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The Special Effects section is for all the scripts that make your page look more snazzy in a particular moment, but are not really a permanent fixture to be part of the page layout. Popular JavaScripts include: the Preloading Image Utility and Star Cursor. A closely related category to this one that you might want to check out is Page Layout.
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Create a free poll booth for your website and let your visitors vote online. This service is ad free.

JavaScript Alert
Displays a message upon entering the page that you must click OK to close.

Background Changer
On the loading of a page, this script changes background colors quickly then returns to normal. no transition

Background Fader
On the loading of a page, this script changes background colors (with a transition between each change) quickly then returns to normal.

Browser Info
Displays the type of browser that the viewer is using to browse a certain page.

JavaScript Confirm
Displays a message upon entering the page that one must click OK to close or cancel to go back (if configured).

Disappearing Window Statusbar
Displays a message in the statusbar when one's mouse goes over a link that fades after a period of time.

Frame Breaker
If the pages that contains this script is in a frame, it will break out into a new window.

Guess a Number (Game)
A game you can cut and paste onto one of your pages. In the game, you guess a number between 1-10 and get a message depending on whether you're right or wrong.

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Discount registration services for the .com,.net,.org domains. Free website and domain e-mail with every registration.

Moving Background
A page's background becomes animated by moving in a certain direction after this script is put on. MSIE only

On Click
A certian event happens (like an alert box popping up) when a viewer clicks on a link once this script is in place.

On Mouse Over
A certian event happens (like text displaying in the statusbar) when a viewer puts his mouse on a link once this script is in place.

Page Bookmark
Allows visitors to bookmark your page with the push of a button.

Page Reminder
If you have more than one browser window open at a time, then this script will automatically put its page on top after a certain period.

Preloading Image Utility
This script preloads images for a page. Once all the images are loaded, it redirects to the page of your choice.

A free tracker/counter for your page that tells you when the most users come to your site, where they come from, what browser they use, and much more.

JavaScript Slideshow
Displays text in a slideshow manner. Once all the text is displayed, it automatically redirects to the page of our choice.

Source Protector
Prevents people from right-clicking on your page to steal your HTML source codes or images.

Star Cursor
A bunch of dots swirl around your cursor to make it look neater. Netscape only

Web Site Promotion
Get vital information on how to promote your site on the web. Not all free info, but a lot is.

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