with Mayor Phineas Tucker. With a name like Phineas, Sophie expects an octogenarian, not the unnervingly sexy man who makes her feel things she'd rather not admit to feeling. Sophie wants to shoot the video and get out of town. Phin Tucker wants to play pool with the police chief and keep things peaceful. But Spohie's video is causing an uproar with the ever-so-proper citizens of Temptation: The tape is turning into an erotic video, and Phin is pressured to put a stop to it. As events spiral out of control, both Sophie and Phin get more than they bargained for: gossip, blackmail, adultery, murder, vehicular abuse of a corpse, and slightly perverse but really excellent sex. All hell breaks loose in Temptation as Sophie and Phin fall deeper and deeper in trouble... and in love.

"Tell Me Lies"
St. Martin's Paperbacks, March 1999
Reviewed on 3/14/01
Tell Me Lies

Finding a pair of black lace panties that don't belong to you under the seat of your husband's car sure can ruin your day. Maddie Farraday realizes that her husband Brent is cheating on her again. Maddie has always been the good girl of Frog Point, Ohio. But now she's reached the end of her rope. Not even for her daughter Em's sake can she put up with Brent's infidelity. To make matters worse, C.L. Sturgis, Maddie's first lover, suddenly shows up on her doorstep looking for Brent. As a final favor to his ex-wife, C.L. has agreed to look into the financial records of Brent Farraday's construction company; it seems that something shady may be going on. Long-buried sparks surface as soon as C.L. lays eyes on Maddie, and for once MAddie is furious enough to throw caution to the wind. A wild and passionate affair with C.L. will cheer Maddie up even more than chocolate! Maddie's decision to break free unfortunatley coincides with the murder of her husband, leaving her as the prime suspect. Now that he has found her again, C.L. is not about to let Maddie be convicted of murder. But, with all the damning evidence that keeps popping up, it could be difficult.

"Crazy For You"
St. Martin's Paperbacks, February 2000
Reviewed on 5/12/00
Crazy For You

Quinn McKenzie has always lives what she calls a "beige" life. She's dating the world's nicest guy, she has a good job as a high school art teacher, she's surrounded by family and friends who rely on her, and she's bored to the point of insanity. But when Quinn decides to change her life by adopting a stray dog over everyone's objections, everthing begins to spiral out of control. Now she's coping with dog-napping, breaking and entering, seduction, sabotage, stalking, more secrets than she really wants to know, and two men who are suddenly crazy... for her.

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